Presentación mediación polo alumnadoSilvina Paricio TatoA constitución do Servizo de Mediación no IES ELVIÑA
Candidatura pontevedra vigoCCOOENSINOEste documento lista los nombres y lugares de trabajo de varios miembros del sindicato CCOO-ENSINO en la zona de Pontevedra-Vigo. Se enumeran 28 nombres con sus respectivos centros educativos, la mayoría de ellos escuelas e institutos de secundaria de las ciudades de Vigo, Pontevedra y municipios cercanos.
Houses and homes (1)Niní VarelaThere are many different types of houses and homes that people can live in. Houses can be made from various building materials like glass, wood, bricks, and thatch. Homes come in different styles such as detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses, bungalows, cottages, and flats. Houses also feature different parts like walls, roofs, windows, doors, and chimneys that vary in material and design.
Halloween presentaciónNiní VarelaHalloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, celebrating the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. Celts believed the boundary between the living and the dead became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits to walk the Earth. People wore costumes and carved turnips to ward off spirits. As Christianity spread, the holiday blended with All Saints' and All Souls' Day, becoming Halloween. Immigrants brought Halloween traditions to America in the 19th century, where trick-or-treating and carving pumpkins instead of turnips became common practices still celebrated today.
Houses and homes (1)Niní VarelaThere are many different types of houses and homes that people can live in. Houses can be made from various building materials like glass, wood, bricks, and thatch. Homes come in different styles such as detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses, bungalows, cottages, and flats. Houses also feature different parts like walls, roofs, windows, doors, and chimneys that vary in material and design.
Halloween presentaciónNiní VarelaHalloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, celebrating the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. Celts believed the boundary between the living and the dead became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits to walk the Earth. People wore costumes and carved turnips to ward off spirits. As Christianity spread, the holiday blended with All Saints' and All Souls' Day, becoming Halloween. Immigrants brought Halloween traditions to America in the 19th century, where trick-or-treating and carving pumpkins instead of turnips became common practices still celebrated today.
Halloween presentaciónNiní VarelaHalloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, celebrating the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. Celts believed the boundary between the living and the dead became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits to walk the Earth. People wore costumes and carved turnips to ward off spirits. As Christianity spread, the holiday blended with All Saints' and All Souls' Day, becoming Halloween. Immigrants brought Halloween traditions to America in the 19th century, where trick-or-treating and carving pumpkins instead of turnips became common practices still celebrated today.
Chris presentationNiní VarelaThe British celebrate Christmas through various traditions - sending Christmas cards, attending nativity plays and family gatherings. They decorate trees with lights, tinsel and baubles and homes with holly, ivy and mistletoe. Children write letters to Santa and leave mince pies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, families open presents under the tree and have a large meal including roast turkey before pulling crackers. Boxing Day involves sales and charity giving. The Christmas season ends with the Twelfth Night and remembering the Three Wise Men.
A world of coloursNiní VarelaRed, yellow and blue are the primary colors that can be mixed to create all other colors. Secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors - orange from red and yellow, green from yellow and blue, and purple from red and blue. Complementary colors sit opposite each other on the color wheel and analogous colors sit next to each other, both making pleasant color combinations. Tertiary colors are created by mixing a primary and secondary color. The document provides information about different types of colors and how they can be created through mixing primary colors.
Tribus De L OmoNiní VarelaProject to make African masks
L O S T I N O U T E R S P A C ENiní VarelaWe are lost in outer space and observe the colorful stars, moon, and planets including Earth, Jupiter, Mars, and the sun. As astronauts, we see satellites and space shuttles in outer space before returning to Earth in a spaceship.
L O S T I N O U T E R S P A C ENiní VarelaWe are lost in outer space and observe the colorful stars, moon, and planets including Earth, Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun. As astronauts, we see satellites and space shuttles in outer space before returning to Earth in a spaceship.
Lost In Outer SpaceNiní VarelaWe are lost in outer space and observe the colorful stars, moon, and planets including Earth, Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun. As astronauts, we see satellites and space shuttles in outer space before returning to Earth in a spaceship.
Lost In Outer SpaceNiní VarelaWe are lost in outer space and observe the colorful stars, moon, and planets including Earth, Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun. As astronauts, we see satellites and space shuttles in outer space before returning to Earth in a spaceship.
Viaje De CaracolaNiní VarelaPolo Espacio sufre un accidente en su nave y debe aterrizar de emergencia en un planeta desconocido, donde conoce a unos exploradores espaciales. Les habla de su planeta, la Tierra, mientras su compañera Coracola se queda arreglando la nave. Los exploradores manifiestan interés por conocer también la Tierra.
• Colaboramos na realización de proxectos e plans para a
prevención de dificultades e a atención á diversidade.
• Contribuímos á detectar canto antes alumnado con
necesidades educativas especiais
• Realizamos avaliacións psicolóxicas e pedagóxicas
• Deseñamos plans de apoio e de intervención para que cada
caso teña unha resposta o máis axeitada posible.
• Facemos un seguimento do alumnado para que poida ter
un desenvolvemento persoal equilibrado.
• Coordinamos accións entre a escola e a familia, e tamén
con servizos externos á escola
3. Quen realiza a Orientación?
• En primeiro lugar está o titor ou titora que é
quen ten un coñecemento máis cercan do
seu alumando e das súas familias.
• Leva a cabo o Plan de Acción Titorial xunto
co profesorado especialista
• De xeito máis especializado a Orientadora
do cole que fai un Plan anual de
Orientación e de Atención á Diversidade.
4. Como se atende a diversidade?
• Contamos cunha
profesora especialista
en Pedagoxía
• Recibimos
asesoramento do
equipo de orientación
específico de
• Tamén temos unha
profesora especialista
en Audición e
• Coordinándonos cos
servizos municipais,
de saúde e outros
gabinetes de
5. Pedagoxía Terapéutica
• Na aula de Pedagoxía Terapéutica aténdense
principalmente :
Problemas de aprendizaxe da lectoescritura
Problemas de cálculo e resolución de problemas
Técnicas de estudo
6. Audición e Linguaxe
• A especialista de AL trata :
Problemas de linguaxe
Problemas de voz
Problemas de fala
Estimulación da linguaxe mediante obradoiros.
7. Cando poden as familias pedir axuda
ao Departamento de Orientación?
Cando exista un problema ou se requira asesoramento sobre:
Aprendizaxes escolares
Celos entre irmáns
Problemas de conduta
Problemas de tipo emocional
Problemas de linguaxe
Control de esfínteres
En caso de separación
Calquera outro
8. Como facer?
• Comentando o problema co titor ou titora
• Pedindo cita coa Orientadora do Centro
• A través de calquera membro do equipo