The document discusses a sign language program started by IFMSA-Poland to teach medical students basic sign language. The summary is:
1) IFMSA-Poland created a sign language program to teach medical students basic sign language skills to improve communication with deaf patients.
2) Within 3 years, the program expanded to teach sign language in 7 of 11 local committees, providing courses for 200 students per year.
3) The program aims to eliminate communication barriers between doctors and deaf patients by improving students' ability to communicate with all patient populations.
8. Breaking the Silence
250 million people in the world have
hearing impairment
Breaking the Silence
9. Breaking the Silence
2/3 of these people live
in developing countries
Breaking the Silence
10. Breaking the Silence
Hearing loss is the 2nd leading
cause of Years Lived with Disability
Breaking the Silence
11. Breaking the Silence
As medical students we feel
responsible for good
communication with all our patients
Breaking the Silence
12. Breaking the Silence
70% of the diagnostic clues comes
from the conversation with patient
Breaking the Silence
13. Good contact between
doctor and patient
Breaking the Silence
proper diagnosis
positive influence on
the result of the treatment
patients sense of security
Breaking the Silence
15. Program
Breaking the Silence
200 students per year
60 hours of practical exercises
groups of 15-20 people
beginners: 400 words
advanced: 1000 words
final exam
certificate of the Polish Association of Deaf
Breaking the Silence
24. Plan of action
Breaking the Silence
Spreading the idea among NMOs and their LCs
Maintaining the website
Finding long-term sponsorship
Courses for other healthcare professionals
Breaking the Silence