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Your Most Common YelpQuestionsAnswered
Many companiesandbusinessownersaska lotof the same questionswhenitcomestoYelp.Itsa
space not a lot of people knowaboutandif theyhave heardof it, itsa mysteryof how to benefit
financially frombeingonit.
What is Yelp?
Yelpisa vibrant,lifestyle reviewwebsite whichisfree touse. Userscan post reviews(goodandbad) for
almostany businessbutthe site focusesonhelpingpeoplefindcool placestoeat,shop,drink,relax and
play. The reviewsare informedopinionsof the qualityof service andproductsthatyourlocal
communityoffers. Itsalsoawebsite wherebusinessownersandotheruserscanengage. Thishas a
benefittocompanieswhoexperience negative reviews. A badreview issometimeschangedbythe user
if the companyconnectswiththe user inorderto improve a service.
Does Yelpeverremove bad reviews?
No. Yelpsmandate istopostthe reviewsthatbestreflectthe opinionsof the Yelpcommunity. Yelpis
differentfromotherreview sitesinthatitdoesntposteverynegativeorpositivereview. Theytryto
keepthe good,well writtenandinsightful postssothatthe site isfull of useful andreliablecontentand
not justa havenfor Internettrolls.
What ifwe advertise on Yelp? Does that helpensure good reviewsfor our company?
No. There are plentyof advertisersonYelpwhohave receivedbadreviewsandplentyof companies
whodontadvertise whohave 5-starratings. There isno correlationbetweenwhenareview isposted
and if and whena companymightadvertise withYelp.
I didnt put my businessinformationon Yelp...howdidit getthere?
Yelplicensesbusinessinformationfromathirdparty provider. Usersalsohelpprovide andupdate
informationonlocal businesses. Usersalsoinformthe site aboutnew businesses openingup.
Is it ok to ask my clientsto write good reviewsfor me?
The Yelpanswerisno. Yelpsays youshouldntaskyourcustomerstopost reviewsonYelpasit does
more of a disservice toyourcompanythanhelpingitbecause itonlyprovideshalf of the picture. Inmy
opinion,itdependsonhowyoubroach the subjectandwhetheryouofferanincentive.WhileIdont
agree withthe incentive offering,askingfora review one shoulddo.

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Blog Article: Your Most Common Yelp Questions Answered

  • 1. Your Most Common YelpQuestionsAnswered Many companiesandbusinessownersaska lotof the same questionswhenitcomestoYelp.Itsa space not a lot of people knowaboutandif theyhave heardof it, itsa mysteryof how to benefit financially frombeingonit. What is Yelp? Yelpisa vibrant,lifestyle reviewwebsite whichisfree touse. Userscan post reviews(goodandbad) for almostany businessbutthe site focusesonhelpingpeoplefindcool placestoeat,shop,drink,relax and play. The reviewsare informedopinionsof the qualityof service andproductsthatyourlocal communityoffers. Itsalsoawebsite wherebusinessownersandotheruserscanengage. Thishas a benefittocompanieswhoexperience negative reviews. A badreview issometimeschangedbythe user if the companyconnectswiththe user inorderto improve a service. Does Yelpeverremove bad reviews? No. Yelpsmandate istopostthe reviewsthatbestreflectthe opinionsof the Yelpcommunity. Yelpis differentfromotherreview sitesinthatitdoesntposteverynegativeorpositivereview. Theytryto keepthe good,well writtenandinsightful postssothatthe site isfull of useful andreliablecontentand not justa havenfor Internettrolls. What ifwe advertise on Yelp? Does that helpensure good reviewsfor our company? No. There are plentyof advertisersonYelpwhohave receivedbadreviewsandplentyof companies whodontadvertise whohave 5-starratings. There isno correlationbetweenwhenareview isposted and if and whena companymightadvertise withYelp. I didnt put my businessinformationon Yelp...howdidit getthere? Yelplicensesbusinessinformationfromathirdparty provider. Usersalsohelpprovide andupdate informationonlocal businesses. Usersalsoinformthe site aboutnew businesses openingup. Is it ok to ask my clientsto write good reviewsfor me? The Yelpanswerisno. Yelpsays youshouldntaskyourcustomerstopost reviewsonYelpasit does more of a disservice toyourcompanythanhelpingitbecause itonlyprovideshalf of the picture. Inmy opinion,itdependsonhowyoubroach the subjectandwhetheryouofferanincentive.WhileIdont agree withthe incentive offering,askingfora review one shoulddo.