Were BotBros AI.
We make chatbots, web systems, mobile applications, and automated systems that help businesses reach their full potential.
Chatbots are our main expertise; we are the leading startup in the Philippines offering marketing chatbots designed for different industries.
2. Facebook
Messenger Bots
These chatbots are automated
systems built in Facebook
Messenger to engage with users
and perform automated tasks
such as answering inquiries,
marketing content.
4. With Chatbots
You Can...
Drive in traffic to your
business and continue
to grow the number of
Build a list of
customers that you can
sell to repeatedly
Segment people
based on their
interest and offer
products suited for
5. Benefits of Chatbots
Understand Your Customers
Retrieve data about your customers
from their conversation in the bot
Chatbots are a one time investment to
reduce manpower costs on customer
service, ticketing service, etc.
Available 24/7
Chatbots never fall asleep! Theyll be ready
to serve you anytime and anywhere
6. Benefits of Chatbots
Sales Channel
Chatbots are able to sell products at any
time of the day.
Increase Online Engagement
Chatbots encourage customers to directly
interact with your business online
Market Content Directly
Message your latest content straight to
subscribers inbox with guaranteed
higher impression rates than emails
7. SMS Messenger Email
Php 1 / 140 chars FREE / unli chars Php 0.05 / unli chars
> 80% Open Rates > 80% Open Rates < 10% Open Rates
Costly to respond FREE to respond Lazy to respond
Unsegmented Segmented Segmented