This document provides an overview of key concepts for analyzing pension systems. It discusses the main factors that influence pension systems, including demographics, economics, and system design. It then examines the simple economics of pay-as-you-go defined benefit schemes and funded defined contribution schemes. For each scheme type, it outlines the main flows of contributions and benefits as well as how the level of benefits is determined.
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Bogomolova pension system analysis - basic concepts and identities
2. 2
General framework for quantitative analysis of
pension systems
Key factors: demographic, economic, pension
system design
Simple economics of PAYG DB schemes
Simple economics of Funded DC schemes
4. 4
Main groups of factors
Demographic environment
Economic environment
Pension system design
5. 5
Demographic factors
Population, age/gender composition working
age and old age population , old age dependency
Fertility (total fertility rate, replacement level)
Mortality rates life expectancy, life expectancy
at retirement
Disability prevalence rates
Migration flows, age and gender composition
World-wide trend population aging
decreasing fertility, increasing life expectancy
6. 6
Economic factors
Macroeconomic indicators
Interest rates
Labor market indicators
Labor force participation rates
Unemployment rates
Informal sector
Wages, earning profile, income
7. 7
Pension system design
(system revenues)
Contributor coverage
Contribution rate
Covered wage (ceilings/floors, basic vs total
8. 8
Pension system design
(system expenditures)
Beneficiary coverage
Eligibility criteria:
retirement age, early retirement
vesting period
qualifying conditions for disability and
survivorship benefits
Rules for benefit calculations
Indexation of post-retirement benefits
9. 9
PAYG Defined Benefit systems
Financing: workers contributions today are used to
pay pensioners today; in return, workers get a
promise that they will receive a pension tomorrow
paid for by workers tomorrow
Benefits: calculated based on a prescribed
(defined benefit) formula; normally linked to
individuals wages, years of contributions, accrual
10. 10
PAYG DB finances
Total expenditures: EXP = B*P
Total revenues: REV = C*E
Books are balanced when B*P = C*E
C = average contribution
B = average benefit (pension)
P = number of pensioners
E = number of contributors
11. 11
PAYG DB finances (cont.)
Given that:
B = RR*W; C = W*CR; and DR = P/E
The pension fund balance equation can be presented
as: CR=RR*DR
CR = contribution rate
RR = average replacement rate (relative pension level)
W = average wage
DR = system dependency rate (the inverse support ratio)
12. 12
How to keep the system in balance?
Adjust contribution rate (CR)
Adjust average replacement rate (RR)
Adjust parameters/policy variables affecting the
dependency rate (DR)
Combination of the above
More direct control of CR and RR; less control
over DR
13. 13
Equilibrium contribution rate
If average replacement rate is fixed (target RR)
Contribution rate required to finance a given
average replacement rate is:
So if the dependency rate grows the contribution
rate has to be increased in order to bring the
pension fund into balance
14. 14
Equilibrium replacement rate
If contribution rate is fixed
Another way to balance the system is through the
average replacement rate affordable
replacement rate is:
So, if the dependency rate grows and the
contribution rate remains unchanged the average
replacement rate has to be reduced in order to
keep the system in balance
15. 15
Key determinants of average
replacement rate
Policy choices about target individual replacement
rate (individual pension/individual wage)
Benefit formula (entry pensions)
Policy choices about pension indexation method
(post-retirement pensions)
Economic factors: wages, wage growth rate
Behavior: contribution density years of
contributions at retirement
16. 16
Benefit formula: typical structure
Accrual rate per year of service
Min/max replacement rates, min/max pensions
Measure of income (reference wage, pensionable
earning measure)
- ceiling on pensionable wages
- averaging period
- valorization rules
Penalties for early retirement, increments for late
17. 17
Post-retirement pensions:
indexation methods
Price indexation: pensions move with the price
level; their real value remains unchanged
Wage indexation: pensions move with wages;
their relative value remains unchanged
Combination of price and wage indexation (e.g.
