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Brendan Keough || 1
Brendan Keough
6645 Scattergood Ln #26 Windsor, WI 53589
brendan.keough@gmail.com || (608) 622-2789 || linkedin.com/in/brendan-
Biotechnology Manager & Research Scientist
I bring 14 years¨ experience in biomolecular discovery, genomics, and
protein purification to help growing organizations build new capacities
for growth. My highly-specialized technical skills provide a breadth and
depth to drive projects from lead generation to revenue, and
coordinate and lead multidisciplinary, biotechnology teams.
? Project Design & Management
? Sales & Business Development
? Genomics & Protein
? Product Development
? Technical Services
? Next Generation Sequencing
? Building New Research
? Leading & Building Teams
Professional Experience
Manager (April 2016-Present) and Research Scientist (Aug. 2013-April 2015)
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Services at Lucigen Corporation in Middleton WI
Lucigen is a growing biotechnology company building high-quality molecular biology
research tools and providing products and services to support next generation
Brendan Keough || 2
I manage the NGS Services business unit where I supervise one Services Scientist and
oversee operations, including: directing sales, leading project design, determining cost
of goods (COG), gathering customer voice, and participating in client-facing website
design and content.
? Manage 3-6 projects monthly and participate in all NGS project generation and
? Generate up to 20 new monthly sales leads, and design custom projects, price
services, and issue quotes for prospective leads.
? Attend up to four annual regional scientific meetings and tradeshows to gather
customer feedback and engage new sales leads in a dynamic, active market.
? Forecast new services and provide customer performance data for the Executive
? Write and design web marketing content to engage prospective NGS clients.
Key NGS Services Manager Accomplishments
? Redesigned and modernized NGS Services in 2015 and launched 10 new
expanded services in June 2015 to open new markets.
Key NGS Services Manager Accomplishments, continued
? Closed $192,000 of revenue in Fiscal Year 2015 through 10 newly-launched
NGS Services with expectations to exceed revenue by 30 percent in 2016.
? Implemented a new, customer-focused consultation process that resulted
in new business and an expanded client base.
Research Associate
ioGenetics LLC in Madison, WI (Sept. 2006-Aug. 2013)
This Madison-based start-up is developing novel, first anti-infectives to treat difficult
public health infections such as MRSA using a targeted delivery system and technology
Brendan Keough || 3
I built two new research areas in protein purification and bacteriology, and provided
tools to identify and progress lead candidates for development.
? Installed and operated systems for protein purification including tangential flow
filtration and the AKTA platform.
? Developed Standard Operating Procedures for purification techniques on ion
exchange (Sephadex & Sephacryl), cation & anion exchange, Protein A & G, and
? Outfitted and commenced operation of BSL2 bacteriology lab for testing
antimicrobial compounds against MRSA, Streptococcus sp., Listeria sp.,
Clostridium sp., among others.
? Developed custom assays for bacteriological testing based on CLSI standard
microbroth dilution and used them to test hundreds of lead candidates.
eMetagen Corporation in Madison, WI (July 2004-Aug. 2006)
This start-up produced pharmaceuticals from soil microorganisms for antibiotic
I outfitted a laboratory and launched all operations during eMetagen¨s start-up phase.
? Constructed both fosmid and BAC libraries and screened them for antimicrobial
activity against four surrogate organisms: Francisella tularensis, Bacillus anthracis
Stearne, Staphylococcus aureus BAA-44, and Brucella neotomae.
? Began preliminary chemical characterizations of the putative lead compounds.
SelectPublications & Abstracts
Brumm PJ, Monsma S, Keough B, Jasinovica S, Ferguson E, Schoenfeld T, et al.
(2015) Complete Genome Sequence of Thermus aquaticus Y51MC23. PLoS ONE
10(10): e0138674. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138674
Brendan Keough || 4
Keough, B.P., T.M. Schmidt, and R.E. Hicks. 2003. Archaeal nucleic acids in
picoplankton from great lakes on three continents. Microb Ecol 46:238-248.
