Rod Kersch is being recommended for his leadership qualities and accomplishments as demonstrated in his current role. He has taken on substantial challenges and achieved success amongst peer leadership. Rod has led his team to new levels of effectiveness through his technical, strategic, and business insights. As a Sales VP, Rod's success comes from showing a great balance in leadership, technical skills, process improvement, and business acumen. He has an impressive list of professional and personal accomplishments in payments and healthcare industries. On a personal level, Rod is described as having high integrity and being committed, diligent, tenacious, and passionate about quality and excellence.
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Bob Warrick Recommendation
1. 12-11-2015
To Whom It May Concern:
Please acceptthisletterasa personal andprofessional characterreference forMr. RoderickKersch. As
hiscolleague, I have growngreatrespectforRod's leadershipqualitiesandaccomplishmentsamongst
histeam,at the same time the breadthof knowledgehe hasquicklygainedinourindustry. Rodhas
takenon substantial professional andpersonalchallengesandhasachievedsuccessamongstourpeer
leadershipgroup. Ihave watchedRodtake histeamto new levelsof effectivenessthroughhistechnical,
strategicand businessinsight.
Rod's successas a SalesVPisa resultof showinggreatbalance inleadership,technical skills,process
improvementandbusinessacumen.Rod'ssharpeye fortalentandabilitytoassemble thistalentintoa
highperformingteamisindicative of hisstrongcoachingskills.He hasanenviouslistof professionaland
personal accomplishments,salesachievementsinthe paymentsandhealthcare industriesempowering
himwithskillsthatwouldbe of tremendousvaluetoanyorganization.
On a personal level,Rodbringsahighlevel of trustandintegritytoour friendship. Ican alsospeakto
Rod's commitment,diligence,tenacityandcompetitive drive. He istrulya qualityindividualwitha
tremendousworkethicanda passionforqualityandexcellence.
If I can provide furtherinformationpleasedonothesitate tocontactme personallyat612.269.7086.
Robert Warrick
Vice President,FirstDataUSA
SMB | FIChannel |StrategicPartnerships
BusinessAdvisor- Payments
Board Chair,WMS Companies