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Business Models and
          Customer Development:
          How to FAIL Less
(hint: its not just a method for startups!)
                     Bob Dorf
    allegedly retired serial entrepreneur, educator
                  Partner, K&S Ranch Inc.
ME: 7 startups, >20 investments, 3 vests

7 IPOs, 6 disasters, Columbia B-School Prof.

608 pages.500+ startup misteaks

Most startups fail to scale.

More startups fail from
a lack of customers than from a
failure of product development

and passionate customers
  are damn hard to find!

Why Most Startups Fail

Assume Customer Problem: known

 Concept/        Product    Alpha/Beta     Launch/
Seed Round        Dev.         Test        1st Ship

                Assume Product Features:   known

Startup Enemy #1:

Wait a minute Bob
 We are hardly a Startup!

I dont care!
You should always be Innovating!
Constantly seek customer feedback
Always challenge your business model
Use the same approach, just not every

No Business Plan
survives first contact
with customers!

         ask Webvan!
When youre done
9 best GUESSES
         ask Webvan!

TRANSLATE: Not a Startup??
a 4-5 day customer vacation!!

Where Discovery Begins:
       Minimum Viable Product
 Google without ads (two years+)
 Zappos without any shoes
 Diapers.com without diapers

Fewest possible features to make the point!
When did a powerpoint last get YOU excited?
YOU can use this process to test new ideas
Customer Discovery
      Customer       Customer     Customer   Company
      Discovery      Validation   Creation    Building

   Stop selling, start listening
   Test your hypotheses
   Continuous Discovery
   execute while running your current business
   isolate the startup within your business 26
The Pivot

          Customer             Customer
          Discovery            Validation


 The heart of Customer Development
 Iteration without crisis
 Fast, agile and opportunistic             27
Just a few(of many) Historic Pivots

   Steve Blank: Page 6
   Perimeter: there are 9000 of us
   Groupon: the $12billion pivot

 and thousands more!
Pivot Cycle Time Matters
         Search                     Execution
 Customer        Customer     Customer     Company
 Discovery       Validation   Creation      Building

 MVP speeds up cycle time
Speed of cycle minimizes cash needs
 Customer feedback drives the product!                29
How do you know when Discovery is done?
Key Partners                               Key Activities                                Value Proposition                                  Customer Relationships                                      Customer Segments
Who are our key partners/ suppliers        Which key activities does the biz model                                                          What type of relationship does each                         For whom are we creating value
                                           require                                       What value do we deliver to the customer           segment require of us

Complete regional overview                  Populate life cycle data for performance     key distinctive product features &                 product positioning/elevator pitch for each               identify key market segments
                                                                                           benefits for the target customer                    segment                                                    (geography/application) and customer
                                             guarantees                                                                                       Prospect roadmap: how to get face-to-face with             segments (e.g. operator versus owner)
                                                                                           segment                                             right person at prospects in each segment                 how many customers in each segment
                                            Educate market on metric: $/kWh-day          total cost of ownership for segment                key competitors in each segment and their                  and estimated potential volume for
                                                                                                                                               market share                                               each customer
                                             delivered over life of asset                  versus alternatives                                key competitors' characteristics & dynamics
                                                                                          why will segment buy Durathon versus                                                                          how do customers make money  key
                                                                                                                                              What outbound marketing/ advertising/                      customer pain/gain points in each
                                            Establish strong partnerships with            alternatives (i.e. value proposition)               promotion activities are needed                            segment
                                                                                                                                              support tools required by segment (white
                                             channel partners                             minimum feature set (i.e. our launch                papers, TCO calc., tradeshow)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         how are buying decisions made in
                                                                                     0     configuration) and ultimate feature set            pipeline of leads                                          each segment - id process, hurdles,
                                                                                          opportunities to claim IP or trademark /                                                                       decision makers
                                                                                                                                                                                                         what does an Earlyvangelist look like in
                                           Key Resources                                   is there freedom to practice                                                                      25           each segment
                                           Which key resources does the biz model         what regulatory/ certification/                                                                               who influences purchases in each
                                           require                                         transportation/ customs requirements             Channels                                                      segment (trade groups, key resellers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          trend watchers)
                                            Integrated power system engineering          should be met or could be differentiator         Through which channel does each
                                                                                                                                            segment want to be reached
                                             compatibility for retrofit and optimized
                                             system solutions                                                                                 which segments can only or best be reached
                                                                                                                                               through a channel partner
                                            Financing options for Power services                                                             which channel partners are important to optimize
                                             operators                                                                                         sales in each segment
                                                                                                                                              what are channel partners' requirements and
                                                                                                                                               cost to become a proactive sales channel
                                                                                                                                              initial channel partner response to value
                                                                                                                                               proposition & customer segments

