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Recruitment & Retention

 By Manel Blau Rifai, Ph. D
 CEO, The Executive
Strategy works best when
the future is seen as being
    right in front of you
 the present is looked at
      from a distance.
1. R&R Framework & Flow
2. Organizational Culture in
   the Heart of R&R
3. Pitfalls and How to Create
   an Efficient R&R Model?
Blau rifai, hr forum
Relating    Pre recruitment process for
identifying key talent and establishing
relationships; postemployment process
      for maintaining relationships
Recruiting   Talent Acquisition Process
Retaining    Processes Designed to
Extend the Talent Engagement Cycle
The Building and Maintaining
   of Pre and Post Employment
              to Create
  “Just in Time” Talent Reserves
             instead of
“Just in Case” Talent Inventories
 (The Concept of Talent Strategy
The Logic of Talent Relationship
  Management (TRM) is that
      Recruiting Involves:
Relationships With People Who
Are More Like Customers Than
       Mere Candidates
The Process of Developing Talent
  Relationships Forces Hiring Managers:

1. to Develop a more Outward Looking
2. Stay on Top of Cutting Edge Trends;
3. Build their Company’s Image;
4. and Learn the Latest Trends, Products,
   Employee, and Customer Expectations.
Patterns of Talent Recruited
           are NOT
the Same For Talent Retained.
Marshall Research
(The Psychology of Small Group Integrity)
Objective Factors May well Help
 (e.g. Compensation Programs,
   Career Paths, Job Content,
       Training Efforts, etc)

         Ford Motors
However, as Failure to Retain
   Happens usually the First Six

Retention At All Costs Approach Can
 Also Contradict Business Strategy
            Objectives .
All Turn Over
            is Not
     Damaging Turn Over.


   Retention Should Be Clearly
in The Heart of a Comprehensive
      Talent Strategy Plan.
Retention Initiatives
 must take into Account the Logic of
       the Talent Marketplace

where the Market, NOT the Employer,
       will more often have a
      Disproportionate Impact
       on Employee Turnover.
Why Talent Leaves, is at Least as Complicated as
              why Talent Joins.

                 The Answer:
    Involves the Economy, the Industry, the
    Company, the Job, and the Individual.

Some Turnover is Desirable, while Some is Not;
     Some Turnover Can Be Controlled,
            and Some Cannot.

   Retention Initiatives Must Consider these
       Variables, Anticipate Outcomes,
          React But NOT Overreact.
Turnover is an Inevitable Part of
          Talent Flow

     You Want Loyalty.....?

        Get a Dog!
Turnover Cannot Be Stopped,
   It Can Be Channeled Into
a Balance of Desired Retention
     Acceptable Turn Over,
Take Into Account Factors that
      Influence Retention:
1. Economy and Industry
2. Demographics

Younger Workforce vs. Older Workforce
3. Company Image
4. Recruiting, Selection & Deployment

(Quality and Rigor of Talent Flow Processes)
5. Leadership

Employees Join a Company


  Leave Managers!!!
6. Learning & Development
7. Reward & Recognition
8. Career Advancement,

Particularly for Younger Generation
9. Job Security

Particularly for Older Talent
The People You Wish Would Stay Are
   The Ones Most Likely To Leave

People leave their company when the
 cost of staying exceeds the rewards
               of leaving.

Key Points:
1. Have Formal Employee Retention

2. Rigorous Competency Based Selection
Model to Minimize Bad Hiring Actions,
and When Possible Include Competitive

3. Combined With The Small Group
Integrity Psychology
There is NOT
One Size Fits All Solutions
At The Organizational Level,
Having a Good, Clear Communicated
  Business Strategy, Which People
     Understand and buy in on

Seems to Be a Strong Retention Tool,
             Along With
 Talent Strategies that Foster Group
R&R Strategies Are About

