This document contains information about 4 people: The Newton who has anger issues due to an apple falling on his head, The Geek who considers himself a Linux enthusiast but others see as a computer geek, The Simple who loves and is confused by everything and everyone, and The Programmer who writes clean code and has a code of life to be with girls. It also lists their names and student IDs.
2. About us
The Newton: This one has anger management issues,
since the apple fell on his head.
Mahbuba Monzur Mou
172 15 9891
The Geek: Considers himself to be a Linux enthusiast,
however, is considered a computer geek by others.
Md. Tanzamul Hasib
172 15 9895
The Simple: Loves everything & everyone, also is often
confused about everything & everyone.
Md. Faisal Wahab
171 15 9212
The Programmer: Writes clean code & has a code of
life which is like to be with girl.
Md. Taiseen Azam
171 15 9142