                                      12                                                                                           25                                                         4                                                 50

Cost Structure                                                                                                  Revenue Streams
What are our cost drivers                                                                                       How much is each segment willing to pay and how would they like to pay us this amount

 Launch reliability                                                                                                What are price /performance characteristics of competing technology
                                                                                                                    What is the 2013 price target for 1 MM cells
                                                                                                                    What is the 2015 price target for 10 MM cells
                                                                                                                    what is optimum sales method for each segment (asset sale, lease, pay for performance, etc.)                               3

                                                                               X = number of in depth customer data points / data sources used to validate hypothesis

                                                                      x        red = low hypothesis confidence
                                                                               yellow = medium hypothesis confidence                                                                                                                            30
                                                                               green = high hypothesis confidence
Customer Validation

      Customer            Customer     Customer     Company
      Discovery           Validation   Creation      Building

                  Pivot                       Execution

 Repeatable and scalable business model?
 Passionate earlyvangelists?
 Pivot back to Discovery if no customers                       31
Why Startups Arent Run By Accountants

  Scalable                     Large
  Startup                    Company

       Alfred P. Sloan
Founder of General Motors

Scalable                      Large
Startup                     Company

                    Billy Durant
FIRED by General Motors Board

Scalable                     Large
Startup                    Company

                   Billy Durant
Durant Versus Sloan

     Dies, rich, honored and famous

Durant Versus Sloan

 Dies managing a bowling alley    Dies, rich, honored and famous

Durant Versus Sloan

 Dies managing a bowling alley    Dies, rich, honored and famous

Innovators look out!
               WE are here
Scalable                        Large
Startup                       Company

Get Out of the Building!!!


