Most of us are enclosed or locked up in cubicles, cubicles which are closed from all six sides. We all want to break out of these cubicles go out and live our life to the fullest.
Here is a True Story of a Software Engineer (Arham Faraaz) who broke out of his cubicle to follow and live his dreams,
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Breaking Out Of The Cubicle: True Success Story by a former software engineer
6. When I was a Project Lead at Dell Computers in 2012
7. I began my search to understand
what is
8. One day I was coming back to office with my
friends after having my lunch and my eyes fell
on a Leadership book. I wanted to buy it.
9. BUT, I thought my
friends would laugh at
me. I didnt want to
look foolish in front of
them by buying a
book on leadership.
10. Something happened
to me after 7 steps, I
stood still and went
Against the Grain to
pick up the book.
11. Little did I know that I was recreating my life
& career in those 7 steps.
12. That one book led me to
buy & read
30 more books
that year on success,
leadership & self help.
13. I observed many things in that 1 YEAR within
myself. I gave my EAR to my HEART. Sometimes
you must listen to your heart.
14. I learnt a lot about myself
17. My Power was
Speaking Skills
Coaching Skills
Motivating Skills
Learning Skills
Following my purpose
Communication Skills
Working on my strengths
Discovering my passion
People Skills
18. If you dont
Your Power,
You will become powerless.
-Arham Faraaz
41. Social Impact Initiative
Learn. Excel. Achieve. Drive
L.E.A.D a Social Impact Initiative started by Arham Faraaz, Oct 1st 2012
Is a Winner of Spark The Rise Season 2 Round 4 - 2013