In the drug industry at large, quality management is usually
de鍖ned as the aspect of management function that
determines and implements the quality policy, i.e. the
overall intention and direction of an organization regarding
quality, as formally expressed and authorized by top
The basic elements of quality management are: an
appropriate infrastructure or quality system,
encompassing the organizational structure, procedures,
processes and resources; systematic actions necessary to
ensure adequate con鍖dence that a product (or service) will
satisfy given requirements for quality
A system of maintaining standards in manufactured
products by testing a sample of the output against the
ISO 9000 defines quality control as "A part of quality
management focused on fulfilling quality requirements".
It is that part of GMP concerned with sampling,
specification and testing, documentation and release
procedures which ensure that the necessary and relevant
tests are performed and the product is released for use only
after ascertaining its quality.
1. QC is responsible for day to day control of quality within
the company.
2. QC is responsible for analytical testing of incoming raw
materials and inspection of packaging components,
including labeling, they conduct in-process testing when
required, perform environmental monitoring, and inspect
operations for compliance.
3. They also conduct the required tests on finished dosage
4. QC plays a major role in the selection of qualified
vendors from whom raw materials are purchased.
5. The environmental areas for manufacturing of various
dosage forms are tested and inspected by QC department.
DEFINITIONS: As per WHO) - Quality assurance is a
wide-ranging concept covering all matters that individually
or collectively influence the quality of a product. With
regard to pharmaceuticals, quality assurance can be divided
into major areas: development, quality control, production,
distribution, and inspections.
The totality of these actions is termed quality assurance.
7. Within an organization, quality assurance serves as a
management tool.
In contractual situations, quality assurance also serves to
generate con鍖dence in the supplier.
The concepts of quality assurance, GMP and quality control
are interrelated aspects of quality management.
They are described here in order to emphasize their
relationship and their fundamental importance to the
production and control of pharmaceutical products.
8. ISO 9000 define QA as a Part of quality management
focused on providing confidence that quality requirements
will be fulfilled.
It is the totality of the arrangements made with the object of
ensuring that pharmaceutical products are of the quality
required for their intended use.
Quality assurance therefore incorporates GMP and other
factors, including those outside the scope of this guide such
as product design and development.
1. Pharmaceutical products are designed and developed in a
way that takes account of the requirements of GMP and other
associated codes such as those of good laboratory practice
(GLP) and good clinical practice (GCP).
2. Production and control operations are clearly speci鍖ed in
a written form and GMP requirements are adopted.
3.Managerial responsibilities are clearly speci鍖ed in job
4.Arrangements are made for the manufacture, supply and
use of the correct starting and packaging materials.
10. 5. All necessary controls on starting materials, intermediate
products, and bulk products and other in-process controls,
calibrations, and validations are carried out.
6. The 鍖nished product is correctly processed and checked,
according to the de鍖ned procedures.
7. Pharmaceutical products are not sold or supplied before
the authorized persons) have certi鍖ed that each production
batch has been produced and controlled in accordance with
the requirements of the marketing authorization and any
other regulations relevant to the production, control and
release of pharmaceutical products.
8. Satisfactory arrangements exist to ensure, as far as
possible, that the pharmaceutical products are stored by the
manufacturer, distributed, and subsequently handled so that
quality is maintained throughout their shelf-life.
11. 9. There is a procedure for self-inspection and/or quality
audit that regularly appraises the effectiveness and
applicability of the quality assurance system.
10. Deviations are reported, investigated and recorded.
11. There is a system for approving changes that may have
an impact on product quality.
12. Regular evaluations of the quality of pharmaceutical
products should be conducted with the objective of verifying
the consistency of the process and ensuring its continuous