Industry talk at the RecSysNL meetup November 26th 2020.
Experiment on Viewpoint Diversity is based on the MSc thesis work of Mats Mulder. His thesis van be found here:
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5. @joosterman
● MSc Delft University of Technology
○ Web Information Systems
● PhD Delft University of Technology
○ Crowdsourced Knowledge Generation
● Data Scientist @ Sanoma (3Y)
○, Viva, Donald Duck
● Data Scientist @ Blendle (2Y )
○ Alexander Kl?pping
9. @joosterman
Getting more user value out of the content
Current: navigational suggestions
Framing Aspects
Viewpoint Diversity
The reality is too complex to be fully understood. Therefore,
every article contains a specific frame on an issue
10. @joosterman
Main problem (1)
We are heading for a second corona wave
Forces that create or contribute to problem (2) + Evaluation of these forces (3)
RIVM is stubborn about mouth masks (-) and
Mayors of Amsterdam and Rotterdam take responsibility (+)
Possible solutions to the problem (4)
There must be a national duty for mouth masks
11. @joosterman
MSc thesis work of Mats Mulder
1. Enrich the article with elements
corresponding to each framing aspect
2. Calculate a distance matrix between each
3. Rerank using Maximal Marginal Relevance.
Take top 3.
the RECS
12. @joosterman
● Datasets around 4 topics (Corona, Big Tech, BLM, U.S. Election), 50 articles
● Recs baseline: term-based relevance, i.e. most similar, lamda=1
● Recs variant: viewpoint divers, i.e most divers, lambda=0
● Identical section title, articles not personalized
● Over 2000 (cherry-picked) users
● 12 days
● 24 recommendations
13. @joosterman
● Did the diversity method work? YES
The average viewpoint diversity scores across all topics increased from 0.55 to 0.79 for an
increasing level of diversity in the MMR algorithm
● Did users consume more or less recommendations? NO
we did not ?nd a signi?cant di?erence between the two user groups in terms of click-through
rate per recommended article. The same result holds per topic.
● Did users complete more or less opened recommended articles? NO
We found no signi?cant di?erence in terms of completion rate for the two user groups
● Multiple presentation properties, such as the inclusion of a thumbnail image and the favourite
count, were shown to have a signi?cant in?uence on the click-through rate of recommendations