Este documento describe la dislexia, un trastorno del aprendizaje que causa dificultades con la lectura y la escritura. Explica que la dislexia se debe a problemas con la lateralización, la psicomotricidad y la percepción. También identifica varios tipos de dislexia y características comunes en ni?os disléxicos como falta de atención, desinterés por el estudio e inadaptación personal. Finalmente, enfatiza la importancia de un diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano para ayudar a los ni?os a superar
Este documento describe la dislexia, un trastorno del aprendizaje que causa dificultades con la lectura y la escritura. Explica que la dislexia se debe a problemas con la lateralización, la psicomotricidad y la percepción. También identifica varios tipos de dislexia y características comunes en ni?os disléxicos como falta de atención, desinterés por el estudio e inadaptación personal. Finalmente, enfatiza la importancia de un diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano para ayudar a los ni?os a superar
The interdisciplinary activity at the middle school "G. Vida" for the 2007/2008 school year involved technical-scientific disciplines, history, Italian, and art. The activity was carried out by first year classes A and E. Students planned and discovered themselves as dairy farmers in a science lab experiment to make butter. They enjoyed a snack and created posters, with a folktale, showing each student's hidden talents.
Este documento describe la replicación en MySQL. La replicación permite replicar datos entre servidores MySQL para propósitos como balanceo de carga, alta disponibilidad y seguridad. Existen diferentes arquitecturas de replicación como maestro-esclavo, maestro-maestro y circular. La replicación maestro-esclavo es la más común, donde los datos se escriben en el maestro y se leen en los esclavos.
Jean-Pierre Scherrer - Ice Storm over Geneva, SwitzerlandFrescatiStory
Photos Taken by the Swiss photographer Jean-Pierre Scherrer: Ice Storm over Geneva, Switzerland, 27-28 January 2005
The Pride of Africa
The Pride of Africa is a luxury train which is run by Rovos Rail. It is billed as the World's Most Luxurious Train. It travels through South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania. Rovos Rail was established in 1989.
When travelling in South Africa, there is a splendid alternative to travel by plane or by car, which will allow you to experience the splendor of a bygone era while being pampered for 48 hours. Rovos Rail has raised the bar of excellence in luxury railway travel, not least due to the continued passion and dedication of owner and founder Rohan Vos.
We journeyed from Pretoria to Cape Town on The Pride of Africa. With the champagne flowing and a small band playing classical music in a stylish lounge, it is as if we have walked into another century. It is hard to believe that we are indeed on a train station - but then again, this is by no means your ordinary train station. We are at Central Park, Pretoria at the private station of Rovos Rail, the most luxurious train in the world.
O calatorie ?n Africa de Sud si o excursie cu cel mai luxos tren din lume va ?ncepe sau se va ?ncheia la sediul central al companiei feroviare private Rovos Rail, situat ?n afara Pretoriei. Rovos Rail ofera doua frumoase garnituri de trenuri clasice, fiecare cu o capacitate maxima de 72 pasageri, care sunt cazati ?n cele mai spatios si luxos tren cu apartamente din lume. Trenul Pride Of Africa - care poate fi tractat ?n diferite etape ale calatoriei de locomotive cu aburi sau diesel electrice - transporta cei maxim de 72 de pasageri ?n 36 superbe apartamente...
El "orgullo de Africa", The Pride of Africa. Bello nombre para un tren, sin duda, símbolo de un continente y de un sentimiento y que permite apreciar las muchas maravillas de una ?frica salvaje y distinta. ?Os imagináis ver desde la ventanilla del tren la contundencia de las Cataratas Victoria, que quedan a escasa distancia de donde pasa el tren? ?o participar en una excursión a una mina de diamantes? ?o conocer Ciudad del Cabo y otras tantas ciudades del Sur de ?frica? todo eso y más es lo que nos ofrece The Pride of Africa, un tren que tiene varios recorridos, áunque el más conocido es el que recorre en 72 horas desde Pretoria a Ciudad del Cabo. The Pride of Africa es un tren de época que puede llevar locomotoras tanto a vapor como eléctricas. Los vagones datan del a?o 1911 muchos de ellos, y otros son de los a?os 20, y aunque todos han sido arreglados siguen manteniendo aquel encanto de principios de siglo XX, con maderas a la vista por todos lado y ese clásico estilo victoriano.
O documento discute a import?ncia dos planos municipais de saneamento básico no Brasil. A lei no 11.445/2007 determina que todos os municípios devem elaborar esses planos para garantir o acesso universal aos servi?os de saneamento. Os planos devem ser participativos e abordar os quatro componentes do saneamento: abastecimento de água, esgoto, limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos sólidos.
