This document discusses issues faced by employees at BPOs such as long night shifts, stressful customers, and unhealthy lifestyles that can lead to behaviors like alcohol and drug abuse. To address this, BPOs considered random alcohol and HIV testing. However, there were concerns about how the HIV test results could be misused, such as discrimination or dismissal of infected employees, or social stigma if results were made public. There were also worries that excessive policing could hurt employee morale and increase attrition.
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Bpo issues
1. By Sourabh , Rupaliand ThilakTO TEST OR NOT TO TEST
2. LIFE AT A BPOAn employee in a BPO faces following stressful situations :Long Night ShiftIrate CustomersUndisciplined LifestyleThe salary is good but the stress and the money drives the employee towards High Risk Behaviors
3. LIFE AT A BPOThe United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime reports many incidents of alcohol and drug abuse and HIV/AIDS .To curb such behavior , BPOs were considering conducting random alcohol tests and HIV testingThe alcohol tests were not an issue but the HIV tests were .
4. LIFE AT A BPOThere was apprehension on misuse of collected data i.e. discrimination at workplace, or dismissal of the infected employee .If this information was made public , the employee would face social ostracism .Concerns that excess policing would hurt employee morale and amplify attrition .
5. What are the specific problems addressed in this case ?
6. Employee Burn out.Mental and Physical exhaustion.Personal habits and Undisciplined lifestyle of some employees.Alcoholism, Substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and Promiscuity.Decrease in Productivity, Increase in CrimesStigma associated with HIV testing.Lack of communication.
7. Given such a scenario, what steps would you take to lessen the impact of these circumstances?
8. Stress Management Techniques -Practicing Yoga -Adopting A Healthy LifestyleWork-Life Balance -Boost Employee MoraleEducative Sessions -Sex, drugs, alcoholCounselorsBlanket HIV Testing - Not RandomEffective Communication -Assure Anonymity -Job Security