  ON SALE HEREalso in ebook   39

More Related Content

Bob dorf about Customer Development

  • 1. Business Models and Customer Development: How to FAIL Less (hint: its not just a method for startups!) Bob Dorf allegedly retired serial entrepreneur, educator Partner, K&S Ranch Inc. www.steveblank.com bob@kandsranch.com
  • 2. ME: 7 startups, >20 investments, 3 vests 2
  • 3. 7 IPOs, 6 disasters, Columbia B-School Prof. 3
  • 5. Most startups fail to scale. 5
  • 6. More startups fail from a lack of customers than from a failure of product development 6
  • 7. and passionate customers are damn hard to find! 7
  • 8. Why Most Startups Fail Assume Customer Problem: known Concept/ Product Alpha/Beta Launch/ Seed Round Dev. Test 1st Ship Assume Product Features: known 8
  • 10. Wait a minute Bob We are hardly a Startup! 10
  • 11. I dont care! You should always be Innovating! Constantly seek customer feedback Always challenge your business model Use the same approach, just not every day 11
  • 12. No Business Plan survives first contact with customers! ask Webvan! 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. 17
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. When youre done 9 best GUESSES ask Webvan! 20
  • 21. 21
  • 22. 22
  • 23. 23
  • 24. TRANSLATE: Not a Startup?? a 4-5 day customer vacation!! 24
  • 25. Where Discovery Begins: Minimum Viable Product Google without ads (two years+) Zappos without any shoes Diapers.com without diapers Fewest possible features to make the point! When did a powerpoint last get YOU excited? YOU can use this process to test new ideas 25
  • 26. Customer Discovery Customer Customer Customer Company Discovery Validation Creation Building Stop selling, start listening Test your hypotheses Continuous Discovery execute while running your current business isolate the startup within your business 26
  • 27. The Pivot Search Customer Customer Discovery Validation Pivot The heart of Customer Development Iteration without crisis Fast, agile and opportunistic 27
  • 28. Just a few(of many) Historic Pivots Steve Blank: Page 6 Perimeter: there are 9000 of us Groupon: the $12billion pivot Ning and thousands more! 28
  • 29. Pivot Cycle Time Matters Search Execution Customer Customer Customer Company Discovery Validation Creation Building Pivot MVP speeds up cycle time Speed of cycle minimizes cash needs Customer feedback drives the product! 29
  • 30. How do you know when Discovery is done? Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationships Customer Segments Who are our key partners/ suppliers Which key activities does the biz model What type of relationship does each For whom are we creating value require What value do we deliver to the customer segment require of us Complete regional overview Populate life cycle data for performance key distinctive product features & product positioning/elevator pitch for each identify key market segments benefits for the target customer segment (geography/application) and customer guarantees Prospect roadmap: how to get face-to-face with segments (e.g. operator versus owner) segment right person at prospects in each segment how many customers in each segment Educate market on metric: $/kWh-day total cost of ownership for segment key competitors in each segment and their and estimated potential volume for market share each customer delivered over life of asset versus alternatives key competitors' characteristics & dynamics why will segment buy Durathon versus how do customers make money key What outbound marketing/ advertising/ customer pain/gain points in each Establish strong partnerships with alternatives (i.e. value proposition) promotion activities are needed segment support tools required by segment (white channel partners minimum feature set (i.e. our launch papers, TCO calc., tradeshow) how are buying decisions made in 0 configuration) and ultimate feature set pipeline of leads each segment - id process, hurdles, opportunities to claim IP or trademark / decision makers what does an Earlyvangelist look like in Key Resources is there freedom to practice 25 each segment Which key resources does the biz model what regulatory/ certification/ who influences purchases in each require transportation/ customs requirements Channels segment (trade groups, key resellers, trend watchers) Integrated power system engineering should be met or could be differentiator Through which channel does each segment want to be reached compatibility for retrofit and optimized system solutions which segments can only or best be reached through a channel partner Financing options for Power services which channel partners are important to optimize operators sales in each segment what are channel partners' requirements and cost to become a proactive sales channel initial channel partner response to value proposition & customer segments 12 25 4 50 Cost Structure Revenue Streams What are our cost drivers How much is each segment willing to pay and how would they like to pay us this amount Launch reliability What are price /performance characteristics of competing technology What is the 2013 price target for 1 MM cells What is the 2015 price target for 10 MM cells what is optimum sales method for each segment (asset sale, lease, pay for performance, etc.) 3 X = number of in depth customer data points / data sources used to validate hypothesis x x red = low hypothesis confidence yellow = medium hypothesis confidence 30 x green = high hypothesis confidence
  • 31. Customer Validation Search Customer Customer Customer Company Discovery Validation Creation Building Pivot Execution Repeatable and scalable business model? Passionate earlyvangelists? Pivot back to Discovery if no customers 31
  • 32. Why Startups Arent Run By Accountants Scalable Large Transition Startup Company Alfred P. Sloan 32
  • 33. Founder of General Motors Scalable Large Transition Startup Company Billy Durant 33
  • 34. FIRED by General Motors Board Scalable Large Transition Startup Company Billy Durant 34
  • 35. Durant Versus Sloan Dies, rich, honored and famous 35
  • 36. Durant Versus Sloan Dies managing a bowling alley Dies, rich, honored and famous 36
  • 37. Durant Versus Sloan Accountant Dies managing a bowling alley Dies, rich, honored and famous 37
  • 38. Innovators look out! WE are here Scalable Large Transition Startup Company 38
  • 39. Get Out of the Building!!! bob@kandsranch.com www.steveblank.com ON SALE HEREalso in ebook 39