John Wood, a burned out Microsoft executive, took a backpacking trip to Nepal to escape. During his trip, he visited a village school and was shocked by its poor conditions - a dilapidated building and few textbooks that were locked away to protect them from the children. Inspired, Wood founded Room to Read in 2000 to help children in developing countries improve literacy and gender equality in education. Since then, Room to Read has expanded to 10 countries in Asia and Africa, opening thousands of schools and libraries and distributing millions of books.
It all started with a case of job burnout. As an overworked
Microsoft executive, John Woodescaped to Nepal for a
much-needed backpacking getaway. While hiking in the
Himalayas, John met a Nepalese “Education Resource
Officer” who invited him to visit a school in a neighboring
village. Little did John know that this short detour would
change his life forever. At the school, John saw the harsh
reality confronting not only this village, but millions of
Nepalese children–a dilapidated schoolroom and a
severe shortage of books. John was stunned to discover
that the few books this school had had–a Danielle Steele
romance, the Lonely Planet Guide to Mongolia, and a few
other backpacker castoffs–were so precious that they
were kept under lock and protect them from the
In 2001, Erin Ganju joined the team as Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer (now
Chief Executive Officer) and was instrumental in our expansion intoVietnam, at which
point the organization became officially "Room to Read." With growing demand for our
programs, John and Erin worked together to further expanded our work in Cambodia in
2002, followed by India in 2003.
Children’s books in local languages were very difficult to find, and in 2003, Room to
Read launched the Local Language Publishing program. The colorful books, written and
illustrated by local authors and illustrators, together with donated English-language
books, now fill the shelves of libraries and schools.
A year later we celebrated one of our first major programmatic milestones by opening
our 1,000th library in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Later that year, just days after the
December 24th Asian tsunami devastated thousands of villages, we made the bold
decision to launch operations in Sri Lanka and help this community rebuild itself.
In 2005, Room to Read expanded into our sixth Asian country, Laos. And, on September
2nd, we opened our 2,000th library, once again in Cambodia–less than 18 months after
our 1,000th library ceremony. We ended 2005, with another big milestone–the donation
of our millionth book!
Room to Read experienced a year of expansion in 2006–both in awareness of the
organization and geography of its work. John’s memoir, Leaving Microsoft to Change the
World was published by Random House and was an important vehicle for sharing the Room
to Read story. The book received extensive media coverage and is now available in 18
languages through the world. Also in 2006, Room to Read finished a five-year strategic plan
and expanded to a new continent–Africa–initially in South Africa in 2006, followed
by Zambia a year later.
Following major media exposure with John's appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2007,
Room to Read took another bold step at the Clinton Global Initiative by announcing a
commitment to double the programmatic reach by building 10,000 bilingual libraries by the
year 2010. Part of that commitment included launching the Room to Dream campaign to
help us reach that ambitious goal.
In 2008, Room to Read began laying plans for expanding into Bangladesh and successfully
started operations there in 2009. Looking ahead to the next decade, in 2009 Room to Read
conducted a thorough and participatory strategic planning process to articulate our goals
for the next decade and beyond. This plan, Envisioning Our Future: A Roadmap for Learning,
was released in 2010 and it presents our future organizational vision and sharpens our focus to
two objectives: Literacy and Gender Equality in Education.
As part of our focus on Literacy, Room to Read began piloting a Reading & Writing Instruction
program in 2008, designed to fill gaps in early grade literacy curriculum that exist in many of
the countries where we work. Through teacher training, material development and the
support of literacy facilitators in classrooms, we have seen great improvement in children's
reading levels, and rolled out the program to all of our countries of operation.
In 2012, we also began operations in Tanzania, our tenth country of operation. Now operating
in thousands of communities across Asia and Africa, we maintain a laser-sharp focus on
program quality and continue to invest heavily in measurment and evaluation.