This document provides 100 suggestions for how to stop drinking and be able to sleep at night. Some of the suggestions include studying to get a degree, becoming Muslim since Islam forbids alcohol, moving to a place where alcohol is less accessible like Abu Dhabi, exercising until exhaustion, drinking a lot of water before bed, and various other techniques to avoid drinking and promote sleep.
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1.To study a degree in orderto stop goingout. As a resultyouwill drink less.
2.To getpregnant. Alcohol isforbiden.
3.To becomemuslim. Ala doesntallowsyouto drink.
4.To pukeeverytimeyou drink. Itisnotveryeffective, but itcould be helpful.
5.Jump and swet. Ifyou are luckyyouwill be notdrunk at theend of thenight and youwill
be abletosleep.
6.Find a toughjob. At theend of thrdayyouwill be tired and thelastthingyouwouldliketo
do istogetdrunk.
7.Drink a lot of waterbeforegoingbed.
8.To become a elite olympicatlethe. They shoulndt drink.
9.Move to Abu Dabi. Alcohol isveryexpensive and notthateasytobuy.
10.Move toRussia. Youwon'tsleepbecause of thetemperature. In
11.To become a rockstar. They knowthesecrettosleepundertheeffects of the alcohol.
12.If you are under 21 moveto USA. Ifyouturnto 22 thissolutionisnoteffectiveany more.
13.To have a lot of babies. Youwonthaveenough time to drink, but
14. To be theowner of a bar. Whilethepeopleisdrinking, youwill be working.
15. Turninto a vampire. Youwon't drink alcohol, youwill be onlyinteresed in blood.
16. Don't stop theparty. Ifyoupartyallthe time youwontsleep.
17. Move tothejungle. Thereisnot alcohol, cars, phones...
18. Eat chocolate instead of drinking. Youwill be fat, but with a lot of energy.
19. Tolive in a farm. Thereason of yourinsomniawill be thenoisyanimals.
20. JointoLab Venture. Youwon'thave time tosleep.
22.Take a pot of sleeping pills
23.Handcuff yourself
24.One drink less, Twodrinksless
25. do some sport
2. 26. buyan anchor dropitnearyourbed
27.contractHerculestokeepthewalls in their place
28.Callyourmothertostraightenthecovers of yourbed and make imposible anytipe of
29.arrive home with a girl and try themechanicbull ( simulando que se montan en el
toro con planos medios sin que se vea la parte de abajo)
31. Use your levitation toreachthe Nirvana
32. Do thingsthatyouwouldhaveto do thenextday (el nota haciendo trabajos en el
ordenata super pencos y qued叩ndose dormido cocinando, cosicas as鱈)
34.Phone a specialist, David Haselhoffwillhelpyou
35.Write a diarywithyourfeelings and readitthenextmorning
36. Film youlikethe video David afterDentist
37.Ifyoucan卒tsleep continueyourparty at home!!!, eat, eat, burst!
39.Sleep in thebath, Ifyouwannabring up youwill use thetoilet. Ifyou are reallydrunk,
youwill open theshower
41.Drinking to lose consciousness and sleep in the hospital
42. A friendtowatchyouonly drink 4 or 5 cups
43. Makehouseworkuntilyousober up
44.Drawcartooncharactersontheceiling and wallstodistractyourmind
45.Go footing untilyouthrow up and feelbetter
46. Hire a butlertotellyou a story
47. Take a showerwithcoldwater
48. Having a secondjob "Superherodrunk"
49. Do difficult sudokus, makethemovement of yourroombecomeanything
50. Sleeping with a bucketnexttothebed
51. Awakeningthedog and walkit
52. Sleeping in a place so smallthatnothing can move (a closet)
53. Having a puzzle 10000 piecespreparedfortheseoccasions
3. 54. Shore up thewalls, ceiling and anchor thebed
56. Getintothebed of yourparentswhenyouwerelittle, becausethereisnothing
57. Makeaninventory of cutlery, plates and cups
58. Hiring a prostitute
59.Drink thesame but less
60. Hire a friendto hit me whenever i drink.
61. Makeanarrangement in thegrouptospitintoourdrinks.
62. Makeourdrinksfalldown accidentally.
63. Lockmyselfduringtheweekend and swallowthekey.
64. Have a powerfull sleeping pill.
65. Listen to a storyby Abe Simpson.
66.Stroke onmy head and sleep.
