Laporan tersebut membahas konsep dan rencana penanganan lima jenis kawasan permukiman prioritas di Kota Bandar Lampung. Konsep-konsep tersebut mencakup peningkatan infrastruktur, penataan lingkungan, pelestarian lingkungan alam, dan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pengembangan permukiman yang berkelanjutan.
Dokumen ini membahas sistem prasarana kota Beijing Subway di Cina, dimulai sebagai sistem pertahanan militer pada Perang Dingin kemudian berkembang menjadi sistem transportasi umum. Dokumen ini juga memaparkan peta Beijing Subway tahun 2004 dan rencana perkembangannya pada tahun 2008 beserta elemen-elemen pendukungnya.
The document describes a tool called Seer that helps organize information for clients by automatically categorizing documents and allowing users to access them across devices. Seer can show the latest work for a client like a Pepsi pitch proposal and share documents easily with a team, while also contacting Seer for more information.
Sarah the film presentation/pitch. This includes everything that the film will contain within itself such as, Target audience, poster ideas, Narrative structure, mise-en-secene/cinematography, sound and conventions of our film genre.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang petunjuk teknis penyusunan Rencana Kerja Masyarakat (RKM) untuk pembangunan permukiman kumuh skala lingkungan, mencakup pengertian RKM, ruang lingkup, manfaat, dan ketentuan-ketentuan penyusunan RKM."
Review dan Evaluasi Dokumen SIAP - NUAP - RKMBagus ardian
Dokumen ini membahas hasil review dokumen perencanaan penanganan permukiman kumuh yaitu SIAP, NUAP, dan RKM di 20 kota/kabupaten wilayah NUSP-2. Secara umum hasil review menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan dokumen masih perlu penajaman substansi dan penyempurnaan format sesuai pedoman. Beberapa kota dinilai sangat tidak layak dan perlu revisi mendalam.
Johnny Sung introduced various messaging platforms and APIs that can be used to build messaging bots, including Slack, Line, Facebook Messenger, Skype, and others. He covered the key features of each platform's bot APIs, including how to set up webhooks, send and receive messages, and provided code examples in PHP. The presentation aimed to help developers learn how to connect their services to popular messaging platforms through bots.
Top 100-php-interview-questions-and-answers-are-below-120816023558-phpapp01Tekblink Jeeten
This document contains summaries of 100 PHP interview questions and their answers. It discusses topics such as:
1. The differences between procedural and object-oriented programming in PHP.
2. Common PHP functions like include, require, urlencode, unlink, and image manipulation functions.
3. How to retrieve data from MySQL databases, submit forms, encrypt data, and get browser/server properties in PHP.
4. The major differences between PHP versions 3, 4, and 5.
5. How to configure aspects like upload file sizes and time zones in PHP applications.
Review Dokumen Perencanaan Skala Lingkungan - NUAPBagus ardian
Dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan mengenai review dokumen NUAP (Neighborhood Upgrading Action Plan) yang disusun sebagai bagian dari proyek peningkatan kawasan permukiman dan perumahan NUSP-2 (Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project Phase 2). Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran review dokumen NUAP, metode yang digunakan, kondisi kekumuhan yang ada, dan pembagian peran antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan swasta dalam menangg
Google Cloud Platform provides several compute and storage services including Compute Engine, Container Engine, App Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, and Bigtable. App Engine is a platform as a service for building scalable web and mobile backends with managed runtimes and automatic scaling. Container Engine (GKE) provides Kubernetes container orchestration to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. Cloud SQL is a fully-managed MySQL database, while Cloud Datastore is a NoSQL database for app backends.
Create and Manage APIs with API Connect, Swagger and BluemixDev_Events
Presented by - Raghavan “Rags” Srinivas, Architect, IBM
Enabling other developers and organizations to use your APIs through their own applications and services provides a compelling system for innovation and monetization. The Swagger spec (v2.0), recently donated to the Open API Initiative (OAI), is part of an open source project for better creation and documentation of APIs. Companies are empowering developers via these initiatives to leverage the data and build apps around it. This hands-on session helps you get started with creating APIs for consumption by developers in a well-documented, secure, and easy-to-manage form.
