Spencer is a consultant, coach and mentor in lean UX and agile UX, speaker, ex-designer, sometimes Ruby programmer and ardent proponent of visual communication. At Cultivate, he operates at the intersection of product management, design and development to help teams make great digital products.
The Bones Brigade movie is about the 1980s Skateboard team formed of unknown amateur skaters, from radically different backgrounds, each specialist in their own discipline, led and mentored by an expert not much older than them. It transfixed me and got me thinking about teams in the software world.
Spencer will share what he thinks we can learn about cross functional teams, mentoring, healthy competition in teams and who really runs a team.
11. @spencerturner
Nobody held a team as long as Stacy has,
I mean phhhff, no one even half the time
he was the glue that held us all together.
13. @spencerturner
I wanted this to be no name guys
that no one had ever seen,
and so I started picking up young
amateurs that I knew I could develop
Stacy Peralta
14. @spencerturner
Here I am
10 years old
and Im like this
big and these guys
are like 2ft higher
than me.
Steve Caballero
25. @spencerturner
It was really like hard to believe,
here were these little soft kids,
but all their integrity and heart
was in skateboarding.
Glen .E Friedman - Photographer
28. @spencerturner
Coming in from Florida and flying in and
seeing the guys, and seeing what they
would do, I would just look at em go, and
just be there kinda feelin so privileged
cruisin around in the volvo
29. @spencerturner
I liked that feeling of being with a group
of guys, competing against each other,
but at the end of the competition,
were leaving as friends, as a team.
30. @spencerturner
Nah, youre partying and having a good
time cos you cant compete with
Phhfff. Man up, man up and beat us!
Not me personally, they always beat me.
Hehehe. But man up and beat my boys!
39. @spencerturner
Alan Gelfand invented the ollie,
when he was an amateur.
He invents the trick of the century,
when he was an amateur.
40. @spencerturner
Caballero at 16 years of age,
invents the Cabalariel.
He takes what Alan Gelfands done with the
ollie, and now he does it in the air 360 ollie.
41. @spencerturner
For me Cabalariels were a game changer
because it made you realise you can do
difficult spinning manoeuvres or technical
manoeuvres without grabbing your board.
42. @spencerturner
Seeing guys like my heros Alan Gelfand,
invent the ollie, I mean that was ppffwow -
thats a legacy for him. And then Caballero
doing the cabalarial, Im like, wow thats
great, you know. What am I gonna do?
Mike Mcgill
44. @spencerturner
Tony took the McTwist and all of a sudden
hes doing one foot McTwists, then hes
doing board varial McTwists, and then he
does the absolute unthinkable, which is the
Ollie McTwist, he does a McTwist not even
grabbing his board!
47. @spencerturner
When we got into skating, you did not
become rich or famous if you were good
at skateboarding. No one did, no matter
how good you were.
48. @spencerturner
When George and I first started talking,
I just liked him, I trusted him.
He wasnt doing this to make a million
Dollars, and I wasnt either.
51. @spencerturner
I was so young that all I knew was that
my friends had quit skating, all the parks
were closing, but I wasnt going to quit.
I still had a skateboard, thats all I needed.
52. @spencerturner
It was such an intoxicating place to be
that these backyard events started to
grow the sport again.
53. @spencerturner
Where we made the first video, thinking
we might sell 300, we sold 30,000.
It was unbelievable.
They became manifestos.
54. @spencerturner
The videos added a human element,
we werent just this untouchable elite
crew of skaters, they showed that we
were silly, we fall.
57. @spencerturner
If itd just been Rodney Mullen,
Steve Caballero and Tony Hawk in the
video, I mighta gone damn, skating is
tough, its hard, Ill never be that good,
but Lance Mountain presented skating
as something accessible.
Mike ValleLy - Pro Skateboarder
58. @spencerturner
Lance let you say its OK to be a crappy
skater, and Im not saying Lance was a
crappy skater, but you can love skating
and thats enough.
74. @spencerturner
Mike McGill Owns a skateboard shop and
makes products under the McTwist Label.
Tommy Guerrero Co-Founded Real
Skateboards & Deluxe Distribution.
75. @spencerturner
Lance Mountain Formed and ran Firm
Skateboards for 15 years and is still
a pro-skateboarder.
Steve Caballero is still a pro, still skating
for George Powell 33 years on.
76. @spencerturner
Tony Hawk Went on to win 10 X-Games
titles, Co-Founded Birdhouse Skateboards
& Created The Tony Hawk Pro Skater Game.
Rodney Mullen Co-Founded World
Industries, the most successful skateboard
company in the 1990s which he sold in 98
for $20m. Co-owner of Almost.
77. @spencerturner
Stacy Peralta Makes documentaries, surfs
and skateboards.
He and George reunited in 2006 at the
request of Lance Mountain and fellow
Bones Brigade members and began
patching up their relationship.