Swiss formula)
Other indexation rules (ad hoc, discretional, fixed
%, progressive indexation, etc.)
18. 18
How to affect finances through
system dependency rate?
If contribution rate and replacement rate are fixed:
Dependency rate is not a policy variable, but some
policy choices can change it
19. 19
Key determinants of system
dependency rate: numerator
Number of pensioners (P)
Demographic factors (old age population,
mortality rates after retirement life
expectancy at retirement)
Policy choices in pension system (retirement
age, rules for early retirement, beneficiary
coverage rate, vesting period, eligibility criteria
for receiving disability pensions, survivors
20. 20
Key determinants of system
dependency rate: denominator
Number of contributors (E)
Demographic factors (working age population,
fertility in the past, mortality, migration)
Economic factors (school-leaving age, labor
force participation, unemployment, size of the
informal sector)
Policy choices (contributor coverage,
retirement age, rules for early retirement, built-
in incentives (e.g. contribution rate), other)
21. 21
Retirement age
Average retirement age Normal retirement age
and early retirement arrangements
Quantitative analysis of various pension systems:
retirement age is the most effective policy variable
to adjust long run dependency rate
Changes in retirement age affect both the
numerator and denominator in DR=P/E
If life expectancy increases, retirement age has to
be adjusted to keep the system in balance in the
long run
22. 22
Policy choices: how much freedom?
Basic relationship (CR=RR*DR) To make a
PAYG DB financially sustainable, policy makers
can change only two of the three key parameters:
- contribution rate
- average replacement rate
- retirement age
Once two parameters are set, the third is
determined endogenously
Limits for setting exogenous parameters (e.g.
replacement rate social and political,
contribution rate economic, retirement age
physical, social and political)
23. 23
Funded defined contribution systems
Financing: Contributions are put into individuals
account Assets are accumulated and earn
interest Accumulated capital used to pay for
Benefits: Calculated based on accumulated capital
24. 24
Capital accumulated by the
year of retirement
AC = C1*(1+r)N + C2*(1+r)N-1 ++ CN*(1+r)
AC = accumulated capital
Ct = CRt * Wt
N = number of working years
r = rate of return (here assumed to be constant)
Ct = contribution in year t, for t = 1, 2, , N
CRt = contribution rate in year t, for t = 1, 2, , N
Wt = workers wage in year t, for t = 1, 2, , N
25. 25
Benefit payout: annuity
When worker retires, accumulated capital (AC) is
turned into pension which is set so that:
B0+ B1/(1+d) + + BM/(1+d)M = AC
Initial benefit calculation: B0 =AC/AF
Bt = Bt -1 * indexation coefficient, t>0
M = number of retirement years
d = discount rate
AF = annuity factor
No bequest to survivors, longevity risk borne by
annuity provider
Variety of annuity products
26. 26
Annuity factor:
If a person of certain age and gender is promised a
benefit=$1, with specified indexation rules, how
much is such a promise worth in todays dollars?
1+ ind1* surv1/(1+d)+(ind1* ind2 )* (surv1* surv2)/(1+d)2+
indt = indexation coefficient in year t of retirement
survt = probability of surviving from year t-1 to t
d = discount rate
27. 27
Benefit payout:
programmed withdrawals
The account continues to earn interest while
pensioner withdraws funds
Benefit is recalculated each year:
Bt = RCt / LEt,a
RCt = remaining capital in year t
LEt,a = life expectancy at age a in year t
If dies early, the remaining balance is turned over
to survivors; if lives long, Bt may become very
low; longevity risk borne by individuals
Other payout forms (lump sums, required
minimum annuity, etc.)
28. 28
Main determinants of benefit levels
Contribution rate
Individuals wages
Rate of return, rate of return-wage growth
Passivity ratio (retirement years/working
years years of service, retirement age, life
Administrative costs
Annuity factors (life expectancy, indexation,
single vs joint, discount rate)