El documento describe programas municipales para fomentar la participaci坦n de j坦venes en actividades de ocio. Propone tres niveles de acci坦n: estrat辿gico a trav辿s de un plan joven municipal, t叩ctico mediante la transversalidad en el trabajo diario, y operativo a trav辿s de programas como Gazte Klik, Gazte Factory y Gauekoak. Estos programas ofrecen espacios acondicionados, asesoramiento, apoyo econ坦mico y seguimiento para que los j坦venes participen en actividades de ocio de forma responsable y compartida
The document is a vocabulary reinforcement exercise from an English language learning textbook. It contains multiple choice questions and exercises involving parts of speech, verbs, expressions, grammar structures like active and passive voice, and causative forms. The exercises cover topics related to films, including plots, actors, reviews, and the filmmaking process.
Pirating 101 was the first event organized by the Meridian Odyssey crew for February 4th from 1-5 pm. The event involved participants being split into pirate crews that would move between different islands/stations around the school, with each island hosting 2 competitive and 2 cooperative games. Crew members took on roles such as Island Masters to facilitate game flow and Station Masters to manage individual games. The document provided details of the event program, locations of islands/stations, responsibilities of crew roles, and important dates for game proposals and logistics planning.
Un canale "storico". Una piattaforma acquistata da Yahoo per pi湛 di 1 miliardo di dollari. Una community vispa e stimolante ma soprattutto un network ricco di creativi e opportunit.
Per sapere tutto su Tumblr, aprire il proprio canale e integrarlo nella strategia personale.
Creating a Culture of Government Innovation using Feng ShuiPaul Boos
In this presentation, I discuss the aspects you need to develop in your people, your teams, and your organization to become innovative. I also discuss the two types of innovation your organization should be open to taking on and lastly how you make innovations support your organization. This has a slight Government slant, but should be useful for most any organization.
I'll be posting replies to comments received at the AgileDC conference; most likely on my blog: boosianspace.posterous.com.
People who are introverts often hate to network. While extroverts, socially-oriented people who excel in group situations, are typically right at home at networking events, introverts, reflective and reclusive people, dread group interactions. However, in Networking for People Who Hate Networking, Devora Zack sets out to demonstrate that, by virtue of their innate strengths, introverts can become masterful networkers. Introverts talent for focusing and asking thoughtful questions heightens their ability to make meaningful connections with others. By developing a strong, enduring, yet small group of professional ties, introverts can network effectively; and by remaining true to self, the introvert can master networking for lasting, beneficial connections.
The document provides a framework for analyzing business models and discusses how companies like Razer, Google, Lyft and Zipcar disrupted their industries by changing elements of the traditional business models. It examines the components of a business model like target customers
There are many legal liabilities a benefit plan administrator can face if he or she does not properly handle their plan. Here are the most important things to remember as you are acting as teh
This document summarizes FMDirect Limited, a company that provides facility management solutions including room booking software. It discusses FMDirect's partnership with iiS software, an industry leader in help desk, room booking, and FM solutions. It also provides an overview of FastTrack, FMDirect's room booking software, highlighting its key features such as automatic email confirmations, audit trails, and utilization reporting. Client testimonials praise FastTrack and iiS solutions for improving services and operations.
This document summarizes Sherry Turkle's discussion of how computational devices are becoming more intimate and relational. Users form attachments to devices like personal digital assistants and see them as extensions of self. New technologies like robotic pets and affective computers are explicitly designed to have emotional connections with people and could potentially take on the role of "self objects" in fulfilling users' psychological needs. A new object relations theory is needed to understand people's relationships with these computational objects and the human vulnerabilities they may exploit.
- Replay Solutions automates 30% of the software lifecycle using its patented ReplayDIRECTOR technology which records application executions at runtime with minimal overhead.
- ReplayDIRECTOR provides automated issue reproduction, bridging development, operations, QA and support teams. It allows issues to be reproduced instantly on any workstation without requiring application servers, databases or load.
- The presentation highlights how ReplayDIRECTOR can be used across various teams and use cases like development, operations, customer support to automate issue diagnosis and rapidly locate root causes.
Silverlight 3 introduces new features such as support for higher quality video and audio, empowering richer experiences through 3D graphics and pixel shader effects, improving RIA productivity with .NET RIA services and over 60 controls, enabling out-of-browser applications, and Expression Blend 3 for visual design. These new capabilities allow developers to build more engaging applications across media, graphics, development, and deployment.
