A presentation given at Agile2012 by Karen Greaves and Sam Laing. If you like what we have to say here and would like some more techniques - check our our book: https://leanpub.com/CollaborationGamesToolbox
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19. if agile 2012 won an olympic
medal, it would be for....
a) largest geek flashmob
b) most indecision in a single week
c) most global population in 1 place
d) largest number of new ideas
39. 1-2-3-go! yes, and...
what would we be if... columbian hypnotist
meet a stranger intentions
fast pass appreciations
debrief matrix
crazy chat feedback
41. 1-2-3-go! yes, and...
what would we be if... columbian hypnotist
meet a stranger intentions
fast pass appreciations
debrief matrix feedback
crazy chat