Blepharitis is usually not contagious and doesn't permanently damage the eyes. However, it can lead to eyelid scarring, chronic conjunctivitis, and other issues
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Blepharitis is a common eye condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids.
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. They may appear
red, swollen , or feel like they are burning or sore. flakes or oily
particles (crusts) wrapped at the base of eyelashes too.
Blepharitis is very common, especially among people who have
oily skin, dandruff.
Greek blepharon eyelid + -itis.
Blepharitis is a subacute (or) chronic inflammation of
the lid margins.
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids.
Blepharitis usually affects both eyes along the edges
of the eyelids.
Blepharitis commonly occurs when tiny oil glands
near the base of the eyelashes become clogged, causing
irritation and redness.
6. Anatomy of lid margin:-
- It is about 2mm broad & is divided into 2 parts by the punctum(Medial &
Lacrimal portion(medial) :- It is devoid of lashes & glands
Ciliary portion ( lateral) :- It consists of rounded antr.boder Sharp
post.border & an intermarginal strip (b/w the two borders)
The grey line divides the intermarginal strip into
a)Anterior strip bearing 2-3 rows of lashes
b)Posterior strip on which openings of meibomian glands are
arranged in a row
Importance the splitting of eyelids when required in operations is
done at the level of grey line
A.Bacterial blepharitis
B.Seborrhoeic or Squamous blepharitis
C.Mixed staphylococcal with seborrhoeic blepharitis
D. Posterior blepharitis or Meibomitis
E.Parasitic blepharitis
10. Also known as
-Chronic antr.blepharitis
-Staphylococcal blepharitis
-Ulcerative blepharitis
It is a chronic infection of the anterior part of lid margin
It is a common cause for occular & discomfort and irritation
It is usually starts in childhood & may continue throught
out the life
Causative organisms
- (M/C) cogulase +ve staphylococci
-Rarely streptococci , propionibacterium acnes &
moraxella may be involved
Rarely includes chronic conjuctivitis and dacrocystitis
Symptoms :- Chronic irritation
Mild lacrimation Gluing
of cilia
Mild photophobia
Symptoms are worse in the morning
Remissions and exacerbations in symptoms are quite
13. SIGNS :-
- Yellow crusts
- Small ulcers on removing crusts
- Hyperemia
Mild papillary conjuctivitis and conjuctiva hyperemia are
common assosciations
16. Treatment
a) Lid hyegine(twice daily) - includes
- Warm compress
- Crust removal (3% sodium bicarbonate)
- Avoid rubbing of eyes
b) Antibioics
- Eye ointment
- Eye drops
- Oral antibiotics (erythromycin,doxicycline)
c) Topical steroids (Fluoromethalone)
d) Occular lubricants
17. It is primarily anterior blepharitis with some spill over posteriorly
- Assosciated with seborrhoea of scalp(dandruff)
- Glands of zeis secrete abnormal excessive neutral lipids
- whitish material at the lid margins
- Mild discomfort
- Irritation
- occasional watering
- Falling of eyelashes
Symptoms :-
Irritating free fatty acids
Seborrhoea of scalp
18. Signs :-
- Accumulation of white dandruff like scales among lashes
- Underlying surface hyperaemic with out ulcers
- Lashes fall out easily
- Lid margin is thickened
Complications :
-similar to bacterial blepharitis
Treatment :-
- General improvement of health & diet
- Seborrhoea of scalp should treated
- Removal of scales with luke warm sol.
(3% NaHco /baby samphoo)
- Antibiotics
Madarosis & Lid oedema
19. It is inflammation of Meibomian glands
Two forms as Chronic & acute
Chronic type :-
- Due to meibommian gland dysfunction
- Common in middle aged people
- Due to action of bacterial lipases
Clinical features :-
a) Symptoms :- Chronic irritation
Mild lacrimation
Symptoms are more worse in morning
20. Signs :-
a) Lid margins shows foam like secretions
b) Meibommian glands
-openings are prominent with secretions expressed by pressure on
lids with toothpaste appearance
-Orifice shows capping with oil globules,plugging
c)Vertical yellowish streaks shining through conjuctiva
d) Hyperemia and telangectisia of post. Lid margin
e) Secondary changes
- papillary conjuctivitis
- inferior corneal punctate epithelial erosions
Thickened posterior lid margin
Capping of meibimian gland
orifice by oil globules
21. Acute Meibomitis :-
- It is due to staphylococcal infection
Characteristic features :-
- Painful swelling around the involved gland
-Pressure results in expression of pus serosanguinous
Treatment :-
- Lid hygiene(warm compress , massage)
- Topical antibiotics (immediately after massage)
- Systemic tetracyclines (doxycycline)
- Ocular lubricants
- Topical steroids (fluoromethalon-for papillary conjuctivitis)
22. It is associated infestation of lashes by lice
Common in people living in poor hygienic conditions
Clinical features :-
Infestation with lice causes chronic blepharitis & chronic follicular comjuctivitis
Symptoms :-
- Chronic irritation
- Itching
- Burning
-Mild lacrimation
Phthiriasis palpebrum Pediculosis
Due to infestation by phthiriasis pubis(crab
Due to infestation by pediculus humanus
corporis / capitis
Common in adults & mainly acquired as
sexually transmitted disease
Infested lice spreads to involve lashes
23. Signs :-
a)Lid margin red & inflammed
b)Slit lamp examination Lice anchoring lashes with claws
c)Nits seen as opalescent pearls adherent to base of cilia
d)Conjuctiva congestion on land standing cases
Treatment :-
- Mechanical removal of lashes with forceps
-Application of antibiotic ointment & yellow mercuric oxide
1% to lid margins and lashes
- Delousing of patient
Warm compresses
Wet a clean washcloth with warm water and wring it out until somewhat dry. Place the
washcloth over closed eyes for at least 1 minute.Wet the washcloth as often as needed
so it stays warm.This will help loosen the flakes sticking around eyelashes. It also helps
keep nearby oil glands from clogging ( Blocking)
Theres also an electronic device that uses heat and massage to unclog the oil glands in
your eyelids.The treatments are done in the office by ophthalmologist.
Eyelid scrubs
Soak a clean washcloth, cotton swab (Q-tip) applicator, or lint-free pad in baby shampoo
diluted in warm water.Then use it to gently scrub the base of eyelashes. Scrub for about
15 seconds.
25. Antibiotics
ophthalmologist may have use an antibiotic ointment on eyes. Put a small amount of ointment on a clean
fingertip or a cotton swab (Q-tip). Gently apply the ointment to the base of eyelashes. Do this just before
bedtime, or as doctor recommends. Doctor might also prescribe an antibiotic medicine for to take by
Eye drops
Artificial tears or steroid eye drops may reduce redness, swelling and dry eye. Ophthalmologist might
prescribe an antibiotic eye drop to help the oil glands work better.
Skin and eyelid hygiene
It is very important to keep eyelids , skin and hair clean.This keeps blepharitis symptoms under control.
Carefully wash eyelashes every day with baby shampoo diluted in warm water.Also, wash hair, scalp and
eyebrows with an antibacterial shampoo.There are some new antiseptic sprays ,can use on the skin that
keep bacteria from growing too much.