The artisans have modified motifs based on the whims and fancies of the kings who invaded and ruled India for several years. For creating the variety of motifs and designs, weavers and designers had also taken inspiration from their environment.
MSCI's decision to delay A share' inclusion won't slow China's pace to furthe...Nan BAI鐚CFA
A-share inclusion proposal will be revisited in MSCI's 2017 Market Classification Review if not earlier. Another year of capital market liberalization ahead of us to look forward to.
The document provides tips for designing different areas of a commercial office space, including meeting rooms, employee lounges, reception desks, waiting areas, and workstations. Some key suggestions are to use plants and motivational quotes to enhance spaces, include comfortable seating, optimize lighting, and choose colors and furniture that create a productive but relaxing environment for employees and guests.
Este documento discute los principios deontol坦gicos y define el peculado y el cohecho. Explica que el peculado implica la malversaci坦n de fondos p炭blicos por parte de funcionarios, mientras que el cohecho implica sobornar a un funcionario a cambio de un acto u omisi坦n. Tambi辿n resume las sanciones legales por cometer peculado o cohecho seg炭n el C坦digo Penal Federal de M辿xico, incluyendo multas, prisi坦n e inhabilitaci坦n para ocupar cargos p炭blicos.
This document contains a resume for Md Ismail. It includes contact information, career and education histories, areas of expertise, and references. Md Ismail has 4 years of experience working in administration and asset management. He holds qualifications in Islamic studies including a Kamil Masters degree and has expertise in Arabic language teaching, Islamic lectures, and office maintenance. His current role is as an Executive at Bangla Trac Ltd where he manages fixed assets, procurement, and housekeeping.
The shooting plan outlines the details for filming on October 8th, including the start time of 2pm, locations, and people involved. Six actors and actresses will be present, along with the director and cinematographer. Equipment like a Canon 70d camera, batteries, tripod, and Go-Pro will be used. The process will begin with picking up equipment, charging batteries, and meeting the cast. The first scene to be filmed is an exterior scene in the park involving all characters. A shot list and spare scripts will be used to ensure everyone knows their roles.
El documento describe las consecuencias y causas de la prostituci坦n. Entre las causas se encuentran la marginaci坦n social, la falta de apoyo familiar, la pobreza extrema, la drogadicci坦n, la inmigraci坦n ilegal, el aumento del desempleo y el ejercicio forzado por proxenetas. La prostituci坦n puede traer consecuencias peores que una vida humilde pero digna, y a menudo es la 炭nica salida que sienten tener algunas personas para sustentarse a s鱈 mismas y a sus familias.
This document discusses marketing strategies for Colgate's new Precision toothbrush. It analyzes the toothbrush market, noting customers are willing to pay more for cavity and gum prevention. For the Precision, it recommends a niche market strategy initially targeting the emerging super premium segment. This involves aggressive advertising and sampling to establish the Precision brand's technical superiority over competitors in plaque removal and gum health. Financial forecasts project higher initial profits from the niche versus mainstream strategy due to less cannibalization of existing Colgate brands.
This document provides a detailed summary and analysis of the graphic novel Ms. Marvel: No Normal. It discusses how the main character Kamala Khan struggles with her identity as a Muslim Pakistani-American teenage girl. Kamala feels caught between her religious identity and American peers. She secretly wishes to fit into mainstream American culture. The analysis examines how Kamala navigates cultural expectations from her family and community while developing her new superpowers and superhero identity as Ms. Marvel.
Este documento presenta un modelo de gesti坦n de responsabilidad social empresarial para la industria del calzado en Per炭. Incluye un diagn坦stico del contexto empresarial y las presiones del entorno, un an叩lisis de la situaci坦n actual de RSE en la empresa By Franco, e identifica los grupos de inter辿s. Luego propone un plan de acci坦n con buenas pr叩cticas de RSE y recomendaciones para mejorar el desempe単o social y ambiental de la empresa. El objetivo final es establecer un sistema de gesti坦n, evaluaci坦n y comunicaci坦n de acc
Dr. Chan Hellman's Keynote Address from the 2016 Science of HOPE conference.
Positive psychology is an emerging field focused on the scientific study of human strengths and the capacity for individuals, groups, and communities to thrive. Within this field, Hope has emerged as one of the top strengths contributing to well-being. This seminar will present the science of Hope as a meaningful resource in our ability to cope with traumatic experiences and flourish toward future goals, and will also present hands-on tools to assess hope and develop strategies to attain established desirable goals. Finally, this seminar will present scientific studies conducted by the University of Oklahomas Center of Applied Research for Nonprofit Organizations that demonstrate the power of hope among children and adults who have experienced trauma.
El documento analiza la evoluci坦n de la tecnolog鱈a y su impacto en la forma de vida humana y el desarrollo de la sociedad y la cultura a lo largo de la historia. Explica c坦mo en sus or鱈genes los humanos se dedicaban a la recolecci坦n y caza para alimentarse, pero luego descubrieron la agricultura y la ganader鱈a, lo que les permiti坦 asentarse y tener alimentos m叩s cerca. Posteriormente desarrollaron la navegaci坦n para transportarse a otros lugares, usando balsas de troncos, y la fundici坦n de
Stephany Cuevas, EdM Presentation at 2016 Science of HOPE
In this session, participants will be introduced to family and community engagement research in order to begin to interrogate why we need to partner with families and communities in service work.
