1. Henrietta spent her time cooking and caring for her family. She had five children and two cousins.
2. Henrietta was secretly sick with cancer for a month and a half before anyone knew. She received radium treatment that initially shrank the tumor in her cervix.
3. After several weeks of x-ray therapy treatments, the radiation caused Henrietta's breast to turn black. She said "Lord it feels like the blackness spreading inside of me."
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Blackness be spread all inside
1. Blackness
Be Spread
all InsIde
Group !- Arica Moses , Jasmine Stegall
, Vi c t o r i a M a l i c h a n a h , A n w a r D o u g s i y e h
,Marlon Coakley
2. The Life of
Henrietta spent her
time cooking for Day,
the children, and her
cousins. Henrietta
would sneak out the on
the days that Day
would go to work. She
Spent hours taking
care of her nails. She
never wore pants. She
made life come alive.
Being with her was
fun. But Henrietta had
one enemy. Ethel hated
Henrietta. Her cousins
always believed it was
Henrietta had 5 kids
David J.r ,Deborah ,Joe
,Lawrence and Elsie
She had two cousins
Sadie and Margret
3. Henrietta Sickness
Henrietta knew nothing
about her cells growing in a
laboratory. For month and a
half no one knew Henrietta
was sick. The cancer was
kept a secret ,because she
only had to go back to
Hopkins once. She went for
as radium treatment. Her
cervix was a bit red and
inflamed from the first
treatment. But the tumor
was shrinking.
She began X-ray therapy she
went every Thursday. She
would have to walk to
Margret's house a few
blocks from Hopkins after
every treatment. By this
time the tumor had
completely vanished. Her
cervix was now normal
again. Three weeks after
starting the X-ray therapy
she began burning. The
radiation turned Henrietta
breast black.
Lord it feels like the
blackness spreading inside
of me
4. Chapter 5 Quiz !
1. What did Blackness spreading all inside
of me mean?
2. How long was her cancer kept a secret?
3. What did the radiation do to Henrietta?
4. What was Henrietta kids name?
5. Who was her enemy?