This document outlines Bloom's Digital Taxonomy, which provides an easy way to integrate technology into daily teaching practices. It describes the six levels of the taxonomy - Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating - and provides examples of apps and tools that can be used at each level. Examples include word processing and mind mapping tools for Remembering, annotating and commenting for Understanding, playing and demonstrating for Applying, organizing and examining for Analyzing, critiquing and assessing for Evaluating, and posting and moderating for Creating.
9. ? Implementing
? Carrying out
? Using
? Executing
? Demonstrating
? Simulating
? Presenting
? illustrating
Using new knowledge. Solve problems to new
situations by applying acquired knowledge,
facts, techniques and rules in a different way
? Playing
? Operating
? Interviewing
? Sharing
? Editing
? Classifying
? Solving
? Showing
12. Analyze: Examine and break information into parts
by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences
and find evidence to support generalizations.
? Organizing
? Deconstructing
? Outlining
? Structuring
? Surveying
? Examining
? Explaining
? Identifying
? Categorizing
? Contrasting
? Investigating
15. Evaluating
? Posting
? Moderating
? Critiquing
? Justifying
? Assessing
? Collaborating
? Conferencing
? Networking
? Rating
Evaluate: Present and defend opinions by
making judgments about information, validity
of ideas or quality of work based on a set of
16. Does the app help the user´..
? Check for accuracy?
? Detect inconsistencies?
? Monitor effectiveness?
? Evaluate procedures?
? Critique solutions?
? Appraise efficiency?
? Judge techniques?
? Contrast performance?
? Check the probability
of results?
19. Does the app help the user´..
? Check for accuracy?
? Detect inconsistencies?
? Monitor effectiveness?
? Evaluate procedures?
? Critique solutions?
? Appraise efficiency?
? Judge techniques?
? Contrast performance?
? Check the probability
of results?
#4: ?Remembering: Retrieving, recalling, or recognizing knowledge from memory. Remembering is when memory is used to produce definitions, facts or lists, or recite or retrieve material.
#5: Diane Darrow, in an Edutopia article, outlines the questions you need to ask when looking for and identifying apps to use to support this level of Bloom's.
#7: Understanding: Constructing meaning from different types of function be they written or graphic.Thenext cognitive level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy is the understanding level. The understanding level involves explaining and constructing meaning using various methods. Activities involving this skill level include....
#10: Applying is the cognitive skill set in which students use learned material through products like models, presentation, interviews and simulations, to execute or implement a procedure.
#13: The analyzing level has students breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships. In order to break down information, it first has to be gathered, stored, and organized.?Activities at the analyzing level include.