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WVU Capstone Experience
To provide our clients with competitive
insights, utilizing digital outlets and strategic
planning to reach objectives of the
Our Mission
Our Experience
What Youve Asked Of Us
 Create a digital and social communication
approach that CASAColumbia can implement
 Raise awareness and reduce the stigma of addiction
target audiences
 Establish CASAColumbia as a reputable organization
in its competitive set online
Focus Group
 10 participants
 Ages 18-22
 Preferred social media outlets
 Attitudes formed by CASAColumbias current digital
 Existing opinion on addiction as a disease
 Influence of credible sources on social media
Audience Insights
 General Consumer
 Highly influenced by social media
 Trust credible or well-known sources
 Information Seekers
 Healthcare Professionals
 Credible medical professionals with additional
celebrity status have a stronger social media following
Bow&arrow (New Business)
This looks like the stereotypical
alcoholic that ends up homeless and
begs for money on the side of the
 Current social media material and
website supports the stigma
Bow&arrow (New Business)
Insights  The Competitive Set
 Viral social media campaigns
 Non-Profit organizations in the competitive set
 Partnership of influence
Credible Source
Credible organization
 No sound voice already on social
media advocating addiction as a
 Can be the first voice
 Not reinventing the wheel
 Other similar organizations lack
mass recognition
 There is a demand for the information
 No supplyuntil now
 Reach general
consumers who,
Are impressionable
information seekers
Seek information via
social media
Are valuable to
 Rebrand all digital
media with the
consistent message
Addiction is a disease
that can be treated,
prevented and cured
Eliminates the stigma
Strategy 1 Strategy 2
 Our plan is to establish a strong understanding
and impression within the organization, before
reaching out to the target audiences.
 Gain access to other target audiences through
the initial efforts of
Increasing knowledge among the consumer
Word of Mouth
Domino Effect
Where do we start?
Social Media
Prevent disease, fight addiction
Start from scratch
 Develop material consistent with
 Eliminate material with negative
 Assimilate with medial culture
Concentrate on cure
 Reinforcement and propagation of
addiction as a curable disease
Social Media
Social Media Reform
 Eliminate biased posting toward the
marijuana user
Developing legislation
Change of landscape
Automatically excluding large audience
Medical use
Alienation of donors, legislators, health
professionals and policy makers
Website Alignment
 Website language and photos must
remain consistent with social media
 Search engine optimization
 Social media postings will drive website
Consistency builds trust among the
Spread information
 To change consumer attitudes,
information must be made available to:
Information seekers
Impressionable users
 Celebrity followers
 Loyal organization followers
Reach the audience via social
 Establish a professional relationship with a
credible source
Already has following
Expand message
Reach large audience, without waiting to obtain
recognition the source has
Celebrity source more influential via social media
Online recognition will create organizational
Communications Objectives
1. Social media following facilitates the spread of
1. All material observed and obtained by the user will
advocate addiction as a disease, eliminating the
1. Increased share-of-voice and engagement will follow
reinforcement of online channels
1. Increased sharing of resources will result from
increased interest and exposure to the cause
30 Day Increments
3 Phases
90 Day Kick Off Plan
Phase 1  Digital Rebranding
 PR Associate  Social Media Manager
Direct full attention to social media strategy
 Reformat material, delete existing material
 Ensure compatibility of social media and
Phase 2  Establish Following
 Establish professional relationship to
reach audience
 Gain exposure through referred social
media posting
 Emerge through social media channels
endorsed by source with following
 Celebrity Status
 3.5 Million followers
 Supports cause
Phase 2  Establish
Phase 3  Implementation
 September 2014
25th year of National Recovery Month
 Implement campaign with Dr. Oz
 Daily strategic posts reinforcing attitudes
 Establish social media following
September 1
Webisode issued by Dr. Oz via
Youtube, posted through his Twitter
Announce National Recovery Month
Call-to-action is following
Influence users to follow
Declare war on the stigma
Daily Posts
 CASAColumbia Twitter
4-6 Posts Daily
 Call-to-action to visit site
 Engage with the consumer
 #NewStigma / #WhatsYours promotion
 Dr. Oz Referral
Facebook posts will be limited 1-2 daily,
however will remain consistent with Twitter
Dr. Ozs Involvement
 15 Tweets in the month of September
75% align CASAColumbia with National
Recovery month
25% promote #thestigma
 3 Webisodes
 Social Media Impact
Increase of followers
Verified on Twitter
Website hits
Retweets and favorites
Facebook friends
Attitude change
Consumer brand
Media placements
Social media campaign

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Bow&arrow (New Business)

  • 1. BOW & ARROW AGENCY WVU Capstone Experience
  • 2. To provide our clients with competitive insights, utilizing digital outlets and strategic planning to reach objectives of the organization. Our Mission
  • 5. Objectives Create a digital and social communication approach that CASAColumbia can implement to: Raise awareness and reduce the stigma of addiction among target audiences Establish CASAColumbia as a reputable organization in its competitive set online
  • 7. Focus Group 10 participants Ages 18-22 Assess: Preferred social media outlets Attitudes formed by CASAColumbias current digital efforts Existing opinion on addiction as a disease Influence of credible sources on social media
  • 8. Audience Insights General Consumer Highly influenced by social media Trust credible or well-known sources Information Seekers Healthcare Professionals Credible medical professionals with additional celebrity status have a stronger social media following
  • 10. This looks like the stereotypical alcoholic that ends up homeless and begs for money on the side of the street.
