2. What does Boxing
垰婉婢 嫂娶婉 妲
Day celebrate?
嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 姆
嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 姆 娟奸婪
Boxing Day has nothing to
婢娶婉妍 媾婪娶嫂妍 婀奸嫂奸娟奸婉
do with the fighting sport of
妁娶媾妍 娑侫嫂, 妁奸婬 奸嫋侫姙妍 娵娶嫂
boxing, but rather is a day when
奸婬婉 婀妍 妲, 侫妁 婉嫋侫婉侫 侫婉
gifts are given to people in the
嫂奸姙妍媾 媾婪奸媾奸娟婀奸婉 娶姙娶嫂妍
奸婬婉婪妍媾妍 婀奸佞娟奸婉, 妍婉婢婪妍媾妍
service industry like mail
侫婉 娶媾嫂奸嫂奸婉侫姆,
carriers, doormen, porters, and
佞媼婉奸婪奸婉侫姆, 妁侫媼婉奸娟妍婉侫姆
奸媼嫂妍 奸娵姚奸嫂娶娉婉侫姆:
3. When is Boxing Day
垉妁 侫婉 嫂娶婉娶婀
嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 姆
The day after
December 26th.
4. Who celebrates this
嫋 妲 嫂娶婉娶婀 奸婬佞 姆
埀婬媾 姆 嫂娶婉 妲 埀婉妝姙妍奸婬娶婀
This day is a holiday in the United
娵奸嫂 奸婬姙 嫂侫娉侫娶婀, 娶娶婉
Kingdom and most other areas that
妁婉奸娟侫嫋侫姙/妝奸娉娶姨奸嫋侫姙 侫婉
were settled by the English except the
奸婉妝姙妍奸妍婉侫妍 娟娶娉婀妍, 妁奸妍
United States. Other countries that
埀-妍: 埀婬姙 侫娟婉侫, 娶娶婉
celebrate the holiday include New
婉娵娶婀 侫婉 奸婬佞 嫂娶婉姆 娶
Zealand, Australia, and Canada.
垓侫姙奸婉佞妍奸婉, 埀嫋媾嫂姙妍奸婉
埒奸婉奸佞奸婉 侫婉:
5. What do people do to
垰婉婢婪侫媾 侫婉 婀奸佞妍娟 婉娵娶婀
奸婬佞 嫂娶婉姆
The main thing people do to celebrate is to tip any service workers
who have worked for them throughout the year such as postal workers,
the paper boy, the milkman, and doormen.
娑奸婀奸 奸婀妁娶娉媚 嫂奸妍婉, 妍婉奸娟 娶媾嫂奸嫂奸婉侫姆, 妍婢婉侫姆,
娟奸姨婉奸婀姨侫 妁奸姜奸婉娶娉婉侫姆 佞媼婉奸婪奸婉婉侫姆:
The holiday is also a day to give to the poor. Some people gather gifts in
Christmas boxes to give to poor children throughout the world.
妍婀婉奸娟奸婉娶婀 婀奸佞妍娟 婉娵娶婀 侫婉 嫂娶婉姆 姨侫婬奸婉嫋侫 嫂奸姙娶嫋
媾婪奸媾奸娟婀奸婉 娶姙娶嫂妍 奸娵姚奸嫂娶娉婉侫妍婉, 娶娶婉 奸娵姚奸嫂侫姙 侫婉 婉奸婉
翈婉姆 婉奸 奸娉奸嫂婉侫妍婉 婉嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬娶婉 嫂奸姙娶 妲: 娶娵
婀奸佞妍娟 埔婉婉佞婬奸婉 婉嫋侫婉侫 侫婉 娑奸嫋奸娶婀 奸娵姚奸娑妍 奸娉奸嫂 侫侫姚奸婉侫妍
奸嫂 侫娟婉侫娶婀 嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 姆 佞奸娜侫姙 妲 婀侫娥 妝婉娶婀婉侫妍
: 垰婉婢婪侫媾 娶妁奸姨姆 坡娶娑奸妁奸婉娶姨婬奸婉 妍 娑侫嫂娶, 嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉
In many countries Boxing Day has become a large shopping day. Just like
姆 埔婉婉佞婬奸婉 嫂娶婉侫妍婉 姚奸婉娶姨婉侫妍 娟娶娉婀妍 婢嫋奸娚奸媼嫋奸娥 奸婪奸婉婉侫妍
Black Friday after Thanksgiving, Boxing Day is a day of big markdowns
妝婉侫妍 婀侫娥 妍媚侫婀奸婉 妲:
on products that stores were not able to sell for Christmas.
