Today, only 25% of the contacts between brands and consumers are managed by the brand itself.
How do we deal with that? Do the same rules and practices still apply? Do we move from a culture of "story telling" to "giving a story to tell"? And what is the role there for the media and the ideas we produce?
5. By looking at the consumers brand behavior,
we see that its not just a shift of technology,
but a shift between generations.
6. Boomers Gen X Gen Y Next Gen
Age today 賊45-65 賊35-45 賊21-35 賊13-20
7. Values
Boomers Gen X Gen Y Next Gen
reflecting Everything Everything Everything Everything
their alltime should be should be should be should be
values original ultimate adaptable shared
Age today 賊45-65 賊35-45 賊21-35 賊13-20
8. Focus
Boomers Gen X Gen Y Next Gen
their outcome experience creating contribution
focus my own
Age today 賊45-65 賊35-45 賊21-35 賊13-20
9. Media use
Boomers Gen X Gen Y Next Gen
expectation Entertain Inform Let me Always be
from brands me me (co)create there
Age today 賊45-65 賊35-45 賊21-35 賊13-20
12. NIKE fuel band
Boomer The athlete as hero
GenX A special product, a special experience
GenY - Everyones an athlete, I get inspired, tailored.
NextGen - The next generation of motivation. Nike is a brand with a mission.
13. The Voice
Boomer Music entertainment
GenX the experience of judging only by the sound
GenY I can vote and choose my favourite
NextGen This is what my friends chat about online