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Bergd鱈s Magn炭sd坦ttir
Current address:
545 Berrien Street APT H
Savannah, GA 31401
(757) 645-5599
Permanent address:
3005 Mossy Creek Dr.
Williamsburg, VA 23185
OBJECTIVE To obtain a full-time position in the fields of International Relations and/or Global Trade
EDUCATION B.A. International Affairs, Magna Cum Laude, May 2013
Minor: Spanish and Modern European Studies
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Overall GPA: 3.47/4.0
Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Study Abroad Program, Sept 2010  Dec 2010
Windows XP
MS Access
MS Excel
MS PowerPoint
MS Word
SAP Systems
LANGUAGE SKILLS Fluent in Icelandic & English Advanced level Spanish
EXPERIENCE Export NVOCC and Rate Procurement Coordinator
Page International, Inc., Savannah, GA Aug 2015 - Nov 2015
 Skillfully multi-tasked negotiations, while maintaining rates with global carriers as a
part of the NVOCC team
 Ensured all international Documents were compliant to global and country specific
Export Documentation Specialist & Key Account Customer Service Representative
Eimskip USA/ Logistics, Virginia Beach VA/ Portland ME May 2013 - April 2015
 Directed and worked with a team of documentation specialists for an international
cargo ship company
 Led the Export Manifest for all outbound vessels, ensuring that AES filing and other
USA and EU Government requirements were met for export/import
 Coordinated bookings and logistics for key customers, including inland dispatching,
containerization, and export documentation filing
 Facilitated the implementation of a new standard operational procedure for process
improvement of the department of documentation and customer service
 Initiated an instructional training manual for future new hires and customer profiles
 Trained and assisted new hires with the data entry system, billing, and dispatching
 Provided exceptional Customer Service through verbal and written communication
and well-maintained relationships with global clients
 Managed and assessed volume contracts and rates with outside steamship lines as a
part of the Freight Forwarding Department
Logistics Specialist and Export Documentation Intern
Eimskip USA, Virginia Beach, VA May 2012 - Aug 2012
 Received extensive training in a professional and fast paced work environment,
including instruction in SAP Software, Microsoft Office Suites, Data Input, and
Outlook management
 Assisted and provided daily problem-solving customer service for global clients
Deans List, 2009  2013
Top 10% of Graduating Class
Phi Beta Kappa, Prestigious Academic Society Member

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  • 1. Bergd鱈s Magn炭sd坦ttir Current address: 545 Berrien Street APT H Savannah, GA 31401 Bergdisosk14@gmail.com (757) 645-5599 Permanent address: 3005 Mossy Creek Dr. Williamsburg, VA 23185 OBJECTIVE To obtain a full-time position in the fields of International Relations and/or Global Trade Consultation EDUCATION B.A. International Affairs, Magna Cum Laude, May 2013 Minor: Spanish and Modern European Studies James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Overall GPA: 3.47/4.0 Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Study Abroad Program, Sept 2010 Dec 2010 CERTIFICATIONS TSA TWIC COMPUTER SKILLS Mac OS X Lion Windows XP MS Access MS Excel MS PowerPoint MS Word Outlook SAP Systems LANGUAGE SKILLS Fluent in Icelandic & English Advanced level Spanish EXPERIENCE Export NVOCC and Rate Procurement Coordinator Page International, Inc., Savannah, GA Aug 2015 - Nov 2015 Skillfully multi-tasked negotiations, while maintaining rates with global carriers as a part of the NVOCC team Ensured all international Documents were compliant to global and country specific requirements Export Documentation Specialist & Key Account Customer Service Representative Eimskip USA/ Logistics, Virginia Beach VA/ Portland ME May 2013 - April 2015 Directed and worked with a team of documentation specialists for an international cargo ship company Led the Export Manifest for all outbound vessels, ensuring that AES filing and other USA and EU Government requirements were met for export/import Coordinated bookings and logistics for key customers, including inland dispatching, containerization, and export documentation filing Facilitated the implementation of a new standard operational procedure for process improvement of the department of documentation and customer service Initiated an instructional training manual for future new hires and customer profiles Trained and assisted new hires with the data entry system, billing, and dispatching procedures Provided exceptional Customer Service through verbal and written communication and well-maintained relationships with global clients Managed and assessed volume contracts and rates with outside steamship lines as a part of the Freight Forwarding Department Logistics Specialist and Export Documentation Intern Eimskip USA, Virginia Beach, VA May 2012 - Aug 2012 Received extensive training in a professional and fast paced work environment, including instruction in SAP Software, Microsoft Office Suites, Data Input, and Outlook management Assisted and provided daily problem-solving customer service for global clients ACTIVITIES & AWARDS Deans List, 2009 2013 Top 10% of Graduating Class Phi Beta Kappa, Prestigious Academic Society Member