The Boys to Men program is a nonprofit that aims to help boys aged 12-17 develop into well-rounded men through a three-part program including a rite of passage weekend, mentor training, and ongoing community activities. The program seeks to build the boys' self-esteem and provide role models as divorce and single-parent families are rising while fewer men take on a mentoring role for boys. The rite of passage weekend focuses on developing self-awareness, compassion, and accountability in boys.
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Boys to Men Mentoring Introduction
1. Introduction to the Boys to Men Program Presentation by Stefan Hermann and James Brown
2. Who We Are Boys to Men Mentoring Network is a nonprofit 501(c3) corporation created to guide boys 12-17 years of age through their passage to manhood. We provide boys with mentoring and modeling so that they learn integrity, accountability, compassion and respect. We help boys develop responsibility and guide them toward healthy manhood. Our mission is to help boys become better men.
3. The Program A unique three-part program that gives boys the structure and support they need to become well-rounded men. An intense rite of passage weekend focusing on boys development of selfawareness, compassion, and accountability. A 48-hour Mentor Training structured to help men become committed, conscientious Mentors and role models for the boys. Ongoing community meetings and activities that provide regular interaction between boys and their Mentors. Boys to Men provides a supportive place where boys learn to express their feelings and develop meaningful relationships. They are honored for telling the truth, and learn to confront their fears from a new foundation of confidence and awareness.
4. The Need Divorce rates are over 50%. Over 40% of families are single parent with mom as head of the household. Boys often seek honor and respect through threats and acts of violence. Use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs continues rise. Boys suffer from sadness, fear, and anger and are taught not to express their feelings. Fewer healthy mature men are taking on a mentoring role to guide and nurture boys.
5. Program Goals Build self esteem. Provide a unique and safe place where boys can interact with committed, conscientious men. Encourage boys to be men of honor. To seek and speak the truth. Help boys discover and develop their individual strengths, talents and gifts. Mentor positive male role models. Challenge boys to live lives of responsible action and make a meaningful impact in the world. Teach boys how to resolve conflicts and ask for forgiveness. Support boy's dreams to find a personal mission. Praise the greatness in each boy. Give our boys hope, confidence and courage.
6. Boys Adventure Weekend Boys to Men provides boys with a rite of passage adventure weekend where positive qualities such as integrity, courage, respect, passion, and leadership are modeled by adult male staff.
7. The Mentoring Tradition When a man chooses to Mentor, he commits to help steward young men on their journey into manhood in a group setting. He may also discover an opportunity for his own growth.
8. Mentor Training BTM recruits and assigns one mentor (adult man) for each young man who goes through the rite of passage weekend. There is a mandatory 48-hour mentor-training program that all mentors must complete prior to the weekend. Each mentor commits to attend community meetings with his mentee for one full year. Each mentor must pass an FBI background check. The mentor's purpose is to guide, support and help reinforce new, healthy male behaviors.
9. Program Evaluation Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the counterpart to Intelegence Quotient (IQ). IQ measures thinking, reasoning, and logic skills. EQ measures self esteem, attitude, and people skills. Research suggests that emotional intelligence is a key determinant of success. Boys attending the BTM weekend consistently show increases in all EQ areas post-weekend. Boys testing lowest on the EQ scale (see chart) before the weekend showed the most dramatic gains after the weekend (N=200).
10. Contact Local Napa Valley Contact James Brown Phone: (707) 812-0667 Email: Other Contact Stefan Hermann, BTM Central Coast Phone: (805) 637-5781 Email: [email_address] BOYS TO MEN CENTERS: Colorado Region Chicago, IL Minneapolis, MN Ashland, OR Portland, OR Washington, DC Great Lakes Region San Diego, CA Santa Barbara, CA Sioux City, LA St. Louis, MI Phoenix, AZ NY and NJ Metro Area