1. The document discusses Microsoft's N-Screen and cloud strategies, including its commercial and consumer cloud services.
2. It provides details on Office 365 for Windows Phone 7 and how it enables seamless use of Office across devices through cloud-based services.
3. The document also outlines Microsoft's Windows Azure platform for building and hosting applications and services in the cloud.
A crescente degrada??o socioambiental que está ocorrendo é um problema que afeta a todos, por este fato é de fundamental import?ncia que a escola, como uma das principais institui??es atue de forma que o conhecimento seja libertador e reflexivo, utilizando todos os recursos que possam oferecer auxiliar na explora??o do conhecimento. O presente artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre a possibilidade do ensino de educa??o ambiental por meio da utiliza??o dos recursos midiáticos. Através de entrevistas com professores analisa a forma como os docentes percebem esses meios de comunica??o nas suas aulas. Os professores que fizeram parte desse estudo s?o do ensino fundamental e médio, das disciplinas de Biologia e Geografia em escolas duas públicas da cidade de Pombal, município do Estado paraibano. Este artigo baseia-se nas idéias de Paulo Freire, pioneiro pesquisador que tra?ou o conceito de comunica??o com a educa??o. O tema abordado desse estudo parece ser obsoleto, ao ver essas mídias comuns nosso dia a dia. No entanto, muitos professores persistem ao tradicionalismo, limitados ao quadro negro e giz preferem ter aulas enfadonhas. Trabalhando muitas vezes em escolas que disp?e infra-instrutora total e necessária, mas n?o faz uso. Que a utiliza??o dos recursos midiáticos n?o seja apenas uma via mais prática para se transmitir um conhecimento já pronto, mas que seja para uma aprendizagem reflexiva. Conclui-se que tanto a mídia quando o professor pode oferecer ao receptor/aluno dois caminhos: a aliena??o ou despertar para a liberta??o. Percebe-se que a aprendizagem de sala de aula vai além das quatro paredes, construí sujeito com senso critico na defesa do meio ambiente e dos recursos naturais existentes no Planeta.
The document discusses global population and purchasing power distributions. It shows that:
1) 75-100 million people have over $20,000 in purchasing power and are concentrated in a few developed countries.
2) 1.5-1.75 billion people have between $1,500-20,000 in purchasing power.
3) 4 billion people have less than $1,500 in purchasing power.
The rest of the document discusses concepts related to intellectual capital and the knowledge society, including converged people, communications, and content/applications.
Este documento resume la historia y tecnologías clave de Internet y la web. Explica conceptos como HTTP, HTML, navegadores web como Mosaic e Internet Explorer, y lenguajes como Javascript. También describe técnicas para actualizar datos en el lado del cliente como Comet y las mejoras de HTML5 como WebSocket.
Este documento presenta un test de 20 preguntas sobre conocimientos básicos de Photoshop para estudiantes de grado 10. El test incluye preguntas sobre conceptos como dise?o gráfico, píxeles, modelos de color (RGB, CMYK), mapas de bits, imágenes vectoriales y el uso de Photoshop para editar imágenes digitales. Los estudiantes deben completar el test seleccionando una respuesta para cada pregunta y justificar sus respuestas por escrito antes del 21 de marzo.
CloudMonitor - Architecture Audit Review February 2025.pdfRodney Joyce
CloudMonitor FinOps is now a Microsoft Certified solution in the Azure Marketplace. This little badge means that we passed a 3rd-party Technical Audit as well as met various sales KPIs and milestones over the last 12 months.
We used our existing Architecture docs for CISOs and Cloud Architects to craft an Audit Response - I've shared it below to help others obtain their cert.
Interestingly, 90% of our customers are in the USA, with very few in Australia. This is odd as the first thing I hear in every meetup and conference, from partners, customers and Microsoft, is that they want to optimise their cloud spend! But very few Australian companies are using the FinOps Framework to lower Azure costs.
The Role of Christopher Campos Orlando in Sustainability Analyticschristophercamposus1
Christopher Campos Orlando specializes in leveraging data to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. With expertise in carbon footprint analysis, regulatory compliance, and green business strategies, he helps organizations integrate sustainability into their operations. His data-driven approach ensures companies meet ESG standards while achieving long-term sustainability goals.
The truth behind the numbers: spotting statistical misuse.pptxandyprosser3
As a producer of official statistics, being able to define what misinformation means in relation to data and statistics is so important to us.
For our sixth webinar, we explored how we handle statistical misuse especially in the media. We were also joined by speakers from the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to explain how they play an important role in investigating and challenging the misuse of statistics across government.