SelectPublications & Abstracts, continued
Graber, J.R., K.S. Kim, B.P. Keough, and J.A. Breznak. 2003. Further physiological
and genomic characteristics of termite hindgut spirochetes. Abstract for American
Society for Microbiology 103rd General Meeting, May 18-22, 2003, Washington,
M.Sc., Biology, 2002, University of MinnesotaCDuluth
B.Sc., 1996, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Marquette University

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  • 1. Brendan Keough || 1 Brendan Keough 6645 Scattergood Ln #26 Windsor, WI 53589 brendan.keough@gmail.com || (608) 622-2789 || linkedin.com/in/brendan- keough Biotechnology Manager & Research Scientist I bring 14 years¨ experience in biomolecular discovery, genomics, and protein purification to help growing organizations build new capacities for growth. My highly-specialized technical skills provide a breadth and depth to drive projects from lead generation to revenue, and coordinate and lead multidisciplinary, biotechnology teams. Skills ? Project Design & Management ? Sales & Business Development ? Genomics & Protein Purification ? Product Development ? Technical Services ? Next Generation Sequencing ? Building New Research Capability ? Leading & Building Teams Professional Experience Manager (April 2016-Present) and Research Scientist (Aug. 2013-April 2015) Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Services at Lucigen Corporation in Middleton WI Lucigen is a growing biotechnology company building high-quality molecular biology research tools and providing products and services to support next generation sequencing.
  • 2. Brendan Keough || 2 I manage the NGS Services business unit where I supervise one Services Scientist and oversee operations, including: directing sales, leading project design, determining cost of goods (COG), gathering customer voice, and participating in client-facing website design and content. ? Manage 3-6 projects monthly and participate in all NGS project generation and management. ? Generate up to 20 new monthly sales leads, and design custom projects, price services, and issue quotes for prospective leads. ? Attend up to four annual regional scientific meetings and tradeshows to gather customer feedback and engage new sales leads in a dynamic, active market. ? Forecast new services and provide customer performance data for the Executive Team. ? Write and design web marketing content to engage prospective NGS clients. Key NGS Services Manager Accomplishments ? Redesigned and modernized NGS Services in 2015 and launched 10 new expanded services in June 2015 to open new markets. Key NGS Services Manager Accomplishments, continued ? Closed $192,000 of revenue in Fiscal Year 2015 through 10 newly-launched NGS Services with expectations to exceed revenue by 30 percent in 2016. ? Implemented a new, customer-focused consultation process that resulted in new business and an expanded client base. Research Associate ioGenetics LLC in Madison, WI (Sept. 2006-Aug. 2013) This Madison-based start-up is developing novel, first anti-infectives to treat difficult public health infections such as MRSA using a targeted delivery system and technology platform.
  • 3. Brendan Keough || 3 I built two new research areas in protein purification and bacteriology, and provided tools to identify and progress lead candidates for development. ? Installed and operated systems for protein purification including tangential flow filtration and the AKTA platform. ? Developed Standard Operating Procedures for purification techniques on ion exchange (Sephadex & Sephacryl), cation & anion exchange, Protein A & G, and nickel-sepharose. ? Outfitted and commenced operation of BSL2 bacteriology lab for testing antimicrobial compounds against MRSA, Streptococcus sp., Listeria sp., Clostridium sp., among others. ? Developed custom assays for bacteriological testing based on CLSI standard microbroth dilution and used them to test hundreds of lead candidates. Scientist eMetagen Corporation in Madison, WI (July 2004-Aug. 2006) This start-up produced pharmaceuticals from soil microorganisms for antibiotic development. I outfitted a laboratory and launched all operations during eMetagen¨s start-up phase. ? Constructed both fosmid and BAC libraries and screened them for antimicrobial activity against four surrogate organisms: Francisella tularensis, Bacillus anthracis Stearne, Staphylococcus aureus BAA-44, and Brucella neotomae. ? Began preliminary chemical characterizations of the putative lead compounds. SelectPublications & Abstracts Brumm PJ, Monsma S, Keough B, Jasinovica S, Ferguson E, Schoenfeld T, et al. (2015) Complete Genome Sequence of Thermus aquaticus Y51MC23. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0138674. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138674
  • 4. Brendan Keough || 4 Keough, B.P., T.M. Schmidt, and R.E. Hicks. 2003. Archaeal nucleic acids in picoplankton from great lakes on three continents. Microb Ecol 46:238-248. SelectPublications & Abstracts, continued Graber, J.R., K.S. Kim, B.P. Keough, and J.A. Breznak. 2003. Further physiological and genomic characteristics of termite hindgut spirochetes. Abstract for American Society for Microbiology 103rd General Meeting, May 18-22, 2003, Washington, D.C. Education M.Sc., Biology, 2002, University of MinnesotaCDuluth B.Sc., 1996, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Marquette University