2. NO breakfast
People who do not take
breakfast are going to
have a lower blood sugar
level. This leads an
insufficient supply of
nutrients to brain
causing brain
Nh畛ng ng動畛i kh担ng n
s叩ng s畉 c坦 l動畛ng 動畛ng
huy畉t th畉p. i畛u ny d畉n
畉n thi畉u dinh d動畛ng
cung c畉p cho n達o d畉n
畉n tho叩i h坦a n達o.
Kh担ng n s叩ng
3. Lacking in stimulating
Thinking is the best way
to train your brain,
lacking in brain
stimulation thoughts
may cause brain
Suy ngh挑 l c叩ch t畉p
luy畛n t畛t nh畉t cho n達o. t
畛ng n達o c坦 th畛 d畉n 畉n
teo n達o.
t 畛ng n達o
4. Overeacting
It causes hardening of
the brain arteries,
leading to a decrease in
mental power.
Qu叩 kh鱈ch g但y c畛ng c叩c
畛ng m畉ch n達o, d畉n 畉n
gi畉m tr鱈 tu畛
Qu叩 kh鱈ch
5. Working your brain during
Working hard and
studying with sickness
may lead to a decrease in
effectiveness of the
Lao 畛ng v lm vi畛c
trong l炭c ang b畛 b畛nh
c坦 th畛 lm gi畉m hi畛u qu畉
ho畉t 畛ng c畛a n達o
Lao 畛ng tr鱈 坦c trong l炭c
ang b畛nh
6. High sugar consumption
Too much sugar will
interrupt the absorption
of proteins and nutrients
causing malnutrition
and may interfere with
brain development.
n qu叩 nhi畛u 動畛ng s畉
c畉n tr畛 s畛 h畉p thu
protein v dinh d動畛ng
g但y thi畉u dinh d動畛ng v
c坦 th畛 c畉n tr畛 s畛 ph叩t
tri畛n c畛a n達o.
Ti棚u th畛 nhi畛u 動畛ng
7. Smoking
It causes multiple brain
shrinkage and may lead
to Alzheimer disease.
H炭t thu畛c l叩 d畉n d畉n s畉
g但y teo n達o v c坦 th畛 d畉n
畉n b畛nh Alzheimer.
H炭t thu畛c l叩
8. Head covered during
Sleeping with head
covered increases the
concentration of carbon
dioxide and decrease
concentration of oxygen
that may lead to brain
damaging effects.
Che 畉u khi ng畛 lm
tng n畛ng 畛 CO2 v
gi畉m n畛ng 畛 O2 vi畛c
ny c坦 th畛 畉nh h動畛ng
x畉u t畛i n達o.
Che 畉u trong khi ng畛
9. Sleep deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to
rest. Long term
deprivation from sleep
will accelerate the death
of brain cells.
Gi畉c ng畛 cho ph辿p n達o
c畛a b畉n ngh挑 ng董i. Thi畉u
ng畛 th畛i gian di s畉 畉y
nhanh qu叩 tr狸nh ch畉t c畛a
c叩c t畉 bo n達o.
Thi畉u ng畛
11. Air polution
The brain is the largest
oxygen consumer in our
body. Inhaling poluted
air decreases the supply
of oxygen to brain,
bringing about a
decrease in brain
N達o l c董 quan ti棚u th畛
oxy nhi畛u nh畉t trong c董
th畛. H鱈t nhi畛u kh担ng kh鱈
担 nhi畛m lm gi畉m oxy
畉n n達o, lm cho n達o
ho畉t 畛ng k辿m hi畛u qu畉.
nhi畛m kh担ng kh鱈