Proof of Phone KYC Oracle built on Ethereum platform. Using this service you can join your phone number and Ethereum address. Winner of Building Blocks Hackathon on Consensus Conference, May '16.
Blocknotary is a service that timestamps media files in the blockchain to prove their existence and integrity. It stores over 75 million transactions in the blockchain and has timestamped over 106,000 transactions using the OP_RETURN protocol. It competes with other proof of existence services both for web and mobile. Blocknotary works with popular apps like Google Photos, Dropbox, Apple Camera and Notes to timestamp photos and files from use cases like insurance claims, inspections, and verbal contracts on mobile devices.
BlockNotary app allows you to store the digital fingerprint of your files in the public ledger called The Blockchain.
Think of it as a notary for the digital age. The App is as simple as clicking the Share button.
Itsbeta is a web platform and mobile app that allows companies to give out digital badges and rewards to users for achievements in real life. Users can collect and share their badges. Companies can reward customers and promote engagement. The platform provides badges, rewards, and analytics to businesses. A team of developers created itsbeta under Hint Solutions, which has experience building mobile apps and winning startup competitions.
Itsbeta is a web platform and mobile app that allows companies to give out digital badges and rewards to users for achievements in real life. Users can collect and share their badges. Companies can reward customers and promote engagement. The platform provides badges, rewards, and analytics to businesses. A team of developers created itsbeta under Hint Solutions, which has experience building mobile apps and winning startup competitions.