Dokumen tersebut membahas rencana pengembangan kawasan permukiman prioritas di Kota Martapura, Kabupaten Banjar. Secara garis besar mencakup tinjauan kebijakan pembangunan daerah, arahan pengembangan kawasan permukiman berdasarkan dokumen SPPIP, kondisi eksisting kawasan yang akan dikembangkan, serta potensi dan permasalahan yang ada.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
Review dan Evaluasi Dokumen SIAP - NUAP - RKMBagus ardian
Dokumen ini membahas hasil review dokumen perencanaan penanganan permukiman kumuh yaitu SIAP, NUAP, dan RKM di 20 kota/kabupaten wilayah NUSP-2. Secara umum hasil review menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan dokumen masih perlu penajaman substansi dan penyempurnaan format sesuai pedoman. Beberapa kota dinilai sangat tidak layak dan perlu revisi mendalam.
Johnny Sung introduced various messaging platforms and APIs that can be used to build messaging bots, including Slack, Line, Facebook Messenger, Skype, and others. He covered the key features of each platform's bot APIs, including how to set up webhooks, send and receive messages, and provided code examples in PHP. The presentation aimed to help developers learn how to connect their services to popular messaging platforms through bots.
Top 100-php-interview-questions-and-answers-are-below-120816023558-phpapp01Tekblink Jeeten
This document contains summaries of 100 PHP interview questions and their answers. It discusses topics such as:
1. The differences between procedural and object-oriented programming in PHP.
2. Common PHP functions like include, require, urlencode, unlink, and image manipulation functions.
3. How to retrieve data from MySQL databases, submit forms, encrypt data, and get browser/server properties in PHP.
4. The major differences between PHP versions 3, 4, and 5.
5. How to configure aspects like upload file sizes and time zones in PHP applications.
Review Dokumen Perencanaan Skala Lingkungan - NUAPBagus ardian
Dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan mengenai review dokumen NUAP (Neighborhood Upgrading Action Plan) yang disusun sebagai bagian dari proyek peningkatan kawasan permukiman dan perumahan NUSP-2 (Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project Phase 2). Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran review dokumen NUAP, metode yang digunakan, kondisi kekumuhan yang ada, dan pembagian peran antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan swasta dalam menangg
Google Cloud Platform provides several compute and storage services including Compute Engine, Container Engine, App Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, and Bigtable. App Engine is a platform as a service for building scalable web and mobile backends with managed runtimes and automatic scaling. Container Engine (GKE) provides Kubernetes container orchestration to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. Cloud SQL is a fully-managed MySQL database, while Cloud Datastore is a NoSQL database for app backends.
Create and Manage APIs with API Connect, Swagger and BluemixDev_Events
Presented by - Raghavan “Rags” Srinivas, Architect, IBM
Enabling other developers and organizations to use your APIs through their own applications and services provides a compelling system for innovation and monetization. The Swagger spec (v2.0), recently donated to the Open API Initiative (OAI), is part of an open source project for better creation and documentation of APIs. Companies are empowering developers via these initiatives to leverage the data and build apps around it. This hands-on session helps you get started with creating APIs for consumption by developers in a well-documented, secure, and easy-to-manage form.
Dokumen tersebut membahas rencana pengembangan kawasan permukiman prioritas di Kota Martapura, Kabupaten Banjar. Secara garis besar mencakup tinjauan kebijakan pembangunan daerah, arahan pengembangan kawasan permukiman berdasarkan dokumen SPPIP, kondisi eksisting kawasan yang akan dikembangkan, serta potensi dan permasalahan yang ada.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
5. 利?技術
Tone Analyzer API
Conversation API
Google Person Finder API(テストリポジト
Fitbit Developer API
Google Street View Image
Yahoo 気象情報API
Yahoo! Open Local Platform
スタティックマップAPI 地図表?
YDF ヒートマップ表?
pChart API グラフ表?