Moreton Bay College is a P-12 Girls School on the eastern outskirts of Brisbane. Three years ago the decision was taken at executive level that filtering was not the solution to our students cybersafety. In fact, stringent filtering was proving counter productive, as many new and potentially useful Web 2.0 sites were being blocked. The proliferation of 3G devices and the constant battle against proxy bypass sites also meant that filtering as a solution was doomed to failure. This presentation will look at the steps the school has taken to foster a climate of digital citizenship with its students inpreparation for the schools 1-to-1 implementation that began this year.
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10. The norms of appropriate, responsible behaviour with regard to technology use. (Mike Ribble, )
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14. Step 1: Digital Citizenship Committee Curriculum Head of College Head of Primary Director of Teaching and Learning Secondary Teacher Librarian Pastoral Head of Students School Psychologist Head of House IT Director of IT Primary e-Learning Facilitator Secondary e-Learning Facilitator Meets once a term.
15. Step 2: Updated Network Use Policy Had not been updated for 10 years The new agreement was based on the NetSafe 速 Cybersafety Use Agreement for Template and the old MBC Network Contract New Network Policy was developed in three forms: Primary Secondary Staff
16. Step 2: Updated Network Use Policy Developed in conjunction with: IT Department Pastoral Care Team Senior Leadership Team Students All students (from Grade 4-12) and staff members sign the agreement For students the agreement is signed by a student and their parent
17. Step 2: Updated Network Use Policy Key parts of the agreement: While at school, on a school-related activity or using school ICT resources from home, I will not have any involvement with any ICT material or activity which might put myself or anyone else at risk (e.g. bullying or harassing). I understand that I must not at any time use ICT to upset, offend, harass, threaten or in any way harm anyone connected to the school or the school itself, even if it is meant as a joke. At all times I must use appropriate language. I understand that the rules in this use agreement also apply to mobile phones or any other mobile device. I will only use my mobile phone(s) at the times that I am permitted to during the school day. I will ask a teachers permission before giving out any personal information (including photos or videos) online about myself or any other person. I will also get permission from any other person involved. Personal information includes name, address, email address, phone numbers, photos or videos.
18. Step 3: The Alannah & Madeline Foundation Joined a pilot program in 2010 Funding from the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)
19. E Smart School The world-leading system for cybersafety and wellbeing in schools. eSmart is an easy-to-use, evidence-based and tested system, providing a framework approach to helping Australian schools manage cybersafety and deal with cyberbullying and bullying.
20. Step 4: Resources Cybersmart: National Centre Against Bullying: / Bullying- No Way: Netsafe: www. netsafe NetSmartz : UK Safer Internet Centre : Cybersafety Solutions : Internet Education and Safety Services :
21. Step 5: Guest Speakers to Raise Awareness Susan McLean Brett Lee
22. Step 5: Guest Speakers to Raise Awareness Dr Michael Carr-Gregg ACMA Speakers
23. Step 6: Planned Curriculum Primary : Prep 7 cybersafety written into all planning documents Secondary Year 8: digital citizenship is a unit in the core IT course studied by all students Year 9-12: digital citizenship topics covered in the PDP course
24. Step 7: Student Events Cybersafety Poster Competition prizes from major IT suppliers included an ACER Aspire notebook and Sony digital camera Primary and secondary winners Posters used around the College
25. Step 7: Student Events National Cyber Safe Day teachers spoke with their students about cyber safe practices Be Cyber safe wall wearing of green ribbons by the girls role plays at assembly and the creation of webpages
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