Participants will be exposed to different narratives and perspectives about families and communities and will be engaged in conversations about how to push beyond deficit thinking and stereotypes, which often deter partnership opportunities. Additionally, participants will be introduced to frameworks, including research-based best practices, which allow us to understand how to do partnership work in a mutually benefiting and respectful matter.
Chris Soderquist presentation at the 2016 Science of HOPE
This session will introduce participants to a powerful approach to orchestrating useful learning across difficult boundaries using system dynamics. Through real world examples and interactive exercises, participants will learn how system dynamics can help them gain far more useful leverage when addressing complex, adaptive challenges. Participants will also see how this approach was used in a project funded by the Foundation for Healthy Generations to guide strategic decisions in Washington (and other states) for building community capacity and resilience.
This document contains a list of 18 items labeled TRP1 through TRP18, grouped into sections separated by line breaks. It concludes with a thank you message.
Microsoft Access es un sistema de gesti坦n de bases de datos creado por Microsoft para uso personal o de peque単as organizaciones. Forma parte de Microsoft Office y permite crear, modificar y relacionar tablas de datos, realizar consultas e informes, e incluso desarrollar aplicaciones completas con formularios y c坦digo Visual Basic.
This document provides information about Opuntia Garden, a business that aims to incentivize people to buy cacti native to the Andean dry forest to use in their home gardens or decorations by making these low maintenance plants easily accessible. It seeks to help everyone find the cactus best suited to their needs and is located in Hacienda Verde, Puellaro.
Casey Gelin has over 5 years of experience in customer service roles, including as a call center representative, cashier, host, and administrative assistant. She has strong skills in training, customer service, communication, and adapting to diverse environments. Gelin has a bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University and has worked in several departments and organizations at OSU, demonstrating experience in both the private and higher education sectors. Her resume highlights a diverse work history with responsibilities such as greeting customers, cash handling, office administration, and providing support to faculty and staff.
The document provides a resume for Jakub B. Goralski, an architectural designer with over 7 years of experience. It lists his education as a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Technical University of Gdanski in Poland. It then details Goralski's work experience on several hotel, airport, library and hospital projects in various design and architectural roles.
. マ留 裡留略龍侶: Foundation Analysis and Design: Single Piles
Welcome to this comprehensive presentation on "Foundation Analysis and Design," focusing on Single PilesStatic Capacity, Lateral Loads, and Pile/Pole Buckling. This presentation will explore the fundamental concepts, equations, and practical considerations for designing and analyzing pile foundations.
We'll examine different pile types, their characteristics, load transfer mechanisms, and the complex interactions between piles and surrounding soil. Throughout this presentation, we'll highlight key equations and methodologies for calculating pile capacities under various conditions.
What is vibe coding AI-powered software development explained.pdfmahaffeycheryld
Vibe Coding integrates AI into the software development lifecycle, automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and enabling faster project completion.
This document discusses marketing strategies for Colgate's new Precision toothbrush. It analyzes the toothbrush market, noting customers are willing to pay more for cavity and gum prevention. For the Precision, it recommends a niche market strategy initially targeting the emerging super premium segment. This involves aggressive advertising and sampling to establish the Precision brand's technical superiority over competitors in plaque removal and gum health. Financial forecasts project higher initial profits from the niche versus mainstream strategy due to less cannibalization of existing Colgate brands.
This document provides a detailed summary and analysis of the graphic novel Ms. Marvel: No Normal. It discusses how the main character Kamala Khan struggles with her identity as a Muslim Pakistani-American teenage girl. Kamala feels caught between her religious identity and American peers. She secretly wishes to fit into mainstream American culture. The analysis examines how Kamala navigates cultural expectations from her family and community while developing her new superpowers and superhero identity as Ms. Marvel.
Este documento presenta un modelo de gesti坦n de responsabilidad social empresarial para la industria del calzado en Per炭. Incluye un diagn坦stico del contexto empresarial y las presiones del entorno, un an叩lisis de la situaci坦n actual de RSE en la empresa By Franco, e identifica los grupos de inter辿s. Luego propone un plan de acci坦n con buenas pr叩cticas de RSE y recomendaciones para mejorar el desempe単o social y ambiental de la empresa. El objetivo final es establecer un sistema de gesti坦n, evaluaci坦n y comunicaci坦n de acc
Dr. Chan Hellman's Keynote Address from the 2016 Science of HOPE conference.
Positive psychology is an emerging field focused on the scientific study of human strengths and the capacity for individuals, groups, and communities to thrive. Within this field, Hope has emerged as one of the top strengths contributing to well-being. This seminar will present the science of Hope as a meaningful resource in our ability to cope with traumatic experiences and flourish toward future goals, and will also present hands-on tools to assess hope and develop strategies to attain established desirable goals. Finally, this seminar will present scientific studies conducted by the University of Oklahomas Center of Applied Research for Nonprofit Organizations that demonstrate the power of hope among children and adults who have experienced trauma.