  Innovative Decisions
R&R Strategies Are also About

      Who You Are
    What You Represent

 (Your Organizational Culture)
Organizational Culture (OC)
   in the Heart of R&R.
We first must Understand Different
1. Humanistic/Helpful
      Organizations Managed in a
Participative and Person Centered Way
2. Affiliative Placing High Priority on
      Constructive Relationships
3. Conventional/Conservative
 Traditional and bureaucratically
    Controlled Organizations
4. Dependant Hierarchical and Non
5. Avoidant Organizations that Fail
to reward Success but Punish Failure
6. Oppositional Confrontation
prevails and Negativism Rewarded
7. Power Organizations Structured
     on the Basis of Authority
8. Competitive Winning is Valued
 and High Performance Required
9. Competence/Perfectionist
Persistence, Perfectionism and hard
         Work Are Valued
10. Achievement Value Employees
that set Challenging But Realistic Goals
11. Self Actualization Creativity,
    Quality Over Quantity, Task
Accomplishment and Personal Growth
            Are Valued
Hire and Retain Talent
Would Fit With Your Specific OC,

Through Rigorous Professional
 Personality Based Screening
Once Talent Fits with OC,

  an Immediate Climate of Trust
     Motivation Takes Place,

Followed By Ongoing Communication
   Progress Measurement through
          Scorecards, etc..
How to Create an Efficient R&R
1. Following Market Urgencies
2. Focus on Cost vs. Quality
3. Little Creative Edge
4. Quick-Fix Solutions
Long-Term Solutions
5. Little Strategic/HR Planning
     Management Support
6. New International Players
   Coming Into the Region
 Revamping Old Standards
7. Weak Understanding of R&R
     as a driving Strategy
8. Challenge in Identifying R&R as
 Key Driver to Business Success
9. Lack of Resources Necessary for
10. Organizational Changes (Mergers,
         Acquisitions, etc…)
    which are poorly Planned and
11. Lack of Relevant Skills within
HR Department to Fully Implement
12. Little Formal Recruitment Strategy –

     Hires are Often ‘Panic Buys'
13. Little Co-Ordination or Sharing of
Business Information or Best Practices
14. Large Degree of
Misinterpretation of Requirements
15. Poor Pre Selection
Made by Agencies, Due to Shortages in
   Understanding The Client’s OC
16. No Real Follow Up
    Recruited Talent
17. Lack of Relationship
  Management Skills
18. Little or Absence of a real
            Induction and
Post Induction Program’s Strategy
19. Confusing and Unclear
Recruitment Processes that Inevitably
               Lead to
       Poor Retention Strategy
20. Lack of Creative Development
  Plan, Focusing on Competitive
       Rewards Relevant to
       the Here and Now…
It is time to Shift the Existing Paradigm
              It is Time for …

     A New R&R Model

1. Promoting OC
2. Ongoing Transparency
3. Ensuring a Good Relationship
      Between Employees
        their Supervisors

(People Leave Their Managers)
4. Regularly checking, the morale
  and motivation of Employees,
 beyond Performance Appraisal
5. Adding Value..Through
Increased Intellectual/ Creative
        Capital Targeting

 High Potential Talent
6. Projecting and Implementing
     An Image of Excellence

      Everything We Do
7. Having Your Own Signature
 That Differentiates You From

This Signature has the Flavor of
            Your OC
8. Aligning R&R Strategies
Top Management Business
9. Ensuring “We are On The Same
Page” Question is duly Satisfied


  Going Ahead With the Hiring
10. Ongoing R&R Success

 Through Score Cards, Feed Back,
    Rumors, Sensing How The
Company is Evaluated by People,
Creating the Required Competitive
  Edge In Terms of Cost Saving,
            Profits, etc
11. Effective Succession Planning
  Within Acceptable Turnover
12. Good Cross Functional Working
   Relationships & Development,
             Based on

Trust and Effective Communications

    With a Real Will & Commitment
to Implement Efficient R&R Strategies,
           We Will Manage

   to Shift The Existing Paradigm

 Create Controllable Environment
Where We Can Forecast and Manage
 Regional Talent Flow Dynamics .
Understanding OC, Small Group
   Integrity Patterns, Offering
Competitive Packages, Along With
   Applying Ongoing Success

   May Well Be The Start to
Managing a More Stable and Fair

      “War of Talent”

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Blau rifai, hr forum