The Pride of Africa
The Pride of Africa is a luxury train which is run by Rovos Rail. It is billed as the World's Most Luxurious Train. It travels through South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania. Rovos Rail was established in 1989.
When travelling in South Africa, there is a splendid alternative to travel by plane or by car, which will allow you to experience the splendor of a bygone era while being pampered for 48 hours. Rovos Rail has raised the bar of excellence in luxury railway travel, not least due to the continued passion and dedication of owner and founder Rohan Vos.
We journeyed from Pretoria to Cape Town on The Pride of Africa. With the champagne flowing and a small band playing classical music in a stylish lounge, it is as if we have walked into another century. It is hard to believe that we are indeed on a train station - but then again, this is by no means your ordinary train station. We are at Central Park, Pretoria at the private station of Rovos Rail, the most luxurious train in the world.
O calatorie ?n Africa de Sud si o excursie cu cel mai luxos tren din lume va ?ncepe sau se va ?ncheia la sediul central al companiei feroviare private Rovos Rail, situat ?n afara Pretoriei. Rovos Rail ofera doua frumoase garnituri de trenuri clasice, fiecare cu o capacitate maxima de 72 pasageri, care sunt cazati ?n cele mai spatios si luxos tren cu apartamente din lume. Trenul Pride Of Africa - care poate fi tractat ?n diferite etape ale calatoriei de locomotive cu aburi sau diesel electrice - transporta cei maxim de 72 de pasageri ?n 36 superbe apartamente...
El "orgullo de Africa", The Pride of Africa. Bello nombre para un tren, sin duda, símbolo de un continente y de un sentimiento y que permite apreciar las muchas maravillas de una ?frica salvaje y distinta. ?Os imagináis ver desde la ventanilla del tren la contundencia de las Cataratas Victoria, que quedan a escasa distancia de donde pasa el tren? ?o participar en una excursión a una mina de diamantes? ?o conocer Ciudad del Cabo y otras tantas ciudades del Sur de ?frica? todo eso y más es lo que nos ofrece The Pride of Africa, un tren que tiene varios recorridos, áunque el más conocido es el que recorre en 72 horas desde Pretoria a Ciudad del Cabo. The Pride of Africa es un tren de época que puede llevar locomotoras tanto a vapor como eléctricas. Los vagones datan del a?o 1911 muchos de ellos, y otros son de los a?os 20, y aunque todos han sido arreglados siguen manteniendo aquel encanto de principios de siglo XX, con maderas a la vista por todos lado y ese clásico estilo victoriano.
O documento discute a import?ncia dos planos municipais de saneamento básico no Brasil. A lei no 11.445/2007 determina que todos os municípios devem elaborar esses planos para garantir o acesso universal aos servi?os de saneamento. Os planos devem ser participativos e abordar os quatro componentes do saneamento: abastecimento de água, esgoto, limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos sólidos.
1. The document discusses Microsoft's N-Screen and cloud strategies, including its commercial and consumer cloud services.
2. It provides details on Office 365 for Windows Phone 7 and how it enables seamless use of Office across devices through cloud-based services.
3. The document also outlines Microsoft's Windows Azure platform for building and hosting applications and services in the cloud.
A crescente degrada??o socioambiental que está ocorrendo é um problema que afeta a todos, por este fato é de fundamental import?ncia que a escola, como uma das principais institui??es atue de forma que o conhecimento seja libertador e reflexivo, utilizando todos os recursos que possam oferecer auxiliar na explora??o do conhecimento. O presente artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre a possibilidade do ensino de educa??o ambiental por meio da utiliza??o dos recursos midiáticos. Através de entrevistas com professores analisa a forma como os docentes percebem esses meios de comunica??o nas suas aulas. Os professores que fizeram parte desse estudo s?o do ensino fundamental e médio, das disciplinas de Biologia e Geografia em escolas duas públicas da cidade de Pombal, município do Estado paraibano. Este artigo baseia-se nas idéias de Paulo Freire, pioneiro pesquisador que tra?ou o conceito de comunica??o com a educa??o. O tema abordado desse estudo parece ser obsoleto, ao ver essas mídias comuns nosso dia a dia. No entanto, muitos professores persistem ao tradicionalismo, limitados ao quadro negro e giz preferem ter aulas enfadonhas. Trabalhando muitas vezes em escolas que disp?e infra-instrutora total e necessária, mas n?o faz uso. Que a utiliza??o dos recursos midiáticos n?o seja apenas uma via mais prática para se transmitir um conhecimento já pronto, mas que seja para uma aprendizagem reflexiva. Conclui-se que tanto a mídia quando o professor pode oferecer ao receptor/aluno dois caminhos: a aliena??o ou despertar para a liberta??o. Percebe-se que a aprendizagem de sala de aula vai além das quatro paredes, construí sujeito com senso critico na defesa do meio ambiente e dos recursos naturais existentes no Planeta.
