Your Retention Marketing To-Dos For Each Customer Loyalty SegmentAVARI
The RetentionGrid application makes the segmentation of your customers easy; we give you insights into your customer buying behavior and help you target individual customers or segments.
Because each segment behaves different than the other, it needs to be approached differently to optimize customer response. This slide deck contains ideas for retention marketing activities to-do by segment. We'll guide you through it step by step.
Optimize the way you engage your customers and keep them coming back!
Apresenta巽達o realizada em 2007, por Claudia Siebert e Sandra Momm Schult, no Semin叩rio Neur, sobre a Participa巽達o da FURB na Revis達o do Plano Diretor de Itaja鱈.
Apresenta巽達o realizada em 2007, por Claudia Siebert e Sandra Momm Schult, no Semin叩rio Neur, sobre a Participa巽達o da FURB na Revis達o do Plano Diretor de Itaja鱈.