The document discusses firefighters, who they are and what they wear. Firefighters are men and women who work to put out fires, rescue people during disasters like earthquakes and floods, rescue people in car accidents, mountain rescues, and minor emergency situations like removing bee swarms, rescuing cats from trees, cleaning facades, and cutting down fallen trees. To protect themselves, firefighters wear helmets, gloves, jackets, pants, and boots.
Los bomberos combaten incendios, realizan rescates, brindan primeros auxilios en emergencias, evacuan en caso de inundaciones y realizan la prevenci坦n de incendios revisando locales. Tambi辿n dan charlas y capacitaciones a la comunidad sobre prevenci坦n y qu辿 hacer en caso de incendio.
Los bomberos visitaron la escuela el 16 de enero y explicaron su trabajo a los ni単os, incluyendo el equipo especial que usan. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre las responsabilidades de los bomberos y agradecieron a los bomberos por compartir informaci坦n sobre c坦mo ayudan a las personas.
The document is about firefighters and what they do. It tells children to call 112 if they see a fire. It describes firefighters getting in their truck and using a ladder to go up buildings. It asks the reader to find items like a hose and ladder in pictures. It also offers to play a song about firefighters.
The class visited the fire station where they learned many things about firefighters from Carlos. The students had many questions to ask. Montse tried on the protective gear that firefighters wear to extinguish fires. The sirens sounded but it was a false alarm. The students got to climb into the fire truck and see all it contains. Patricia then tried on the protective gear used when working with hazardous materials. Lorena saw the hoses used for flooding or drain work. They observed how water is used to put out fires and saw Patricia practice slipping and sliding. The class thanked the firefighters for their time.
This document discusses staying warm during winter by wearing gloves, hats, sweaters, pants, coats and scarves when going to and from home and school. It mentions heating homes and schools, eating hot food, and occasionally experiencing snow. It also notes celebrating Christmas, Epiphany, and Carnival.
This document provides information about emergency services and fire safety. It lists the police, civil guard, local police, and firefighters as services to contact for help. It also lists some fire safety tips and norms to remember from the prevention plan. The document describes parts of a firefighter's uniform and asks what the reader wants to be when they grow up.
The document discusses the equipment and vehicles used by firefighters. It describes the firetruck which carries water, hoses, axes, crowbars, foam, and fire protective suits. It also mentions the tools like hydraulic cutters used to remove debris from car accidents. When arriving at a fire, firefighters may need to use axes to break down doors or walls to access the building. Fire stations house many prepared firetrucks ready to respond quickly to emergencies as indicated by their sirens. Firefighters work to extinguish all types of fires, which can be especially dangerous in forests, making their job very difficult.
Este documento habla sobre los bomberos y sus funciones. Los bomberos trabajan las 24 horas los 365 d鱈as del a単o para apagar incendios, rescatar personas en accidentes de tr叩fico, en el mar, la monta単a y cuevas. Tambi辿n act炭an en cat叩strofes naturales, rescates en ascensores y derrumbamientos. Adem叩s, ense単an normas de prevenci坦n de incendios y qu辿 hacer en caso de que ocurra un incendio como salir r叩pido y pedir ayuda.
Los bomberos ayudan a apagar incendios, responder a accidentes y desastres naturales, y realizan funciones qu鱈micas y de remoci坦n de escombros como ca鱈das de 叩rboles.
Este documento describe las responsabilidades y procedimientos de los bomberos. Los bomberos se encargan de ayudar en situaciones de peligro como incendios, salvamentos y primeros auxilios, y de proteger vidas y bienes. Tambi辿n se enfocan en la prevenci坦n mediante la educaci坦n p炭blica. Su trabajo conlleva riesgos, por lo que requieren equipo de protecci坦n como cascos, guantes y m叩scaras respiratorias.
El brujo Camu単as intenta cazar a la ni単a Blanca para com辿rsela, pero Blanca se da cuenta de que en realidad Camu単as es el brujo Pirujo disfrazado. Blanca convence a Camu単as de que en verdad es Pirujo se単alando sus caracter鱈sticas distintivas, como su gran nariz en forma de berenjena. Al darse cuenta de que Blanca tiene raz坦n, Camu単as huye avergonzado de regreso a su casa.
The document is about firefighters and what they do. It tells children to call 112 if they see a fire. It describes firefighters getting in their truck and using a ladder to go up buildings. It asks the reader to find items like a hose and ladder in pictures. It also offers to play a song about firefighters.
The class visited the fire station where they learned many things about firefighters from Carlos. The students had many questions to ask. Montse tried on the protective gear that firefighters wear to extinguish fires. The sirens sounded but it was a false alarm. The students got to climb into the fire truck and see all it contains. Patricia then tried on the protective gear used when working with hazardous materials. Lorena saw the hoses used for flooding or drain work. They observed how water is used to put out fires and saw Patricia practice slipping and sliding. The class thanked the firefighters for their time.
This document discusses staying warm during winter by wearing gloves, hats, sweaters, pants, coats and scarves when going to and from home and school. It mentions heating homes and schools, eating hot food, and occasionally experiencing snow. It also notes celebrating Christmas, Epiphany, and Carnival.
This document provides information about emergency services and fire safety. It lists the police, civil guard, local police, and firefighters as services to contact for help. It also lists some fire safety tips and norms to remember from the prevention plan. The document describes parts of a firefighter's uniform and asks what the reader wants to be when they grow up.
The document discusses the equipment and vehicles used by firefighters. It describes the firetruck which carries water, hoses, axes, crowbars, foam, and fire protective suits. It also mentions the tools like hydraulic cutters used to remove debris from car accidents. When arriving at a fire, firefighters may need to use axes to break down doors or walls to access the building. Fire stations house many prepared firetrucks ready to respond quickly to emergencies as indicated by their sirens. Firefighters work to extinguish all types of fires, which can be especially dangerous in forests, making their job very difficult.
Este documento habla sobre los bomberos y sus funciones. Los bomberos trabajan las 24 horas los 365 d鱈as del a単o para apagar incendios, rescatar personas en accidentes de tr叩fico, en el mar, la monta単a y cuevas. Tambi辿n act炭an en cat叩strofes naturales, rescates en ascensores y derrumbamientos. Adem叩s, ense単an normas de prevenci坦n de incendios y qu辿 hacer en caso de que ocurra un incendio como salir r叩pido y pedir ayuda.
Los bomberos ayudan a apagar incendios, responder a accidentes y desastres naturales, y realizan funciones qu鱈micas y de remoci坦n de escombros como ca鱈das de 叩rboles.
Este documento describe las responsabilidades y procedimientos de los bomberos. Los bomberos se encargan de ayudar en situaciones de peligro como incendios, salvamentos y primeros auxilios, y de proteger vidas y bienes. Tambi辿n se enfocan en la prevenci坦n mediante la educaci坦n p炭blica. Su trabajo conlleva riesgos, por lo que requieren equipo de protecci坦n como cascos, guantes y m叩scaras respiratorias.
El brujo Camu単as intenta cazar a la ni単a Blanca para com辿rsela, pero Blanca se da cuenta de que en realidad Camu単as es el brujo Pirujo disfrazado. Blanca convence a Camu単as de que en verdad es Pirujo se単alando sus caracter鱈sticas distintivas, como su gran nariz en forma de berenjena. Al darse cuenta de que Blanca tiene raz坦n, Camu単as huye avergonzado de regreso a su casa.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.