The document discusses global population and purchasing power distributions. It shows that:
1) 75-100 million people have over $20,000 in purchasing power and are concentrated in a few developed countries.
2) 1.5-1.75 billion people have between $1,500-20,000 in purchasing power.
3) 4 billion people have less than $1,500 in purchasing power.
The rest of the document discusses concepts related to intellectual capital and the knowledge society, including converged people, communications, and content/applications.
Este documento resume la historia y tecnologías clave de Internet y la web. Explica conceptos como HTTP, HTML, navegadores web como Mosaic e Internet Explorer, y lenguajes como Javascript. También describe técnicas para actualizar datos en el lado del cliente como Comet y las mejoras de HTML5 como WebSocket.
Este documento presenta un test de 20 preguntas sobre conocimientos básicos de Photoshop para estudiantes de grado 10. El test incluye preguntas sobre conceptos como dise?o gráfico, píxeles, modelos de color (RGB, CMYK), mapas de bits, imágenes vectoriales y el uso de Photoshop para editar imágenes digitales. Los estudiantes deben completar el test seleccionando una respuesta para cada pregunta y justificar sus respuestas por escrito antes del 21 de marzo.
CloudMonitor - Architecture Audit Review February 2025.pdfRodney Joyce
CloudMonitor FinOps is now a Microsoft Certified solution in the Azure Marketplace. This little badge means that we passed a 3rd-party Technical Audit as well as met various sales KPIs and milestones over the last 12 months.
We used our existing Architecture docs for CISOs and Cloud Architects to craft an Audit Response - I've shared it below to help others obtain their cert.
Interestingly, 90% of our customers are in the USA, with very few in Australia. This is odd as the first thing I hear in every meetup and conference, from partners, customers and Microsoft, is that they want to optimise their cloud spend! But very few Australian companies are using the FinOps Framework to lower Azure costs.
The Role of Christopher Campos Orlando in Sustainability Analyticschristophercamposus1
Christopher Campos Orlando specializes in leveraging data to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. With expertise in carbon footprint analysis, regulatory compliance, and green business strategies, he helps organizations integrate sustainability into their operations. His data-driven approach ensures companies meet ESG standards while achieving long-term sustainability goals.
The truth behind the numbers: spotting statistical misuse.pptxandyprosser3
As a producer of official statistics, being able to define what misinformation means in relation to data and statistics is so important to us.
For our sixth webinar, we explored how we handle statistical misuse especially in the media. We were also joined by speakers from the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to explain how they play an important role in investigating and challenging the misuse of statistics across government.
Hire Android App Developers in India with Cerebraixcerebraixs
Android app developers are crucial for creating
high-quality, user-friendly, and innovative mobile
applications. Their expertise in mobile development,
UI/UX design, and seamless integration ensures robust
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A Relative Information Gain-based Query Performance Prediction Framework with...suchanadatta3
To improve the QPP estimate for neural models, we propose to use additional information from a set of queries that express a similar information need to the current one (these queries are called variants). The key idea of our proposed method, named Weighted Relative Information Gain (WRIG), is to estimate the performance of these variants, and then to improve the QPP estimate of the original query based on the relative differences with the variants. The hypothesis is that if a query’s estimate is significantly higher than the average QPP score of its variants, then the original query itself is assumed (with a higher confidence) to be one for which a retrieval model works well.
To conserve resources and optimize investment, a business must determine which potential opportunities are most likely to result in conversions and evolve into successful deals and determine which opportunities are at risk. This Hot Lead predictive analytics use case describes the value of predictive analytics to prioritize high-value leads and capitalize on an opportunity to convert a lead into a relationship by identifying key patterns that contribute to successful deal closures. Use these tools to identify the leads that are most likely to result in conversion and provide the most benefit to the enterprise. This technique can be used in many industries, including Financial Services, B2C and B2B. For more info
Relationship between Happiness & LifeQuality .pdfwrachelsong
There a lot of studies showing the correlation between GDP by country and average life satisfcation. Usually, most countries with higher GDP tend to have higher average life satisfaction scores. Inspired by this findings, I began to wonder.. 'What other aspects of life significantly contribute to happiness?' Specifically, we wanted to explore which quality of life indicators have a significant relationship with the happiness scores of different regions.
Research Question : Which quality of life indicators have a significant relationship with the happiness score among different regions?
To address this question, we decided to investigate various factors that might influence happiness, including economic stability, health, social support, and more.