The document discusses various ways to boost brain power both in the moment and long-term. In the moment techniques include deep breathing, drinking green tea, and laughing. Long-term recommendations are to get enough sleep, cut down on stress, learn meditation, eat brain-boosting foods, optimize gut flora, challenge your mind daily, change your lifestyle habits, and engage in brain-stimulating sports and games. The overall message is that adopting these brain-boosting strategies enhances learning, concentration, creativity, and various cognitive functions.
2. How to
Brain Power
By: Raana Karimpour
Bachelor, Department of cellular and molecular
biology, Faculty of advanced science and technology,
Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
Raana Karimpour
11. Optimize your gut flora
Practice Natural and Organic Farming of Your Gut
Cut Down on Animal Fat in Your Diet
Maximize Your Gut Microbial Diversity
Eat Fermented Foods and Probiotics
Eat Smaller Portions
Fast to Starve Your Gut Microbes
Dont Eat When You Are Stressed, Angry, or Sad
Enjoy Meals Together
Become an Expert in Listening to Your Gut
Raana Karimpour
12. Challenge your mind
Brush your teeth with the hand you dont
usually use.
Take a different route to work or the
Eat a bite or two of dinner with your eyes
Listen to a new kind of music.
Do 60 seconds of jumping jacks (or any
physical activity).
Sit in a different spot in your house or at
a favorite restaurant
Raana Karimpour
13. Change your lifestyle
Reading the shelves when shopping
Smart use of smartphones, like:
1. Reading interesting content from
Google Reader
2. Audio learning
Raana Karimpour
14. Test your recall
Let the music play
Do math in your head
Take a cooking class
Learn a foreign language
Create word pictures
Draw a map from memory
Challenge your taste buds
Refine your hand-eye abilities
Learn a new sport
Raana Karimpour
16. Sports
Play games that challenge & stimulate your
mind such as:
Picture Puzzle
Strategy Games
Crossword Puzzles
Card games
Deduction Games(such as clue)
Optical illhusion
Raana Karimpour