The document discusses developing BuddyPress as a collaboration hub. It outlines goals of connection and collaboration for the CUNY Academic Commons website. It describes using BuddyPress for custom profile filters and connections. It also explores using BuddyPress and bbPress for group forum subscriptions, forum attachments, and integrating users between the platforms. Finally, it examines extending collaboration to MediaWiki through single sign-on and displaying BuddyPress activity.
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Boone Gorges Wordcamp2009
1. Developing BuddyPress as a Collaboration HubBoone B Gorges 揃 @boonebgorges 揃 boonebgorges@gmail.comCUNY Academic Commons 揃 http://commons.gc.cuny.eduWordCamp NYC 揃 November 14 2009
16. The endBoone B Gorges@boonebgorgeshttp://teleogistic.netboonebgorges@gmail.comCUNY Academic Commons@cunycommonshttp://commons.gc.cuny.edu