Teams アプリはさまざまサ`ビスへのエントリ`ポイントの鹿栽であるため、gに屡贋サ`ビスを旋喘して Teams アプリを_kすることができます。しかし、gに Teams アプリ晒できるからといって、なんの峺もoしに Teams アプリを_kしてしまうと、y匯湖がなく、ユ`ザ`に`才湖を嚥え、サ`ビスそのものの悶Yが詰和します。 このセッションは、Teams アプリに箔められる瞳|というものがどういうものであり、どう困燭垢? そのポイントとそれをg廾するためのツ`ルやドキュメントをB初し、AppSource の忙覆困燭稿警|の互い Teams アプリ_kの返廁けとなることを朕議としています。
DID leads the world of multiple domain, say, it's able to divide your identity and your contents such as pictures, documents, or proof of your career and so on. ION run on the Bit coin as Layer 2. I want to show you how to start DID world use ION.
Teams アプリはさまざまサ`ビスへのエントリ`ポイントの鹿栽であるため、gに屡贋サ`ビスを旋喘して Teams アプリを_kすることができます。しかし、gに Teams アプリ晒できるからといって、なんの峺もoしに Teams アプリを_kしてしまうと、y匯湖がなく、ユ`ザ`に`才湖を嚥え、サ`ビスそのものの悶Yが詰和します。 このセッションは、Teams アプリに箔められる瞳|というものがどういうものであり、どう困燭垢? そのポイントとそれをg廾するためのツ`ルやドキュメントをB初し、AppSource の忙覆困燭稿警|の互い Teams アプリ_kの返廁けとなることを朕議としています。
DID leads the world of multiple domain, say, it's able to divide your identity and your contents such as pictures, documents, or proof of your career and so on. ION run on the Bit coin as Layer 2. I want to show you how to start DID world use ION.
For team development, Microservices fits for team development, Atomic Design is well working to Microservices development if layout is devides from contents.
Visual Studio Code はエンジニアのみなさんでしたら、とてもZ半み侮い咫鵑鬚發燭譴討い襪里任呂覆い任靴腓Δ尻F壓、暴はマイクロソフト芙で Developer Advocate として VS Code _kチ`ムとも匯wにPいています。書指は Developer Experience のQ泣から、マイクロソフトの_k宀たちとみた函りMみにvしてごB初します。書指のみでは、_k宀の悶Yをより措いものにし、モチベ`ションを貧げるために、_k宀ならばlもが挫きな VS Code のエクステンションを聞ったアイデアをg仏しました。また、室g議なQ泣から VS Code の仟C嬬や、これからの函りMみについてもおししたいと房っています。
Dev Containers Customization Short versionTakao Tetsuro
describe customization of dev containers, it has three ways how to containerization.
First is that add dev container configuration to existing program. And define the base image of dev container that is runtime of programming language as require for your project then add features. The last one is that create program with .net template then dev containerize.
Developers Containers for Basis, for team development.Takao Tetsuro
Development containers (aka. Dev containers) are one option for streamlining team development. You can create a development environment that suits your development very easily with Visual Studio Code. In this session, we will provide examples of how to create several development environments and also explain sources for collecting information, such as the Dev Containers community.
Service Mesh endpoint needs features such as the Logging feature, the Hardware abstraction feature, Authentication and Authorization and so on, these features are provided several cloud venders as a service, or also can use the Envoy server and the Istio service mesh pilot feature. But creating the service mesh endpoint with ASP.NET Cor Web API minimal template is efficient to learn these cloud native architecture.
The Options Pattern can build a hierarchical settings values structure. In the previous article [ASP .NET Core Options Pattern], a settings values of The .NET Generic Host that created by the host builder were registered to the host as a service as it is, and were used in the UI layer although, the Options Pattern in .NET Core must be applied the Options Pattern as the configuration service before registered to the host.
WebAssemblyとBlazor 、WebAssembly System InterfaceでコンテナライズのOを盾hTakao Tetsuro
WebAssemblyWASMとWebAssembly System InterfaceWASIは、コンテナライゼ`ションのア`キテクチャのひとつです。DockerやWSLWindows Subsystem for Linuxと揖じく、峻さんのI侫蹈献奪にモビリティとスケ`ラビリティを嚥えてくれます。モビリティとスケ`ラビリティを深]したプログラムを恬る匯箭として、Rust、Nodeなどの室gを住えコンテナライゼ`ションを盾hします。
In web app development, the Microservices architecture and atomic design software development process can increase development efficiency.
When use these technologies, using tools also needs such as the Postman, the Podman, the Pixlr X, the Method draw, and the Swagger editor, Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
This presentation explain the process that you use these tools.
This code sample is for .NET Lab community online session.
React Helmet controls a Head tag of HTML. A link rel attribute, a style attribute, a title attribute, and so on.
Thus, it is available that multiple pages of a contents is managed by React Helmet.
Addition, individual page can control style of shared controls such as the _Layout.chtml without modifing class structure or style of shared controls.
2. 徭失B初 {硫 學席
プロフィ`ル Tetsuro Takao on
Facebook, Twitter or
コミュニティ .NETラボの\咼好織奪
Microsoft MVPVisual Studio and Development Technologies
[July 2010 C June 2018]
Microsoft Azure
Bot Service
Microsoft Azure Bot Framework
Cosmos DB
Microsoft Azure Search
Microsoft Azure SQL
Azure Functions
Azure Web App
Microsoft Azure
API Management
Cognitive Services
27. APIの柵び竃し
"answers": [
"answer": "Yes, currently the QnA Maker tool is free to use. However, we do meter the usage per account. See the Subscription Keys section of the documentation for details.",
"questions": [
"is the qna maker service free?"
"score": 98.003289226056637
"answer": "Currently the QnA Maker tool handles semi-structured FAQ content. Eventually the vision is to be able to answer questions from un-structured content as well.",
"questions": [
"what is the roadmap of the qna maker?"
"score": 53.558435074985027
"answer": "The QnA Maker tool ingests and matches data in UTF-16 encoding. This means that any language should work as is. Having said that, we have only extensively tested the
relevance of the service for EN yet.",
"questions": [
"does the qna maker support non-en languages?"
"score": 53.320423148572445
28. Lifecycle of knowledge base
Knowledge base