El documento analiza la evoluci坦n de la tecnolog鱈a y su impacto en la forma de vida humana y el desarrollo de la sociedad y la cultura a lo largo de la historia. Explica c坦mo en sus or鱈genes los humanos se dedicaban a la recolecci坦n y caza para alimentarse, pero luego descubrieron la agricultura y la ganader鱈a, lo que les permiti坦 asentarse y tener alimentos m叩s cerca. Posteriormente desarrollaron la navegaci坦n para transportarse a otros lugares, usando balsas de troncos, y la fundici坦n de
Stephany Cuevas, EdM Presentation at 2016 Science of HOPE
In this session, participants will be introduced to family and community engagement research in order to begin to interrogate why we need to partner with families and communities in service work.
Participants will be exposed to different narratives and perspectives about families and communities and will be engaged in conversations about how to push beyond deficit thinking and stereotypes, which often deter partnership opportunities. Additionally, participants will be introduced to frameworks, including research-based best practices, which allow us to understand how to do partnership work in a mutually benefiting and respectful matter.
Chris Soderquist presentation at the 2016 Science of HOPE
This session will introduce participants to a powerful approach to orchestrating useful learning across difficult boundaries using system dynamics. Through real world examples and interactive exercises, participants will learn how system dynamics can help them gain far more useful leverage when addressing complex, adaptive challenges. Participants will also see how this approach was used in a project funded by the Foundation for Healthy Generations to guide strategic decisions in Washington (and other states) for building community capacity and resilience.
This document contains a list of 18 items labeled TRP1 through TRP18, grouped into sections separated by line breaks. It concludes with a thank you message.
Microsoft Access es un sistema de gesti坦n de bases de datos creado por Microsoft para uso personal o de peque単as organizaciones. Forma parte de Microsoft Office y permite crear, modificar y relacionar tablas de datos, realizar consultas e informes, e incluso desarrollar aplicaciones completas con formularios y c坦digo Visual Basic.
This document provides information about Opuntia Garden, a business that aims to incentivize people to buy cacti native to the Andean dry forest to use in their home gardens or decorations by making these low maintenance plants easily accessible. It seeks to help everyone find the cactus best suited to their needs and is located in Hacienda Verde, Puellaro.
Casey Gelin has over 5 years of experience in customer service roles, including as a call center representative, cashier, host, and administrative assistant. She has strong skills in training, customer service, communication, and adapting to diverse environments. Gelin has a bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University and has worked in several departments and organizations at OSU, demonstrating experience in both the private and higher education sectors. Her resume highlights a diverse work history with responsibilities such as greeting customers, cash handling, office administration, and providing support to faculty and staff.
The document provides a resume for Jakub B. Goralski, an architectural designer with over 7 years of experience. It lists his education as a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Technical University of Gdanski in Poland. It then details Goralski's work experience on several hotel, airport, library and hospital projects in various design and architectural roles.
. マ留 裡留略龍侶: Foundation Analysis and Design: Single Piles
Welcome to this comprehensive presentation on "Foundation Analysis and Design," focusing on Single PilesStatic Capacity, Lateral Loads, and Pile/Pole Buckling. This presentation will explore the fundamental concepts, equations, and practical considerations for designing and analyzing pile foundations.
We'll examine different pile types, their characteristics, load transfer mechanisms, and the complex interactions between piles and surrounding soil. Throughout this presentation, we'll highlight key equations and methodologies for calculating pile capacities under various conditions.
What is vibe coding AI-powered software development explained.pdfmahaffeycheryld
Vibe Coding integrates AI into the software development lifecycle, automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and enabling faster project completion.
Building a Strong Portfolio for Your Software Engineering CareerNavinda Dissanayake
This comprehensive presentation guides software engineering students and early-career professionals through the essential steps for creating and maintaining an impactful portfolio. It highlights the critical role portfolios play in differentiating candidates during internships and job applications. The presentation offers detailed guidance on crafting professional profiles across platforms like GitHub, LinkedIn, and personal websites, emphasizing consistency and professionalism. Participants will learn best practices for selecting high-quality projects, creating thorough documentation, and maintaining clean, professional code. Additionally, the session provides curated resources for sourcing innovative project ideas and engaging in open-source contributions. It addresses common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid, such as blindly following tutorials, using unreviewed AI-generated code, and poor version control practices. Lastly, practical tips are provided for effectively presenting portfolios on resumes, continuous portfolio maintenance, professional engagement, and strategies for ongoing skill enhancement.
1. Machine Learning: Discover the world of AI and ML!
2. App Development: Build innovative mobile apps!
3. Competitive Programming: Enhance your coding skills!
4. Web Development: Create stunning web applications!
5. Blockchain: Uncover the power of decentralized tech!
6. Cloud Computing: Explore the world of cloud infrastructure!
Join us to unravel the unexplored, network with like-minded individuals, and dive into the world of tech!