The pursuit of happiness doesn't have to be complicated. By reading this book, become inspired by a selection of some short testimonies of how folks find their true happiness. Created by Alli Harlow & Matt Higgins.
12. Pretty Great Painter / 21 years old
Alex Olivier
Photo by: Sarah Ayer
I see bliss as a moment,
and not just a feeling.
Bliss is that moment
where I dont think about
anything at all, Im just
sitting and feeling that
moment of happiness.
Bliss is more ethereal; an
experience. But Id say
that my most sincere joy
and pleasure comes from
enhancing the glory and
kingdom of God. I think of
personal happiness, and
everything that goes with
that, as more temporary.
My happiness and
pleasure comes from
knowing and growing
in my knowledge of the
13. Lord. And I think others
see joy [in Christians]
by seeing that we know
Christ, and are reflecting
His love. The things that
make me really joyous
are more long term, and
produce long term effects.
I was on a mission trip to
Melilla [Spain], and I was
on a prayer walk through
Bliss is in that time when Im just not
thinking about anything else at all;
Im sitting there quietly and feeling that
moment of happiness.
the city. I was walking and
praying and praising the
Lord for everything and
everyone that came to
mind as I walked. And as I
was walking, I caught eyes
with this woman on the
street. She was an older
woman, and I had never
seen her before.
14. I had no idea who she
was, and I dont think
she knew who I was. But
we caught eyes, and she
looked so happy to see
me. I cant even describe
the look on her face, but
it was so kind and happy.
And I immediately prayed
for her and her family
and everyone she came in
contact with. But praying
for her was more like
praising the Lord than just
18. Professional Nerd / 19 years old
Kailee Roark
Photo by: Alexis Lynn Ellis
I feel like bliss is when
Im able to sing as loud
as I can and no one
will hear. Or maybe its
more like Im not caring
whether or not people
hear me. I guess I feel
most happy whenever
I feel like social norms
can be disregarded, like
singing loudly, or having
tangled hair, or not caring
what your clothes look
like. And you can just be
comfortable being who
you are in that moment.
And in the moments that
you can just sit and enjoy
time, without any places
to be, or deadlines, or
19. pressure. So, being able
to enjoy the breezes on
hot days, curling up in
your bed when there are
clean sheets, sitting in
nature, or that first jump
into the swimming pool at
And its in the little
things too, like lattes,
laughing really loudly
with friends, my familys
cabin in Colorado, and
milkshakes. Milkshakes!
Underline it, capitalize it,
say it again. Milkshakes.
If I had all the time in the
world I would fill it with
more things like that.
Its interesting to think
of what really makes us
happy versus what we fill
up our time with instead.
Bliss also comes
from companionship,
like friendship and
relationships. I think that
also comes from other
peoples happiness. Like
20. when you hear from
someone that they feel
the same way about you.
Its hearing that your
relationship means just as
much to them as it does
to you. I was talking to
my younger brother the
other day, and he just
I feel like bliss is when Im able to sing
as loud as I can and no one will hear.
Or maybe its more like Im not caring
whether or not people hear me.
out of the blue told me
how much he appreciated
me as a big sister and a
role model, and that he
loved me just as much as
I loved him. And that was
the most amazing thing
to hear. That made me so
happy to hear.
24. Professionally Awesome / 22 years old
hope hellberg
Photo by: Sarah Ayer
I would say bliss is utter
joy, the creme de la creme
of happiness. The idea of
it is almost inconceivable
to some degree. Its a
sense of being totally at
peace in all aspects of life:
mentally, physically,
spiritually, and relationally.
Bliss can come from
the little things. I have
to find these moments
of happiness throughout
the day. Like getting up
for an eight a.m. class
and having those ten
extra minutes for a cup
of coffee. Putting on a
great song when Im stuck
in traffic. Spontaneous
25. baking, and a group
of friends hanging out
together. Coffee dates,
and working with my
hands. Thats happiness. I
find happiness in anything
that can make you laugh,
or put that big ole stupid
grin on your face.
Give me a cup of coffee
and a good amount of time...
I can conquer the world.
And its going to sound
super pretentious, but
thinking, and discovering,
and finding something
new makes me so happy.
Trying to understand the
way the things around
us, like our bodies, or the
universe, look and work. I
love learning all the time.
And doing all of this over
a cup of coffee.
26. Give me a cup of coffee
and a good amount of
time, and I can conquer
the world.
Id say the time I was
most happy was when
I was traveling through
Europe. I loved trying
new foods, learning new
languages, discovering
the cities, and spending
time with people. All
the coffee and gelato
under the sun! The new
things are what bring
me the most happiness;
discovering them, trying
them. New adventures,
and then a long deep,
thought provoking
conversation. All the
things I dont have time
for right now. But maybe
someday I will.
letterpress pinterest
single-origin coffee
pickled aesthetic.
Banjo pop-up hoodie, wolf
bushwick street art Austin
meh truffaut next level.
Pinterest trust fund synth
seitan sartorial. Wolf
food truck mcsweeneys
thundercats, meggings
williamsburg fingerstache
chillwave. Twee butcher
vice typewriter, ably
havent heard of them,
photo booth single-origin
coffee mustache selvage
deep v sartorial irony
williamsburg fixie tonx
selfies. Organic ethical
retro DIY, typewriter
small batch letterpress
pour-over butcher neutra
30. Graphic Designer / 21 years old
Cofounder of Bliss
Alli Harlow
Photo by: Alexis Lynn Ellis
This might sound a little
weird at first, but to me,
bliss can be summed up
in two words: tangled
hair. Every time in my
life that Ive been most
happy, my hair has been
unbelievably untamed.
Camping, road trips with
the windows down, days
at the beach. Times that
youre just so happy that
social conventions, like
how you look, just dont
matter anymore.
31. When I started out
making this book, I didnt
realize how profoundly
the research portion of it
would affect me. Reading
quotes from famous
authors, talking to lots
of different people about
their interpretations, and
visually exploring the
idea of happiness made
me analyze what my own
definition is.
Taking time out of
our busy lives to be happy.
It was so interesting
that, when asked the
same questions, I received
answers from the people
I interviewed that were
surprisingly different,
and yet similar. Everyone
I talked to mentioned
being in relationships or
community with other
people, being outside,
32. and taking time out of our
busy lives to be happy.
And not one mentioned
sitting inside alone and
watching Netflix. (Which
makes me want to kick
myself, and get up and
fill my time with things
that will actually make me
happy, not the cheap and
lazy substitutions behind
laptop and TV screens.)
I want to fill my life with
more meaningful and
memorable experiences.
I think Ill do just that.
34. Aspiring Worship Leader / 20 years old
Cofounder of Bliss
Matt Higgins
Photo by: Alexis Lynn Ellis
Bliss is an unmatched
happiness. For me its
that moment in worship,
whether thats in church
or in my own personal
time, when we come
to realization that an
awesome God loves us
more than we can ever
imagine! The feeling is like
an overwhelming flood:
refreshing, humbling, and
35. Through this exploration
of happiness and what it
truly means to find Bliss,
my life has forever been
impacted. This brand of
Bliss was created to solely
promote and encourage
pure joy in all things. We
hope that through the
products we put out there
and our blog app that you
can find and endorse bliss
in all that you do.
God Bless, Yall!
Bliss is an unmatched happiness.
38. to ...
Swell Photographer
Splendid Photographer
Fantastic Fibers Fanatic
Alexandra Olivier, Ryan
Brady Rish, Kailee Roark,
Rhonda Arntsen, Merrick
Henry, Creative Approach,
Chris Mayers & God.