The document discusses money and how to manage it, explaining that money comes from family and can be used to buy needs or saved, and that saving money means putting it in a bank or piggy bank so it is safe from rats and available for future use. It encourages saving more money today so there is more money available to spend tomorrow rather than spending it all now and having less later due to the time value of money.
This document discusses challenges and advantages of using Google and libraries for finding information online. It notes that most online adults use search engines but many do not evaluate information critically. Content farms and filter bubbles can impact search results. The document recommends using libraries for balanced, scholarly information and collaborating with librarians. It provides tips for effective searching along with resources on evaluating online information.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan instruksi tentang belajar hubungan kekerabatan dan bentuk-bentuk geometri dasar seperti segitiga, lingkaran, persegi, dan persegi panjang beserta instruksinya untuk mengklik kalimat dan bentuk secara berurutan.
The document is a presentation on the basics of textiles, including definitions and processes. It defines textiles as natural or synthetic fiber products that can be made into yarns, fabrics or manufactured articles. It then outlines the process from fiber to yarn to fabric and finally garment. It also discusses different types of fibers, yarns, fabrics and provides examples of woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics. The purpose is to provide an introduction and understanding of textiles and elements of the textile industry.
This paper presents an interactive decision support system called YFADI for production planning and scheduling in the textile industry. Textile production has complex characteristics like multi-phase processes with multiple machines per phase, different planning horizons and requirements for each phase. YFADI accounts for these characteristics and aims to optimize scheduling to minimize setup times across phases. The system architecture and algorithms for master production scheduling are described.
Conferencia mostra coneixement 2018 creacio d'un blogSanti Casas
Com crear un blog per alumnes d'un IES (el contingut 辿s en catal). Basat amb l'ena de wordpress. Realitzat per en Santi Rius de Creat360 (
Taller construir la meva marca personal (2 hores)Jes炭s Ferr辿
Taller de dues hores, sobre la iniciativa i cultura emprenedores: Factors personals i valors, creences i idees de l'empresa.
Al mateix taller impratit a Deltebre, pr竪viament, va parlar dues hores m辿s Maite Prades sobre Lesperit emprenedor: Requisits legals i estrat竪gia empresarial.
Conferencia mostra coneixement 2018 creacio d'un blogSanti Casas
Com crear un blog per alumnes d'un IES (el contingut 辿s en catal). Basat amb l'ena de wordpress. Realitzat per en Santi Rius de Creat360 (
Taller construir la meva marca personal (2 hores)Jes炭s Ferr辿
Taller de dues hores, sobre la iniciativa i cultura emprenedores: Factors personals i valors, creences i idees de l'empresa.
Al mateix taller impratit a Deltebre, pr竪viament, va parlar dues hores m辿s Maite Prades sobre Lesperit emprenedor: Requisits legals i estrat竪gia empresarial.
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posa preguntes
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pots tenir sobre com penjar anuncis al teu
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mateix moment.