2. About Me
Started Mac development in 2009
iOS development since 2012
Current do iOS consulting under Five3 Apps
3. Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE)
Low energy and wireless
Bluetooth 4.0 (subset)
Sometimes known as Bluetooth Smart
Supported by iOS 5+ (usable 7+)
Does not require MFI certi鍖cation!
4. Why BLE?
Energy ef鍖cient
- Can run on a coin cell battery for months
- Able to easily handle 30ms update interval (33fps)
Not a good 鍖t for high bandwidth needs
5. How BLE Works
Generic Access Pro鍖le (GAP)
- Known as advertising
- Limited to 31 bytes of data,
plus another 31 bytes of
scan response data
- This is how iBeacon works
6. How BLE Works
Generic Attribute Pro鍖le
- Connected, 1:1
- Advertising stops
- Central initiates data
7. How BLE Works
Generic Attribute Pro鍖le
- Pro鍖le (logical)
- Services
- Characteristics