This document provides tips for using a blog to generate a six-figure income. It recommends choosing a topic, setting up the blog on WordPress, committing to a writing schedule, and focusing on high-quality, frequent content like how-to articles, definitions, lists, opinions, and multimedia. It also suggests strategies for driving traffic through social media, comments, offline promotion, and developing an email list. Monetization options include ads, affiliate marketing, paid sponsorships, selling products and services, public speaking, and selling or networking through the blog.
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Blog money
1. How to Use a Blog to Make a Six-Figure Income, Become THE Authority in Your Market and Build a Super-Responsive Email List
2. A Blog is a website with special powers Content in chronological order Easy updates Natural writing Conversation (comments) Search engine rankings
3. 1. Choose your topic 2. Buy domain name and hosting 3. Go to www.wordpress.ORG 4. Commit to writing schedule
5. Pillar Articles How To Definitions Lists Opinion Multimedia (audio and video) Publish EVERY DAY
6. Traffic = Money Marketing = Traffic Content alone is not enough Learn how to drive traffic and you win
7. Comments Blog Carnivals Offline printed materials Social Media (Twitter, Stumbleupon, Digg, Reddit) Social Networks (MySpace, Facebook, Squidoo, MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog) Video Sharing (YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, Blip, Viddler, Revver) Word of mouth (use yours)
8. Free report or email course Podcast (interview experts) Videos Guest posts Publish something amazing every week
9. Sponsorship ads Affiliate products (,, Google AdSense Affiliate brokers (Chitika, AzoogleAds, Commission Junction) Paid reviews, podcast and video sponsorship
10. Email newsletter E-book, audio or video products Membership site Online shop Sell services Blog network Buy and sell blogs for profit
14. Profile creator Speaking gigs, book offers, radio and television interviews Connect with experts in your industry The best business card available today