How to leverage your portfolio resume section with semantic.
Most ePortfolio environments include a resume section. Students are either asked to upload a resume PDF file or fill a form with usual sections like contact information, education, experience, etc. In this presentation, we discuss two related issues: i. the potential benefits for students and employers of adding some standard semantic (EuroPass) to the resume section; ii. the idea of using the resume metaphor as the basis for building an enriched career or presentation portfolio with artefacts, campus activities and reflexive comments. These ideas are illustrated though a pilot conducted in a business school.
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Boston2011 resume
1. How to leverage your portfolio resume section with semantic Jacques Raynauld, HEC Montr辿al and MATI Montr辿alNicole T辿taNokam, MATI Montr辿al
2. ContextMATI Montr辿al is a research center :HEC Montr辿al, cole polytechnique and University of Montr辿alStarted a strategic initiative on portfolios in 2009 AAEEBEL pr辿sentation last yearFollow-up on a specificsub-project : resumeLooking for yourcomments2AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28
3. The key goalAAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-283Portfolio......Portfolio......ResumeResume (PDF)The resume is a section of the portfolio usually in a separate static PDFThe resume is generated dynamically from the information contained in the portfolio (semantic).
4. OverviewProject at HEC Montr辿al : students, employers and career center needsPDF resumes are not the answerWhatkind of semantic?The resume as a portfolio by-product and metaphorOur set of flexible toolsDemo of ourenvironmentFuture work : links to social networks? AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 4
5. Project at Hec Montr辿alInfluence of a Florida State presentation at last year AAEEBL conferenceAAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-285
6. Project at HEC Montr辿alStudentsResume is an inescapable needNo easy to write a good resumeNeed some guidance and a more reflexive processNeed more than a resume e-portfolio AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 6
7. Project at HEC Montr辿alEmployers (focus group)Still use the 2-page resumeNo time to look at e-portfoliosNeed for better and more efficient toolsInterested to search standardized resume using flexible criteria and look more closely at 2 or 3 specific e-portfolios AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 7
8. Project at HEC Montr辿alCareer Center (focus group)Support the students in their resume and job searchNeed tools to provide better guidance and foster a more reflexive approachActual process is cumbersome : receiving PDF resumes and sending comments by mailsNeed tools to be more efficient Need to create booklets (MBA Graduating Class) AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 8
9. Project at HEC Montr辿alPossible solution - e-portfolios with a more semantic resume sectionTemplate for students Research by employersBetter guidance and feedback for the career center with a comment process built in + easy booklet production AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 9
10. PDF Resume is not the answerNot searchable for employersCumbersome for career officesNo real guidance for students except for outside How to write a good resumeNeed something more semantic and linked to a e-portfolio type discourse AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 10
11. What kind of semantic?By semantic we refer to an environment where a specific information is linked by the system to its true meaningJacques Raynauld = NameHEC Montr辿al = schoolEtc. AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 11
12. What Kind of Semantic? AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 12
13. What Kind of Semantic? AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 13
14. What Kind of Semantic?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheethref="" type="text/xsl"?><europass:learnerinfoxmlns:europass="" xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation="" locale="en_GB"><identification><firstname>Fred</firstname><lastname>Bloggs</lastname><contactinfo><address>My StreetMy VillageMyTownTyne and WearUKNE1 2AB</address><telephone>0191 246 4539</telephone><fax></fax><mobile></mobile><email></email></contactinfo><demographics><birthdate>1979-08-07</birthdate></demographics> AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 14
15. What Kind of Semantic?Choose EuroPassWell accepted European standardExport/import capabilitiesGates to HR-XMLMany tools availableEtc.AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-2815
16. The Resume as a Portfolio by-product and MetaphorStudents fill their resume but in the process are guided to:Reflect on the competencies developedAttach relevant artefactsThe result:An e-portfolioA searchable resume for employersA printable version of their resumeAn XML export EuroPassfileAAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-2816
17. Our set of flexible toolsNeed to design a veryspecial portfolioNot all universitieswill push the sameresumetemplateHow to incorporateappropriatesemanticHow to incorporateneededfeatures : seach, comments, etc.AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-2817
18. Our set of flexible toolsPortfolio solution developed by MATI Montr辿alPresentedat last yearconferenceLearning portfolios : a structured approachAAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-2818
19. Our set of tools19AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28
20. Our set of toolsAAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-2820
21. Our set of toolsAAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-2821Very flexible tool : Can create any stucture withText
28. Demo of our environmentAAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-2823Search by competency, experience, etc. is easy since we have some semantic built-in (it is not full text search)Student #1NameDegreeCompetenciesWork experienceAccess the full portfolioStudent #2NameDegreeCompetenciesWork experienceAccess the full portfolioStudent #3NameDegreeCompetenciesWork experienceAccess the full portfolio
29. Road-mapPilot in Septemberwith the Marketing Association (to create a booklet)Project withUniversity of Grenoble to add a social layer (for alumnii)Understand the possibles links withprofessional networks LinkedIn, Monster, AAEEBL 2011 Conference Boston, USA July 26-28 24