67. Listen torelaxingmusic and soundsfromnature in Youtube.
68. Going back home running.
69. Watch a teleshoppingchannel.
70. Eat a lotbeforegoingtobed.
71. You can continuepartyuntilyourbodysaysenough.
72. Ifyou drink a drink mixedwithRedbull, youwillgetanelectric shock with a taser.
73. One of uscan卒t drink everypartynight and makestherestsleepwithchloroform.
74. Spend a daywithout sleeping beforethepartyday.
75. Watch a silent film
76. Hire a hugeguytotellyou Are yousure? WhenyouaskforanotherRedbull.
77. Practise sex to relax and then be abletosleepornot
78. Listen toclasicalmusic.
79. Have a glass of milkwithhoney.
80. Watch a video whereyourmothertellsyou come on, get up nowinmmediatelly!
81. Listen toyourgirlfriendtalkingaboutourfuturewedding.
82. Take your cowboy pijama and get ready to The Ride. Your life is on it! You always
must got your stylized hat and no common sense.
4. 83. Do you prefer to be a matador? Have you born to this? Come on and demostrate
that youre a really bullfighter!
84. If youre one of those that love animals like PETA and Greenpeace andYeah, you
know what I mean-, you can explain your bed-bull that you only wanted to sleep a few
hours and if it doesnt care to leave you fulfill your wishes. Try it man Its a bed!
85. Have you think to move like your matress? If it counter its movements effects
youre a lucky guy!
86. If you had a water matress, you could cut it and proove to get a relaxing bath,
dont you think? Maybe it makes you have wet dreams
87. It is obviously, if you havent got walls, you have no preocupations. Ooooh pure
88. The Korsakoff Method: dont go sleep! Get a little drunker with beer, beer, gin,
whisky, beer, gin, rum, beer Not vodka, are youcrazy?
89. Paint the walls of the room, be creative and take advantage of the circular motion
you see when you're drunk: and you will see an animated film!
90. Hire a mad scientist that researches the formula giving the spirits that leave no
hangover! Be very careful and pay attention to their delusions of grandeur, these
people tend to want to dominate the world.
91. If you drink with water, you will hydrate yourself at the same time youre drinking
alcohol! Also, refreshments are for children.
92.The Horror Film: edit a video by disgusting videos to create the Great Filth of
Videos. You will vomit and shock will make you fall into a deep sleep.
93. Request an anesthetist by catalog, they are at all shapes and colors, catch them all!
If you prefer, also available the female version.
94. You must walk one hundred steps, spin yourself three times, walk with a limp
along five meters, shout suuuuuuuuuuuuuugar and drink an banana and egg
milkshake, without milk.
95.Cover the walls of your room with foam, if dropped, at least you will not break any
5. 96. Have you think in a poltergeist? You should call an expert. Fuck, yes, an exorcist or
ghostbusters who fights against the evil in your room. Ghostbusters! Tanana nana
nana, tana nana nana
97. Check that it is happening at the other rooms... of your apartment building! It
doesnt matter what time is it or when your tiresome neighbor will wake up, go inside
and study it. It can be a structural problem. But you have to test the beds!
98. Theres an earthquake reaching 8.3 Richters magnitude, you arent cause you
havent drunk anything, oh God!... So call your loved ones and run to take cover under
your bed. You must save your life!
99. The Battering Ram Method: Go hit your head against the wall until youll faint.
Maybe youll bleed but it is an efective method.
100. An atomic bomb have just exploited, so arm yourself with anything and get ready,
because you wont be alone, theres a Zombie Apocalypse! Theres no time to sleep...