Dr. Ricardo Valerdi delivered a keynote speech at the IFPUG conference in São Paulo, Brazil on September 13, 2010. On September 14, he met with Dr. George Sousa, the new INCOSE Ambassador in Brazil, in Goiânia to discuss forming an INCOSE chapter in Brazil. There are currently 20 active INCOSE members across several cities in Brazil. Dr. Sousa believes there is potential to apply systems engineering in Brazil's renewable energy industry, particularly with ethanol. He proposes connecting Dr. Sousa with other INCOSE members in Brazil, launching an INCOSE Brazil LinkedIn group, organizing a systems engineering seminar, and developing a plan to
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Brazil Trip Report Sept 2010 Valerdi
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September 13 & 14, 2010
Keynote Speech at IFPUG Conference in São Paulo
and meeting with Dr. George Sousa, new INCOSE Ambassador in Brazil, in Goiânia
From: Dr. Ricardo Valerdi
To: Dr. TS Yeo
Cc: Dr. George Sousa
Dr. Geilson Loureiro
Carlos Henrique Netto Lahoz
Robert Haligan
Bruce Shelton
Eric Belle
INCOSE Members in Brazil
INCOSE Board of Directors
INCOSE Central
Keynote Speech at IFPUG Conference in São Paulo
On September 13, 2010 I delivered the keynote presentation
at the International Software Measurement & Analysis
Conference in São Paulo. The event was hosted by the
International Function Points User Group and co‐sponsored
by a number of organizations including INCOSE. About 150
people were in attendance.
Note the INCOSE logo on the conference banner (top row, far
right side).
Meeting with Dr. George Sousa, new INCOSE Ambassador in
On September 14, 2010 I met with Dr. George Sousa in
Goiânia (central Brazil). George is interested in leading
the formation of a chapter in Brazil. Currently, there are
20 active INCOSE members in the following cities: São
José dos Campos (8), Rio de Janeiro (5), São Paulo (3),
Belo Horizonte (1), Curitiba (1), Brasilia (1), and Goiânia
Goiânia, which is 2 hours from Brasilia, the capitol of
Brazil, provides an advantage of being close to large
government agencies. George’s background is in
renewable energy and he obtained his PhD in Industrial
& Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech while taking