This document introduces the concept of technological determinism, which views technology as developing autonomously according to its own internal logic or laws, and then having direct impacts on society. However, the authors argue that technology is shaped by social factors and that its development and effects are influenced by economic, political, and cultural values. They propose that technology should be seen as shaped by society as much as shaping it.
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Book 2
1. Donald MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman
Introductory essay: the social shaping of
Book section
Original citation:
Originally published in MacKenzie, Donald and Wajcman, Judy, eds. (1999) The social shaping
of technology. 2nd ed., Open University Press, Buckingham, UK. ISBN 9780335199136
息 1999 Donald MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman
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2. 1
Technology is a vitally important aspect of the human condition.
Technologies feed, clothe, and provide shelter for us; they transport, entertain,
and heal us; they provide the bases of wealth and of leisure; they also pollute and
kill. For good or ill, they are woven inextricably into the fabric of our lives, from
birth to death, at home, in school, in paid work. Rich or poor, employed or non-
employed, woman or man, black or white, north or south - all of our lives are
intertwined with technologies, from simple tools to large technical systems.
When this intertwining is discussed in newspapers or other mass media,
the dominant account of it can summed up as technological determinism.
Technologies change, either because of scientific advance or following a logic of
their own; and they then have effects on society. The development of computer
technology, for example, is often seen as following trajectories that are close to
natural laws, the most famous being Moores law, describing how the number of
components on a state-of-the-art microchip doubles in a fixed, predictable period
of time (originally a year; now 18 months). This defining rule of the modern
world (Malone, 1995) fuels an information and communication technology
revolution that, numerous pundits tell, is changing and will change the way we
Technological Determinism as a Theory of Society