翈婉姆 婉娵侫姙娶 奸婬姙 娜侫妍 侫婉 奸嫋奸婉佞奸娟奸婉 娶媾娶佞娶姨婬娶婉姆,
姆婉嫂奸婉妍娶嫋 娑奸婀奸姚婀妁嫋侫姙姆 奸婬婉婪妍媾妍 媾婪娶嫂奸婬妍婉 婀妍媚娶奸媼娶婀婉侫姆,
妍婉婢婪侫媾, 妍婉奸娟, 娶嫂妁娶姙姆:
Other ways people celebrate include traditional hunts, family reunions,
and sporting events such as football.
6. 嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 嫋奸
History of Boxing Day
No one is quite sure where Boxing Day got its start. Here are a few of the
possible origins of the day:
婢 娶 娑奸婀娶妣嫋奸娥 婢妲, 姨侫 娶嫂侫娉妍 妲 媾娟媾嫋侫姙 嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 姆:
埀娑奸 嫋奸 娑婉奸奸嫋娶 娥奸妝婀奸婉 婀妍 奸婉妍 妍婉奸娟:
妍 娑婉奸奸嫋娶 娥奸妝娶婀 妝奸姙妍媾 妲 婀侫嫂奸娉婬奸 奸娟娉侫妍 娶娶婉 婀妍媚妍婉
One possible origin is from metal boxes that were placed outside of churches during
佞奸侫娶婀 嫂侫娉奸佞娶婀 侫婉 侫娟侫娉侫妍婉侫妍 佞娶媾: 埀婬媾 奸娟娉婉侫姆
the Middle ages These boxes were for offerings to give to the poor on the Feast of
奸媼奸媚奸娟娶婀 妲妍婉 婉嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬娶婉 奸婉侫姙 奸娉奸嫂婉侫妍婉 媾娶妁 嫂侫奸婉妍
St. Stephen, which is also celebrated on the 26th.
嫂娶婉妍 姜奸婀奸婉奸娟, 娶姆 婉娶婬婉婪侫媾 婉娵嫋娶婀 妲 奸婀媾妍 媾奸婉嫋侫妍婉:
Another possible origin is from when wealthy English Lords would give their
servants the day after Christmas off as a holiday. They would also give them a box
with leftover food or even a present on this day.
The day is likely a combination of these traditions and others. Either way, Boxing
Day has been around for hundreds of years and is a national holiday in England and
other countries.
妍 奸婬姙 娑婉奸奸嫋娶 娥奸妝娶婀 妝奸姙妍媾 妲, 侫妁 娑奸娶媾嫂 奸婉妝姙妍奸妍
姙娶佞侫姆 妍侫婉 娥奸媼奸婉侫妍婉 埔婉婉佞婬奸婉 嫂娶婉侫妍 娑侫嫂娶 奸妣奸嫂 妲妍婉
嫂奸姙妍媾: 奸婉 婉奸婉 婉娶婬婉婪侫媾 嫂奸姙妍媾 妲妍婉 婀妍 奸娟娉 婀婉奸奸娥
媾婉婉佞奸婀姨侫娶嫋 娟奸婀 婉娶婬婉妍媾娟 婉嫋侫 奸婬佞 姆:
埀婬佞 姆, 娟奸娥侫媾, 奸婬佞 奸嫋奸婉佞娶婬姨婉侫妍 奸婬姙婉妍 娑奸婀奸娟娶婀 妲: 埀婬姙
娟侫婪 奸媾奸 嫋妍奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 姆 妝娶婬娶姨婬娶婉 娶婉妍 娑奸婬娶奸嫋娶
嫂奸妍婉侫 奸妣妝奸婬妍婉 嫂娶婉 妲 埀婉妝姙妍奸婬娶婀 奸婬姙 侫娟婉侫娶婀: