An art project + research about the impact of violence on our society and culture and the effects on image creation/sharing and perception/depiction of life.
Porn and Sex vs Violence and Horror.
The_Gifdrome", a bit splatter and a bit porn. The seduction of sex and violence, body for pleasure, body for pain...outrageously glitch!
2. An art project + research about the impact of
violence on our society and culture and the
effects on image creation/sharing and
perception/depiction of life.
Porn and Sex vs Violence and Horror
5. The impact of speed, #stress, competition, #poverty,#precariety,
#religions, #luxury, #politics, #marketing on our #society is
devastating and generates violence. Violence is present in kids
games and movies and it became part of our #culture condition all
aspect of our life, including sex. And all of these pictures of
violence leaves us #braindamaged
8. BrainDamage > war became kids gameporn became an impure act
> we embraced violence, we condemned sex > violence invaded
society, reality and fiction, from social relationship to movies,
including porn and sex, killing the feeling of sex that after all is an
act of empathy, passion, love.