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Brainstorming on Web technologies
       and the pipeorgan DB
           Achille Peternier
Towards a FP7
? A new international platform for all
  – Lesson learned from previous (national)
  – Consensus
  – Using modern technologies
? Definition of standards
  – Categorizing instruments
  – Storing the information
Towards a FP7

Historical aspects       IT support

- How to access/store/modify data
- How to present the content
? Create a group of experts to define a universal
  categorization standard for pipeorgans
  – The world is full of standards: ISO, JPEG, PDF, etc.

? What information to collect and how?

? How robust it is?
  – Test the standard against worst-cases
? A standard allows us to:
  – Easily share data and concepts
     ? Organ builders and software designers working under the
       same roof
  – Automatic data processing:
     ? Define a file format
     ? Build compatible DBs
     ? Build adapters to export/import to/from the standard
  – Future generations will complain and improve the
    standard (iteration) ?
     ? Make it extendable
Towards a FP7
? A location
? A series of events
  – Deltas over the previous state
? F(location, date) = sum(all events)
  – Add, sub, migrate, destroy, …

St. Martin
Mendrisio, CH

 1523     1630   1712          1890   Today

St. Martin                                 1911
Mendrisio, CH

 1523     1630                            Moved to:
                                        City Museum
                                           Zug, CH

                 1712            1890                 Today

City Museum
Zug, CH

 1900             1911                 1990

                 From:                Modified:
               St. Martin            Mean-tone
              Mendrisio, CH         temperament

? …a different approach?
How to?
How to?
? Two static elements:
   – Location
      ? Churches, organ builders’ workshops, concert halls, private houses,
   – Time
      ? A specific moment

? Two dynamic elements:
   – Bricks
      ? Can be anything: a stop, a kind of keyboard, a kind of temperament,
        an organ body, a location within the church, etc.
      ? Are stored in a tree
   – Actions
      ? Are the glue among atoms, locations and time.
      ? Can be add, remove, relocate, modify, destroy, etc.
How to?

   Location:           Action:            Atom:

St. Martin
Mendrisio, CH   Add   (1st   Oct. 1771)
How to?


Brainstorming on Web Technologies and the Pipeorgan Database
How to?
                                                             St. Martin
                  61 keys                                    Mendrisio, CH
 Short                                     Organ

Keyboard          Organ body              Entrance                       Organ body

                                       Mechanic                                           Electric
Principal                                                                         Regal

 Metal                                            Keyboard
                               Wood                                      Metal            Wood
         Octave                              Short
                                                               49 keys
How to?

            Organ body              Organ body

Hauptwerk                                           Positiv


 Metal                              Metal            Wood
How to?
          St. Martin
          Mendrisio, CH

  Organ                   Organ

Choir                        Transept

How to?

   St. Martin
   Mendrisio, CH


       Organ body   Keyboard

                      Short     61 keys

      Principal     Regal
How to?

   St. Martin
   Mendrisio, CH


       Organ body                   Keyboard

                            Short              61 keys

      Principal     Regal
How to?

            Organ body              Organ body

Hauptwerk                                           Positiv


 Metal                              Metal            Wood
Ivory                  Ebony

         Diatonic       Chromatic   How to?
 Short              50 keys             Organ

Keyboard            Organ body                    Organ body

Hauptwerk                                                         Positiv


 Metal                                            Metal            Wood
Lead 20%            Tin 80%                                      Walnut
How to?
        Before:            Action:                 After:

      Organ body                              Organ body


      Meantone             modify                  Equal

St. Martin       Museum    relocate   St. Martin      Museum

             Organ                                 Organ
How to?
? By hand? No way!
How to?
? IT support:
  – On data acquisition:
     ? Wizards, GUIs
  – On data validation:
     ? Automatic error detection
  – On data visualization:
     ? Optimize view according to the content
        – Zoom, timebar, multimedia content, etc.
  – On data processing:
     ? AI
Brainstorming on Web Technologies and the Pipeorgan Database
? Adding
    GPS coords   :
   – Can be inferred from street/building names
   – Visualization over a map

? Adding
    GPS coords    :
   – Geographical-based queries
       ? Where is the closest meantone instrument to my
   – Regional statistics
       ? What is the density of Regal in the Paris area?
? Web-oriented infrastructure
  – à la Wikipedia
     ? Different user levels (from visitors to content providers)
  – A single application for everything
     ? No need for MS-Access
  – Typical Wiki-like content:
     ? History of the building, stop descriptions, famous
       organists who played, etc.
? Distributed infrastructure
  – One server per country
  – Synching data overnight
     ? Backup
     ? Performance
Extra features
? Web-site to brochure
Extra features
? 2D barcodes
Extra features
? Mobile app
  – GPS
  – Organ as tags
Extra features
? Mobile support for data gathering
  – Simplified data input
     ?   Multimedia
     ?   GPS coords
     ?   Following a protocol
     ?   Automatic verification
  – Corollary tools
     ? Temperament recognizer?

