The review summarizes the story of The Alchemist, which follows a young shepherd boy who follows his dream of finding a treasure. The tale teaches that one should follow their instincts and destiny, look for the silver lining in difficult times, push beyond their comfort zone with creativity, keep faith in themselves and respect relationships but not let them dictate one's path. The book teaches lessons of bravery, hard work, and following dreams, making it recommended for all age groups.
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Books reveiw
1. Review of the book THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho
The story is of a young boy who is a shepherd and who
follows his dream of search of a treasure. It is a
amazing tale which tells us that we should follow our
instinct and the path which destiny had chosen for us.
It gives insight that we should always look at the silver
lining in the dark cloud and never give-up in difficult
situation. It tells us how the creativity helps us to reach
new heights and importance of keep pushing your
comfort zone. It teaches us how we have to keep faith
intact in ourself and loved ones. We should respect the
relations but should not get tied by them so as to lose
path of our destiny. It teaches us to be brave and
hardworking. This book is must read for every one of
any age group.