3. Initial research into the valuation of
brands originated from two areas :
marketing measurement of brand equity, and
the financial treatment of brands.
The first was popularized by Keller (1993), and
included subsequent studies by Lassar et al
(1995) on the measure of brand strength, by Park
and Srinivasan (1994) on evaluating the equity of
brand extension, Kamakura and Russell (1993) on
single-source scanner panel data to estimate
brand equity, and Aaker (1996) and Montameni
and Shahrokhi (1998) on the issue of valuing
brand equity across local and global markets.
5. The financial treatment of brands has traditionally
stemmed from the recognition of brands on the balance
sheet (Barwise et.al., 1989, Oldroyd, 1994, 1998),
which presents problems to the accounting profession
due to the uncertainty of dealing with the future nature
of the benefits associated with brands, and hence the
reliability of the information presented.
Tollington (1989) has debated the
distinction between goodwill and intangible
brand assets.
Further studies investigated the impact on
the stock price of customer perceptions of
perceived quality, a component of brand
equity (Aaker and Jacobson, 1994), and on
the linkage between shareholder value and
the financial value of a company's brands
(Kerin and Sethuraman, 1998).
8. The
co-dependency of the marketing
and accounting professions in
providing joint assessments of the
valuation of brands has been
recognized by Calderon et al (1997)
and Cravens and Guilding (1999).
9. They
provide useful alternatives
to the traditional marketing
perspectives of brands (Aaker,
1991; Kapferer, 1997; Keller,
1998; Aaker & Joachimsthaler,
10. The debate over the appropriate
method of valuation continues in the
literature (Perrier, 1997) and in the
commercial world.
11. The commercial valuation of brands has
been led by Interbrand, a UK-based
firm specializing in valuing brands,
Financial World, a magazine which has
provided annual estimates of brand
equity since 1992, and Brand Finance
Limited, a British consulting