First impressions are very powerful
Halo effect or Devil effect
Allow time to relax
Dress appropriately
Entrance, introductions & handshake
Smile and make eye contact
Be aware of own movements
Watch body language of interviewer
2. Greet everyone in the room by making soft eye contact
Shake hands with palm facing upwards to show sincerity
A strong handshake or an assertive greeting is not what panelists
are looking for
You ought to come across as trustworthy, rather than confident
3. The scrutiny starts from the moment you walk into the room
Do not adjust the clothes
If someone is there to direct you to the room, follow him/her. Its
shows you understand and respect the protocol
4. You can keep portfolio on the table.
Bag or briefcase should be on the floor
Dont keep anything in the lap, which may be seen as a barrier
around yourself
5. Do not sit until you are offered one.
Do not cross your legs. This indicates the person is unsure.
Sit straight, feet on ground
Sit in a way that you occupy
as much space in the chair as possible
6. Leaning back indicated boredom or arrogance
Leaning forward is a sign of aggression, even nervousness
7. Avoid Facing the interviewer with the head tilting downwards
Keeping head straight is neutral to what is being said.
Tilting head to one side can be seen positive attitude. This indicates
that you are listening.
Dont over do it. It could be seen as nervousness.
8. Rolling up eyes or looking away indicates you are unsure or a shy
Is crucial and should be natural
Staring without a break can be intimidating
Hold eye contact for 10 Sec before looking at other members.
At some time you could look away as you try to think of what to
say. Avoid looking down, it is sign of embarrassment or shame
When interviewed by a panel,make random eye contact with
others before returning to the person, who asked the question
9. Crossing arms is defensiveness or disagreement
It is closed mind , implying disagreement
Keep your hands in your lap on your knees
Dont grip them tightly. It indicates nervousness
10. Avoid mouth guard gesture
Mouth guard with thumb pressed against cheek
Subtle signs rubbing eyes or nose
Touching your eyes or scratching your neck indicates you dont
believe what you are saying
11. Church steeple suggests confidence
Clenching is frustration or self control
Concealing your hands indicates something is being hidden
Tapping fingers is impatience
Shrugging your shoulders is detachment or shedding your shoulders
12. Keep your belongings on your left and you are free to
shake hands
In a panel, shake hands with head or the person who
brought you in
13. Post interview, dont let your composure go.
Gather your belongings calmly.
Get up slowly but smoothly and nod your head
Even if you slipped up during the interview, a confident good bye
could improve the impression
Editor's Notes
#6: Keeping both feet on the ground allows one to use both the hemispheres of the brain