  • 11. Insights Current social media material and website supports the stigma Photos Posts
  • 13. Insights The Competitive Set Viral social media campaigns Non-Profit organizations in the competitive set gain Recognition Following Credibility Partnership of influence Credible Source Credible organization
  • 14. Insights No sound voice already on social media advocating addiction as a disease Can be the first voice Not reinventing the wheel Other similar organizations lack mass recognition There is a demand for the information No supplyuntil now
  • 15. Strategies Reach general consumers who, Are impressionable information seekers Seek information via social media Are valuable to cause Rebrand all digital media with the consistent message that: Addiction is a disease that can be treated, prevented and cured Eliminates the stigma Reinforce engagement Strategy 1 Strategy 2
  • 16. Strategic Considerations Our plan is to establish a strong understanding and impression within the organization, before reaching out to the target audiences. Gain access to other target audiences through the initial efforts of Increasing knowledge among the consumer Word of Mouth Domino Effect
  • 17. Where do we start? Tactics
  • 18. Social Media Reform Prevent disease, fight addiction Start from scratch Develop material consistent with message Eliminate material with negative connotation Assimilate with medial culture Positivity Concentrate on cure Reinforcement and propagation of addiction as a curable disease
  • 19. Social Media Reform Progressive Consistent Positive Motivational
  • 20. Social Media Reform Eliminate biased posting toward the marijuana user Developing legislation Change of landscape Automatically excluding large audience Medical use Alienation of donors, legislators, health professionals and policy makers
  • 21. Website Alignment Website language and photos must remain consistent with social media efforts Search engine optimization Social media postings will drive website visits Consistency builds trust among the consumer
  • 22. Spread information To change consumer attitudes, information must be made available to: Information seekers Impressionable users Celebrity followers Loyal organization followers
  • 23. Reach the audience via social media Establish a professional relationship with a credible source Already has following Expand message Reach large audience, without waiting to obtain recognition the source has Celebrity source more influential via social media Online recognition will create organizational recognition
  • 24. Communications Objectives Assessment 1. Social media following facilitates the spread of information 1. All material observed and obtained by the user will advocate addiction as a disease, eliminating the stigma 1. Increased share-of-voice and engagement will follow reinforcement of online channels 1. Increased sharing of resources will result from increased interest and exposure to the cause
  • 25. 30 Day Increments 3 Phases 90 Day Kick Off Plan
  • 26. Phase 1 Digital Rebranding PR Associate Social Media Manager Direct full attention to social media strategy implementation Reformat material, delete existing material Ensure compatibility of social media and website
  • 27. Phase 2 Establish Following Establish professional relationship to reach audience Gain exposure through referred social media posting Emerge through social media channels endorsed by source with following
  • 28. Well-known, credible Celebrity Status 3.5 Million followers Supports cause Phase 2 Establish Following
  • 29. Phase 3 Implementation September 2014 25th year of National Recovery Month Implement campaign with Dr. Oz Daily strategic posts reinforcing attitudes Establish social media following
  • 30. September 1 Webisode issued by Dr. Oz via Youtube, posted through his Twitter Announce National Recovery Month Call-to-action is following CASAColumbia Influence users to follow Declare war on the stigma #NewStigma
  • 31. Daily Posts CASAColumbia Twitter 4-6 Posts Daily Call-to-action to visit site Engage with the consumer Photo #NewStigma / #WhatsYours promotion Dr. Oz Referral Facebook posts will be limited 1-2 daily, however will remain consistent with Twitter messages
  • 32. Dr. Ozs Involvement 15 Tweets in the month of September 75% align CASAColumbia with National Recovery month 25% promote #thestigma 3 Webisodes Kick-off Informational Conclusion
  • 34. Measurement Social Media Impact Increase of followers Verified on Twitter Website hits Retweets and favorites Facebook friends Overall Communications Impact Attitude change Consumer brand awareness Media placements Social media campaign recognition