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Brainstorming on Web Technologies and the Pipeorgan Database

  • 1. Brainstorming on Web technologies and the pipeorgan DB Achille Peternier
  • 2. Towards a FP7 ? A new international platform for all – Lesson learned from previous (national) experiences – Consensus – Using modern technologies ? Definition of standards – Categorizing instruments – Storing the information
  • 3. Towards a FP7 Historical aspects IT support - How to access/store/modify data - How to present the content
  • 4. Standards ? Create a group of experts to define a universal categorization standard for pipeorgans – The world is full of standards: ISO, JPEG, PDF, etc. ? What information to collect and how? ? How robust it is? – Test the standard against worst-cases
  • 5. Standards ? A standard allows us to: – Easily share data and concepts ? Organ builders and software designers working under the same roof – Automatic data processing: ? Define a file format ? Build compatible DBs ? Build adapters to export/import to/from the standard – Future generations will complain and improve the standard (iteration) ? ? Make it extendable
  • 9. Timeline ? A location ? A series of events – Deltas over the previous state ? F(location, date) = sum(all events) – Add, sub, migrate, destroy, …
  • 10. Timeline St. Martin Mendrisio, CH 1523 1630 1712 1890 Today
  • 11. Timeline St. Martin 1911 1771 Mendrisio, CH 1523 1630 Moved to: City Museum Zug, CH 1712 1890 Today
  • 12. Timeline City Museum Zug, CH 1900 1911 1990 From: Modified: St. Martin Mean-tone Mendrisio, CH temperament
  • 15. How to? ? Two static elements: – Location ? Churches, organ builders’ workshops, concert halls, private houses, etc. – Time ? A specific moment ? Two dynamic elements: – Bricks ? Can be anything: a stop, a kind of keyboard, a kind of temperament, an organ body, a location within the church, etc. ? Are stored in a tree – Actions ? Are the glue among atoms, locations and time. ? Can be add, remove, relocate, modify, destroy, etc.
  • 16. How to? Location: Action: Atom: St. Martin Organ Mendrisio, CH Add (1st Oct. 1771)
  • 17. How to? Organ Organ Organ
  • 19. How to? St. Martin 61 keys Mendrisio, CH Short Organ Keyboard Organ body Entrance Organ body Positiv Hauptwerk Mechanic Electric Meantone Equal Principal Regal Flute Metal Keyboard Wood Metal Wood Octave Short 49 keys Metal
  • 20. How to? Organ Organ body Organ body Hauptwerk Positiv Regal Principal Flute Metal Metal Wood Wood
  • 21. How to? St. Martin Mendrisio, CH Organ Organ Organ Choir Transept Mobile
  • 22. How to? St. Martin Mendrisio, CH Organ Organ body Keyboard Hauptwerk Short 61 keys Principal Regal
  • 23. How to? St. Martin Mendrisio, CH Organ Organ body Keyboard Hauptwerk Short 61 keys Principal Regal
  • 24. How to? Organ Organ body Organ body Hauptwerk Positiv Regal Principal Flute Metal Metal Wood Wood
  • 25. Ivory Ebony Diatonic Chromatic How to? Short 50 keys Organ Pression Keyboard Organ body Organ body Pression Hauptwerk Positiv Regal Principal Flute Metal Metal Wood Wood Lead 20% Tin 80% Walnut
  • 26. How to? Before: Action: After: Organ body Organ body remove Regal Meantone modify Equal St. Martin Museum relocate St. Martin Museum Organ Organ
  • 27. How to? ? By hand? No way!
  • 28. How to? ? IT support: – On data acquisition: ? Wizards, GUIs – On data validation: ? Automatic error detection – On data visualization: ? Optimize view according to the content – Zoom, timebar, multimedia content, etc. – On data processing: ? AI
  • 30. Geolocalization ? Adding GPS coords : – Can be inferred from street/building names – Visualization over a map City Museum Positiv
  • 31. Geolocalization ? Adding GPS coords : – Geographical-based queries ? Where is the closest meantone instrument to my home? – Regional statistics ? What is the density of Regal in the Paris area?
  • 32. WWW ? Web-oriented infrastructure – à la Wikipedia ? Different user levels (from visitors to content providers) – A single application for everything ? No need for MS-Access – Typical Wiki-like content: ? History of the building, stop descriptions, famous organists who played, etc.
  • 33. WWW ? Distributed infrastructure – One server per country – Synching data overnight ? Backup ? Performance
  • 36. Extra features ? Mobile app – GPS – Organ as tags
  • 37. Extra features ? Mobile support for data gathering – Simplified data input ? Multimedia ? GPS coords ? Following a protocol ? Automatic verification – Corollary tools ? Temperament recognizer?