Mist辰 ne puhuu? Mik辰 on some ja mik辰 twiitti?Pasi Siltakorpi
Tuntuuko GoogleDrivet, SkyDrivet, Sosiaaliset mediat, Twiittaukset, Streamaukset saatikka Pilvipalvelut vierailta ? Kurssin aikana kerrotaan ja n辰ytet辰辰n mist辰 on kyse ja hieman saatetaan kokeillakin.
This document contains an English vocabulary and grammar reinforcement exercise. It includes multiple choice questions testing vocabulary like verbs for electronics and computers. It also has exercises matching words to definitions and completing sentences with conditional verb forms. The document aims to reinforce English vocabulary and grammar concepts through a variety of short exercises.
Creating a Culture of Government Innovation using Feng ShuiPaul Boos
In this presentation, I discuss the aspects you need to develop in your people, your teams, and your organization to become innovative. I also discuss the two types of innovation your organization should be open to taking on and lastly how you make innovations support your organization. This has a slight Government slant, but should be useful for most any organization.
I'll be posting replies to comments received at the AgileDC conference; most likely on my blog: boosianspace.posterous.com.
People who are introverts often hate to network. While extroverts, socially-oriented people who excel in group situations, are typically right at home at networking events, introverts, reflective and reclusive people, dread group interactions. However, in Networking for People Who Hate Networking, Devora Zack sets out to demonstrate that, by virtue of their innate strengths, introverts can become masterful networkers. Introverts talent for focusing and asking thoughtful questions heightens their ability to make meaningful connections with others. By developing a strong, enduring, yet small group of professional ties, introverts can network effectively; and by remaining true to self, the introvert can master networking for lasting, beneficial connections.
The document provides a framework for analyzing business models and discusses how companies like Razer, Google, Lyft and Zipcar disrupted their industries by changing elements of the traditional business models. It examines the components of a business model like target customers
There are many legal liabilities a benefit plan administrator can face if he or she does not properly handle their plan. Here are the most important things to remember as you are acting as teh
This document summarizes FMDirect Limited, a company that provides facility management solutions including room booking software. It discusses FMDirect's partnership with iiS software, an industry leader in help desk, room booking, and FM solutions. It also provides an overview of FastTrack, FMDirect's room booking software, highlighting its key features such as automatic email confirmations, audit trails, and utilization reporting. Client testimonials praise FastTrack and iiS solutions for improving services and operations.
This document summarizes Sherry Turkle's discussion of how computational devices are becoming more intimate and relational. Users form attachments to devices like personal digital assistants and see them as extensions of self. New technologies like robotic pets and affective computers are explicitly designed to have emotional connections with people and could potentially take on the role of "self objects" in fulfilling users' psychological needs. A new object relations theory is needed to understand people's relationships with these computational objects and the human vulnerabilities they may exploit.
- Replay Solutions automates 30% of the software lifecycle using its patented ReplayDIRECTOR technology which records application executions at runtime with minimal overhead.
- ReplayDIRECTOR provides automated issue reproduction, bridging development, operations, QA and support teams. It allows issues to be reproduced instantly on any workstation without requiring application servers, databases or load.
- The presentation highlights how ReplayDIRECTOR can be used across various teams and use cases like development, operations, customer support to automate issue diagnosis and rapidly locate root causes.
Silverlight 3 introduces new features such as support for higher quality video and audio, empowering richer experiences through 3D graphics and pixel shader effects, improving RIA productivity with .NET RIA services and over 60 controls, enabling out-of-browser applications, and Expression Blend 3 for visual design. These new capabilities allow developers to build more engaging applications across media, graphics, development, and deployment.
Mist辰 ne puhuu? Mik辰 on some ja mik辰 twiitti?Pasi Siltakorpi
Tuntuuko GoogleDrivet, SkyDrivet, Sosiaaliset mediat, Twiittaukset, Streamaukset saatikka Pilvipalvelut vierailta ? Kurssin aikana kerrotaan ja n辰ytet辰辰n mist辰 on kyse ja hieman saatetaan kokeillakin.
This document contains an English vocabulary and grammar reinforcement exercise. It includes multiple choice questions testing vocabulary like verbs for electronics and computers. It also has exercises matching words to definitions and completing sentences with conditional verb forms. The document aims to reinforce English vocabulary and grammar concepts through a variety of short exercises.
際際滷s used in Comenius Study visit in Porvoo April 2014. Conducted by Pasi Siltakorpi and Annika Ruohonen. This was Pasi卒s part . pasi.siltakorpi[at]porvoo.fi
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